Feeling lost and not knowing where to start


I have always been small all my life till I had my daughter in 1995 and went from being 109 to 172pds. then I came out pregnant and gave birth 11 months later to my 2nd daughter. My highest weight was in 2005 of 207pds and in 2007 weighed in at 149 pds. No exercise but walking and followed with stress. I am now at 220 pds and extremely depressed and my job is to sit for 10 hrs a day and I also have angina. I can not sleep at night and refuse to buy clothing becz I hate the way I look. My body retains a lot of water. I have no high cholestrol or thyoid problems. I at times do not eat enough. I would like to know what can I do to help me through this tough time. My goal is 140-145 and I am only 5 ft tall. I need to find the inner will and hope to be able to lose 30 pds by 11/25/2011. Help. I would love to hear from someone who has experienced the weight gain after children and why its so hard to lose it. whzt excercises target the thighs and buttocks becz thats where it all goes.


  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    Well, you start with a first step and you've taken it. If you don't have one, get a scale to weigh your food. You'll have to make time to exercise, because you won't succeed with out it. I know you get breaks, so get something you can do for your 15 minute breaks, and even during your 1/2 hour break. Start slow, make good food choices, fruit, vegetables, and stay away from the junk. Drink lots of water and log everything into MyFitnessPal.

    It works! Look at me, 21 pounds in 9 weeks.
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    This is a great website !! The people on here are AWESOME.. YOu've made the first step.. You can do this.. Make friends on here, they will keep you motivated .. You can add me if you like.. Good luck on your journey we're all here for you !!
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    My advice would just be to start!

    It really doesn't matter where or if you jump in or just slowly wade in. Stop planning about it, stop wondering the best way and just do it :) Target exercises build muscle, you can build muscle under fat if you don't bur the calories off too so they're really no use until you're close to your goal in terms of aesthetics (important forgeneral strength sure

    Basically just go for a walk, do some star jumps and about 80% of people on here seem to do Couch to 5 k or 30 day shred, so maybe try them out? 30DS helped me get into a good routine.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    You have made the first step. Like many here will tell you, log EVERYTHING and stick with it. Do not think "diet," think this is healthy eating. All you have to do now, is NOT QUIT.
  • fish119
    Add me and we will do this together. I weigh close to what you do and I'm 5'4. I too have an office job and sit most of the day. I do not have children....I am this fat because I love food. I eat when I'm stressed, I eat when I'm happy, I eat when I'm sad and I eat when I'm bored. This group has really made a huge difference for me..it's easier when you're not walking that road alone. I like to look at other people's daily meals and compare, I have found some healthy foods that I really like! You can do this!!
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    You yourself have made the first correct step by joining here. There is no easy quick fix it may seem hard at times but it is also very rewarding. I agree with everything ahavoc has said. Scales, good food and start with some exercise even a little is better than none. Perhaps invest in some health magazines to give you some good ideas or visit a Library. Do not wait for motivation as you may not recognise it when it comes, so instead just do it. Each day is a brand new day for you to make successful.
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    I totally understand your problems! Been there....i have 3 kids..i was always tiny, i am 5"8 and i always weighed about 138-140 and after my 3rd baby i was up to 215lbs....i was deeply depressed, hardly went out anywhere besides work and i was just an unhappy person..aches and pains from the extra weight, always looking terrible and feeling horrible. I just decided i was tired of being over weight and i was tired of feeling horrible and being unhealthy....I quit smoking...started drinking ALOT of water, ordered Turbo Jam and started working out 5x a week right from home....then i started eating better and watching my calories...ands before i knew it the weight was falling off...i currently weigh 138 lbs and feel terrific!!! You certainly do have to eat at least 1200 caqls a day for sure!! Otherwise your body will go into starvation without you even knowing....that will not help! If i were you, i would start using the diary and logging your food (maybe you already are) and make sure you are getting enough calories, make sure you are being active for at least 30-50min 4 or 5 times a week and make sure you get alot of water and at least 8h of sleep a night! I KNOW.....Who has time for all that? You just have to make time, find a way to work all this into yor routine adn it will just become your new lifestyle eventually....thats what i had to do!!! If you want something bad enough, you got to work har at it and you will get what you are after, then end result is so worth all the hard work!!:)
  • JessicaHerleXO
    JessicaHerleXO Posts: 19 Member
    You've made a great step on here, I find MFP so helpful. Just take it day by day, and focus on "health". Healthy foods, active lifestyle. It'll happen!
  • Brook70
    Brook70 Posts: 164
    I feel the exactly the same way that you do..........lost and not knowing where to start. I weighed 235, 20 days ago when I started on here. I am extremely depressed. I don't like myself at all. I also have a desk job and work 10 hours per day. I am a single mother of 2 wonderful children. I not only want to be healthy for them, I want to set a good example. I have also been out of the dating scene for 10 years. I am scared to death to put myself out there. Why would anyone like me if I don't even like myself? I have lost 9lbs so far and I weigh in every Wednesday. I am hoping to be down a couple more this week. I eat when I am happy, sad, bored ect. I have been doing fairly well on here with eating around 1200 calories. I struggle more with exercising. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical today and thought I was going to pass out, Lol! I am afraid of how I am going to handle when the scale doesn't move. I am a quitter!!! But, not this time. I am in it for the long haul. I want to be down 35-40lbs by New Years Eve! My goal on here to start is 75lbs, then I will re-evaluate at that time.

    I am super excited about this website. Everyone is so nice & encouraging. I find this site to be a little bit like Face Book CRACK! I am addicted to FB but I find myself getting on here more than on FB. In fact I haven't been on FB in almost a week. If I feel down or hungry, I just get on the message boards and read about others successes and struggles. It helps me so much.......

    Please feel to send me a friend request. I need all of the encouragement I can get. I am a great listener as well.
  • fine4now
    You came to the right place. Lots of motivation here. If your office has stairs walk them on your breaks. It is great for the legs. If you are dedicated to losing the weight you have all the tools you need on this site. Stick to the calories and exercise is the key. This site isnt really for being on a diet, it is based on getting ppl to learn to be healthy. So dont say your on a diet, Say I am changing the way I eat to be healthy. Feel free to add me as one of your supporters. We all need help in this journey.
  • Brook70
    Brook70 Posts: 164
    I agree with everything you have said....... HOW, did you get so motivated to do Turbo Jam everyday?? I am new to my weight loss journey and I struggle with the exercise aspect.
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    Start small; don't overwhelm yourself with a lot of changes at once. Get a food scale and start measuring/logging everything that goes into your mouth each day. Start exercising...this doesn't have to be complicated or expensive...just start off taking walks or taking stairs rather than elevators...you can always work up to more. Get some MFP friends - this really helps to keep yourself accountable. If you can afford it, get yourself a HRM (Heart Rate Monitor)...this is the most accurate way to calculate calories burned (Polar FT4 is very popular and affordable). Make sure you drink plenty of water...shoot for at least 64 oz. daily, though you may need a little more or less. Eat back at least some of your exercise calories...you have to fuel your body. Log in everyday. Don't expect overnight results - slow and steady is the healthiest way to lose weight.

    Friend me if you would like my support and good luck. :flowerforyou:
  • mountiewife
    Hey there! You are definately not alone! I gained a LOT of weight with every pregnancy ( I have 3 girls) and lost very little of it each time. I was about 85lbs heavier after having 3 kids!!!! Over the last 2 years I've lost about 50lbs but still have a long way to go. I just joined this site today, hoping that it would help me lose the rest of my weight....I'm gonna take it one day at a time. Don't feel discouraged, because u can do it!!! : ) Log everything you eat, drink your 8 glasses of water, it really does help. exercise is going to be key to dropping the lbs....I find it is also a good stress reliever, it is ME time, I also have a lot more energy! Don't give up, we are all on the same journey!:wink:smile: