i’ve basically gained all my weight back

hi this is more of a rant post my highest weight was 165lbs but when i started this time again i was 158lbs

due to lockdowns and having no friends or family or hanging out with anyone since new year i’ve realised that i’ve gotten into the bad habit again of eating my feelings and my weight is about 150lbs and my lowest in december was 141lbs i’m not sure how much of it is water weight bc i still fit in clothes that i know i definitely wouldn’t of fit into a year ago but still i’m so mad at myself and humiliated

idk how to get out of the habit of ordering take out. i’m thinking of removing the card from my phone and freezing my bank card. would that damage it? if i go without fast food for like 2 weeks i’m fine and don’t crave it but i barely go a day without it now


  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 242 Member
    currently i’m trying to her my sleeping schedule back to normal which has been going well i think that played a big part in it bc i think j it’s late at night when people crave foods abs if i’m up until 6am then that window is bigger idk
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    edited April 2021
    @trulyhealy You'll find your way and land back on your feet. You know what your budget can afford as far as the take-out goes. Freezing your bank card, what if you have a late-night emergency and the banks aren't open...think that one over. If you are going to continue ordering take-out, how about trying some new things. What kinds of foods are we talking about that you really enjoy. You can work hard on moderating portions of foods you really like.

  • trulyhealy
    trulyhealy Posts: 242 Member
    for example today i had 3,000 calories of junk and fine it hard to breath lying down
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,155 Member
    edited April 2021
    I think deleting the information from your phone/any other devices and putting your bank card in an inaccessible place is a good start. I have no idea if the freezer can damage it or not. But any out of the way, hard to reach corner or cupboard can do. You can delete accounts from websites in addition to just your financial information. Unbookmark any websites and clear your browser history so they aren't suggested to you. Throw away any paper menus if you're old school and have them lying around - same for saved numbers in your phone if you call.

    You mention staying up until 6am. How's your sleep? I get very hungry when I'm overtired, not to mention it's harder to make good decisions.

    Other thoughts: do you meal plan? Do you have healthy foods that fit in your calorie budget better? I think there's different approaches whether you're planning, but then ignoring the plan, vs. not planning to begin with.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    @trulyhealy Clear the decks because you're going to end this cycle. You're going to edge yourself back into the zone and mindset that makes you feel great. Let's start there to get back on track. What kinds of foods do you like.
  • zebasschick
    zebasschick Posts: 1,067 Member
    edited April 2021
    order lower calorie take out or smaller servings or - do you have a fridge? - eat half of each takeout, and eat the other half as a separate meal.

    you could also try getting into new interests. i got into watercolors during the pandemic and got back into drawing after years off, and both keep me happy and busy, which means less time to snack and more happiness without looking to food to "feed" feeling my positive feelings.
  • qhob_89
    qhob_89 Posts: 105 Member
    Is there an “accountability tool” that works for you? Like I do handwritten lists, it gives me something I can see and touch as a reminder. If I really needed to get into that level of accountability I’d write down a list by day that I can keep track of by completing, checking off, etc. (no takeout, ride your bike, 5 days until I can have ice cream, cake, drinks, takeout, etc.)
    Distraction and bartering with myself also help me... like today I went to the grocery store midday when I was hungry. (Bad idea!) there were a lot of “bad treats” I wanted to snag on my way out after I finished my list, over the weekend I bought myself a “naughty treat” and told myself no, no, no, you have that other naughty thing at home, so go home and eat that, don’t add more that will be tempting all week; you also have to ride the stationary bike to make up for it. By the time I got home and unloaded my few bags I was able to make a better decision on what to eat from leftovers. Can you make an agreement with yourself like- I’ll walk around the block before I make a decision to order? For me, a lot of times that whole distract yourself for 5-10 minutes also comes with enough self talk to talk myself out of a snap bad decision that derails my current success.
    Many times I just have to tell myself “remember where you were, remember where you are, and remember where you want to be.” I allow myself a lot of room, but when I push that too far, I remind myself how hard it’s been to go from that “where you were” to “where you are” and want to make it easier on myself long run to get to the “where you want to be.”

    At the end of the day- don’t beat yourself up! Remove the card info from your phone to avoid easy access and put a couple tools in place to keep yourself on track, it doesn’t have to be extreme, as you want to be able to keep those tools in place long term! Adjust sails as needed. You got this... you’ve already come a long way! Celebrate that and get back in the groove! Sending you all the hugs and luck for continued success!!
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    for example today i had 3,000 calories of junk and fine it hard to breath lying down

    Get help....... Or, decide to give up junk. Seems like you have issues with moderation. JMHO
  • Theoldguy1
    Theoldguy1 Posts: 2,487 Member
    trulyhealy wrote: »
    for example today i had 3,000 calories of junk and fine it hard to breath lying down

    Sounds like pretty good motivation to give up junk.
  • ThatCookieGurl
    ThatCookieGurl Posts: 42 Member
    I have similar feelings with food and I struggle a lot, but what I find is that I’ll still order out but I have off limit foods, unless I’ve fit it in with exercise or it’s a special day, that I won’t order. Pizza is my thing, but I don’t go to Papa Johns and opt for places that I can make my own and that is much less greasy like MOD Pizza. I don’t go to McDonalds at all unless it’s been a super ultra bad day because that will definitely get me off track. Just know what you like, recognize it, and put boundaries on the untouchable food. You can do it.