CLOSED GROUP-Get Ahead With The Shred!



  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Time differences always mess me up. I'm almost going to bed!

    I shouldn't have played badminton tonight. I've got some major calf muscle pain going on. Stretchy stretchy stretch.
  • ginny5775
    ginny5775 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey everyone!! My weigh in for the day-153.7 :(. I was doing sooo good before these injuries, but I'm ready to get back on track. I haven't done the shred yet, but I always have to wait until my daughter is asleep.
  • DanikaDawn
    I agree with @rosalindphyllis.
    So much sweat...

    1 day down, 29 to go! Took my "before" pictures before I started the shred and that gave me the motivation to power through the work out!

    How have you all been logging this? I did Cardio- 20 minutes- 180 calories burned. Does that seem right?

    Hope everyone is doing well! Don't forget to eat bananas, the potassium helps the muscle aches!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    I agree with @rosalindphyllis.
    So much sweat...

    1 day down, 29 to go! Took my "before" pictures before I started the shred and that gave me the motivation to power through the work out!

    How have you all been logging this? I did Cardio- 20 minutes- 180 calories burned. Does that seem right?

    Hope everyone is doing well! Don't forget to eat bananas, the potassium helps the muscle aches!

    I was told to log it as circuit training? It doesn't matter all that much if you're using a HRM, though.
  • olpbabe
    Hey everyone! Can't wait to start shredding. I'll be doing it in about an hour (giving my dinner some time to settle). I did take some measurements this morning, took my pictures, and weighed myself. I was 194.7. Gained a pound thanks to my TOM and the seafood festival I went to on Saturday, I'm guessing, since I've been pretty excellent with my food and even my exercise. No sweat, though, I'm not letting it bring me down!

    I was logging it as circuit training when I did it before, and it was around 250 calories for me. I'm going to buy a HRM soon to get a more accurate reading, but I'm not too, too worried about it.

    Good luck, everyone!
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 165.2. Still gaining. Part due to to stress and TOM. Funeral was today for father in law so I am hoping to get back on a semi schedule. I will be working out here in about an hour. Normally, I would do morning workouts but today was packed with family stuff. Evening it is...hope everyone had a great day!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Wow. Sweat. So much sweat. I was ready to puke after the first ten minutes. And then this little voice inside of me said "Well, if you puke, you can stop then." And I kept going. That is a MAJOR NSV for me. Even yesterday, I would've popped the DVD out, traded it for one of Sex and the City, and been done for the night. So I'm proud.I expect I'll be hurting tomorrow, though. Good suggestion about the bananas for potassium. I just kept laughing at myself because, beforehand, I kept thinking "It's 20 minutes. What are all these people making such a big deal about? I can do 20 minutes." Boy was that one of the hardest 20-minute periods of my life. It clicked for me when Jillian said "You don't get to only do a 20 minute workout and take breaks." Touche. I'll admit, I took 2 or 3 five second (yes, I counted) breathers so that I could re-hydrate. That's something she doesn't leave a lot of time for. As for tight calves, I do yoga and have a yoga strap (really, you could just use one of your belts) that stretches out my legs and arms in a wonderful way. Also, I parked almost at the farthest end of the grocery store tonight, even though there were FRONT ROW PULL THROUGH SPACES so I wouldn't have even had to back up, and I flew past my former boyfriends Ben and Jerry without a passing glance. A rough day, a tough day, but, in the end, a victorious day! Thanks to all the fellow shredders who've weighed in and checked in today (it's still Monday in the USA). Hope everybody logs their first weigh-in soon! Good luck!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Also, I'm logging it as general circuit training but if you have an HRM (heart rate monitor), you should go that route. :wink:
  • olpbabe
    Funeral was today for father in law so I am hoping to get back on a semi schedule. I will be working out here in about an hour. Normally, I would do morning workouts but today was packed with family stuff.

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with your family.

    Michelle, great job passing up the boys Ben and Jerry! And for sticking through the DVD until the end.

    I just finished my day 1. Not horrible, but I definitely took several breaks...especially when doing the lunges. My poor knee just can't handle that. I did still do the arm movements. And, of course, I couldn't finish the bicycle crunches. I did stop them halfway and do a regular crunch, but then picked back up the bicycle crunches at the end. Definitely sweating!

    Here's to a great day 2, everyone! No guts, no glory!
  • Twoody83
    Twoody83 Posts: 40 Member
    Day one was good. Good thing I am in this group, I totally would not have done it otherwise, exhausted from golfing in the hot sun all day.

    Weighed in ...127 can't remember the last time i was under 130, yeah! Took pictures, i love the pictures (not the way they look now) because one day that bikini will be awesome!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    OH MY GOD. just finished level 1 day 1 about 30 seconds ago. that was so difficult!! especially those bicycle crunches. i was just waiting and waiting and waiting for her to say "TWO MORE!". sweating so much. good workout though. i'm going to have to do 30ds waaay earlier in the day tomorrow (it's 9:15pm now).

    @twoody: i know what you mean about not doing it otherwise. i was seriously considering being lazy tonight but I couldn't let my ladies down!

    Here's to a better day 2!
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Oh, ladies, I love you. It got to be about 8-ish pm EST and I thought "Well, I started this group, I guess I'm going to have to actually go through with it and do the d@mn workout." I seriously wouldn't have done it without this group. But now I feel like a warrior. Maybe that's silly but I didn't think I was going to make it and I did. I am not a fit person AT ALL (my level of exercise on MFP reads: very sedentary lifestyle) so to be able to wobble, gasp, sweat, melt, and shriek my way through that was a real feather in my cap. Here's to an even better day 2!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    Oh, ladies, I love you. It got to be about 8-ish pm EST and I thought "Well, I started this group, I guess I'm going to have to actually go through with it and do the d@mn workout." I seriously wouldn't have done it without this group. But now I feel like a warrior. Maybe that's silly but I didn't think I was going to make it and I did. I am not a fit person AT ALL (my level of exercise on MFP reads: very sedentary lifestyle) so to be able to wobble, gasp, sweat, melt, and shriek my way through that was a real feather in my cap. Here's to an even better day 2!

    good for you chedeco! and thanks for motivating us all, when we really didn't want to do it :) haha
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Weighed in this morning at 165.2. Still gaining. Part due to to stress and TOM. Funeral was today for father in law so I am hoping to get back on a semi schedule. I will be working out here in about an hour. Normally, I would do morning workouts but today was packed with family stuff. Evening it is...hope everyone had a great day!

    That's really sad news. I'm sorry to hear it. I hope you and your family are doing okay.

    Well Day 2 is done and dusted for me. To be honest, I was a little worried about my calves since I played an hour of badminton yesterday and they were really hurting. Seems like an overnight rest did them good though.

    I did way more lunges (I'm always really paranoid about doing them wrong) and I joined back in with the bicycle crunches at the end (took a few seconds out to do regular crunches). I wouldn't say it's getting easier, but I would say I did a lot less of the easier modifications this time around.

    28 days to go!
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    I was 119.4 this morning :-) but 20 min later I took a big crap so who knows, lol!

    Did my first day today, it was fun! besides a little discomfort in my knees from squatting it was ace. Got up a sweat and panting all the way through. I normally do squats on my toes but apparently this is incorrect form and did them with my heels down like in the video, and my left knee hurt quite a bit afterwards. My form is probably just bad.

    Can't wait to see how level 1 is in 9 more days! Off to shower!

    I took some bikini photos too. :) Challenge complete! this is also good because it's a bikini that requires big boobs to fit right, and mine are SUPER small - but I'm getting a boob job early next year because of a breast deformity. So it will be neat to see the difference in that too.
  • SuperScrabbleGirl
    SuperScrabbleGirl Posts: 310 Member
    Eurgh. Right knee is hurting. It's only muscle pain but I wanted a moan and here is the place to do it.
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everyone, we are doing pretty good. He had pancreatic cancer so we knew it was coming. We were blessed with 3 1/2 hrs after diagnosis. That is incredible.

    Confessions: I fell asleep last night after my post and did not do the workout. I was so drained and slept 1/2 the night in the couch. I am a day behind. :(

    I did do the workout this morning and took several breaks. Goal for day 10 NO BREAKS. worst move...squat thrusts. Yuck! Did them anyway did switch to my 3 lb from 5lb weights.

    I got a 64oz water bottle and I am going to finish it every day.

    Good job everyone! Ben and Jerry are my old flames too. Such cheaters! Lol
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    I also took before pics and measurements today.
  • rawrkeia
    rawrkeia Posts: 75 Member
    So I didn't do 30ds last night. 'Doctor' Philip said I wasn't allowed. Meaning my boyfriend told me until I get better I can't do it anymore...
    I think this is cause I don't wanna take dayquil and nyquil....
  • chedeco
    chedeco Posts: 109
    Well, we should all listen to our bodies and if that means modifications, resting a day here and there, or staying at a particular level longer than 10 days, then that's okay. Our goal is to support each other mentally and emotionally through this and hopefully make each other laugh along the way. After all, if you push your body when it hurts or you are sick, it can actually be detrimental (sometimes hurt is good...or so Jillian says...but sometimes it can lead to injury.) So do what you can and stay with us. Kudos to those who've made it through Day 2! Tina, hope you're taking care of yourself and your family physically, mentally, and emotionally and way to go with the 64 oz water bottle! I need one! Hope everyone's aches and pains feel better soon and that we get back on track. For what it's worth, I am having major personal stresses in my life, TOM has arrived, and I feel a migraine creeping. I figure if everyone else is going to be honest, I'll be honest, too. That's one of our best tools here, is to be honest with each other. And Ros, if you ever need a place to complain, this is certainly it! We're here for you! Love you all. :flowerforyou: