back in school and finding it harder to manage my food and e

So, I started my diet and exercise journey in Mid-June of this year and I'm happy to say that I am down 25lbs. My life had gotten pretty out of hand in the last year and I gained a ridiculous amount of weight. I completely stopped exercising and started eating like crap because I was trying to manage full time work and full time grad school. So, this summer I made the decision that that had to change. So while I was off from school for the summer and just working I started working out and started eating right and will admit I have been pretty successful.
Well now I have been back in school for 3 weeks and am finding it hard to keep my routine up with work and school. My major problem is the days that I am on campus. I spend 2 days a week on the school campus pretty much all day and those are my WORST eating days. I am rarely getting my workouts in those days either. I guess I am looking for suggestions on how I can better get through these days.
Thanks for the help and feel free to add me. I'm always looking for supportive positive people to go on this weight lose journey with.


  • bananamac
    bananamac Posts: 47 Member
    Well first, congrats on your success so far!

    In terms of managing the days you spend on campus, can you bring a lunchbox with you? Pack a sandwich, some soup, and healthy snacks to see you through the day?

    Do you drive to the campus? Can you park your car far enough away that you get in a 10 - 15 minute walk in the morning and evening? Even a little bit of exercise will help if you've been sitting all day.

    If neither of those are an option, you could track carefully what you eat, and either subtract those calories from the rest of the week, or exercise more on your "non-campus" days to work them off.

    Good luck! You'll find your balance eventually :)
  • pinkgigi
    pinkgigi Posts: 693 Member
    Planning, honestly it doesn't take much time, and it is worth the effort. Take a little cooler with you and pack the food you will eat for the day. If you can possibly take the long way around to get to and from classes, that will add a few extra exercise minutes.

  • hello_jen
    hello_jen Posts: 5 Member
    I have the same difficulties because I am a grad student as well and on campus all day, every day. In the past few weeks, I've found that packing my lunch every day really helps and I pack mid-day snacks too. The gym at my school also offers group fitness courses, and I work them into my schedule since they're free as part of my student fees. Maybe your school offers group fit classes too?
  • Tinasmythe
    Tinasmythe Posts: 45 Member
    I am a full time student and have issues with this as well. I HAVE to plan at least the night before an write down what I am going to eat. If I don't, I piddle and don't take care of my nutrition first. Yeah I can sneak in a quick workout but if I am eating the fried cafeteria food or running through a drive through I am just feletingthe workout. Plan. Plan. Plan.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    It is tough working and going to school while trying to lose weight you can do it.

    Packing your own lunch and snacks will help get you through the day while still providing good foods. Remember this site automatically gives you a calorie deficient so if you eat your calories or go slightly over you will be okay for that day. Just don't beat yourself up if that happens.

    Workout- you can talk a walk around the campus between classes if time, park farther away if it is safe to walk alone or go the gym if they have open workout times. You can always take the stairs instead of the elevator.

    Just a few suggestions and I hope this helps. Good luck on your journey.
  • kaycee526
    kaycee526 Posts: 56 Member
    thanks for the advice all! I will try to pack my food for the day with meals and snacks (to get me thru those long sits in class)