40+ Club: Fall Fitness Fanatics

I hope you found us!

40+ Gang, start posting away! This is the thread for the fall season!

Have a great day!


  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Hello everyone... Wanted to make sure I found the new thread before I left for Nevada

    Swiss... How's your daughters finger? I pray it's an easy fix. I've seen where it didn't heal properly and they've had to re break it. Don't blame yourself. My son had two broken wrists and complained they nurture but kept right on hanging out with ins friends. It wasn't until his friends left that he finally told me how bad his wrists were.

    Anyway, I didn't workout yesterday because it was my mothers birthday and today I did a lot of 9-11 special watching along with getting everything ready for working in Nevada. I just wanted you all to know. I'll be back Tuesday night so wed. I will let you know what exercise I was able to squeeze in.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good Morning! Just tagging the new thread for now.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,806 Member
    Good Morning! Back from a lovely trip to Maine. We decided at the last minute to fly up there instead of drive and am I glad we did! I think we would have found ourselves caught in some bad weather/flooding trying to get around the northeast. Even here in DC we've had alot of flooding (in fact, the beltway was closed near our home on the night we landed, which was crazy bad). We avoided all of that and had a great time (despite a little rain on the last couple of days). Very nice to get away, that's for sure.

    I finished my Insanity/Asylum rotation right before we left, but I decided to do another revised version of it this month. DH and I leave in three weeks for Florida to visit my in-laws, so I wanted a good rotation to fit into this timeframe....and I had great results with the Insanity/Asylum rotation. I will be adding more strength training this time, but that's more a preference than a need as I kept my muscle definition throughout the rotation AND my strength. But I just like strength training, so I want to do more.

    I also weighed myself for the first time in about 13 months right before we left. And the great news is I weighed exactly what I did a year ago (110), which was also my goal weight from two years ago. So I guess maintenance is working well for me.

    Happy to see so many people posting (on the last thread). Thanks, singfree, for opening the new thread! Hope you are all doing well.
  • navjhaj
    Checking in. I presume this must mean age, not weight lost, right? :)
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Wow, I thought I would never find you. Stupid me, kept overlooking the thread. No time to really post so I am just leaving myself a bookmark.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good morning glad I found the new thread
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi! Bookmarking the thread....will be back soon!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hi everyone! Just checking into get the thread on my list. Crazy Busy at work, so I'll try to check back in later.
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Spent about 8 hours yesterday building a new raised bed for the iris we went overboard ordering back in the spring. Hauled 11 40lb bags of soil, 2 50lb bags of composted manure, 3 25lb bags of organic compost, 2 40lbs bags of drainage rocks plus spent about an hour breaking up very dry, hard clay soil. We also bought 50 daffodil bulbs to plant. We thought that was too much but now hubs is talking about getting 100 more!

    Still need rain and it is supposed to be triple digits again this week. I can tell that the sunlight is looking more like fall though.

    We even made it to the gym on Saturday before going to buy supplies for the new bed. We go to the trainer tonight.

    Sing, thanks for the new thread. Take care all. TxMs
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Glad that most of us are finding the new thread.

    I got my prize for winning the first weeks challenge at work. It was a gift bag with a sports drink, which has 130 calories.:noway: Later I check further in the bag and found a pack of gum and a towel. I love the towel. It is one of those small ones that you take to the gym.:bigsmile:
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! I'm trying to get back on track and need some group motivation! I'm setting halloween goal for weight loss. I have fallen off the wagon with diet and exercise but am still tracking. just tracking the junk that I'm eating! But now starting today........it's a brand new day and will stay on track!
  • Betsybeee
    Betsybeee Posts: 113 Member
    love your pic!
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member

    Chris - happy belated birthday, I turned 41 this year as well. I am also in much better shape than I was at 40 (when I turned 40, I had a 6-month-old baby)! Finally decided this year to lose the baby weight.
  • trixie5059
    trixie5059 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey everyone
    Just bookmarking the thread...Thanks Lady Persia....I just followed you.
    hopefully I can start carving some time out for myself. My son started a new school, Grade 7...and is having a hard time..as well my work has been overwhelming.

  • sal0118
    Hi everyone,
    Busy at work. Will check in later.

  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    Hello everyone :)

    This morning before work, I dropped off my old baseball card collection at a local foster care facility. The collection has been collecting dust for close to 20 years, time to let it go. They were excited to get it :smile: This is part of my drive to make room for a power cage in my room so that I can safely do barbell exercises at home. Looking to get the Powerline PPR200X, or something similar. If I rearrange things a bit, I'll have just enough room to use it. Then I can quit the Gym and not worry about that scene any more :happy: Going to look around locally for something used, but if nothing comes up by the weekend, I'll be ordering a new one.

    One of my friends at work baked a batch of chocolate chip cookies for my birthday :laugh: I had 2 of them, they were good, but I found them very rich and sweet and 2 was more than enough. Goes to show how your tastes change depending on what you are used to. Haven't had a chocolate chip cookie for probably close to a year now.

    Weight Lifting Day: DB Squats, DB Bench Press, DB Glute Bridges

    The weight on those glute bridges is starting to get intense.

    *Becky: grats!!

    *Texssippian: Sounds like a lot of work!

    *tladame: thanks :) and grats!

    *Betsybee: welcome :)

    *navjhaj: yup! 40 y/o or over

    *StiringWendel: glad you had a good trip :)
  • trixie5059
    trixie5059 Posts: 45 Member
    Chris: Way too go with your workouts. I am trying to get motivated to start workouts again. I feel utterly dejected that I have to start right from the beginning again.
  • susioryan
    Found you all! Have to catch up.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    I'm enjoying (finally) a stretch of good weather around here. It was a wild week last week!

    I did a good upper body workout today followed by a long hike up the mountain. The mountain hike really makes me feel like I've accomplished something for the day. Slowly but surely I'm getting back into decent shape. At least my clothes are indicating it.

    Stiring, I'm glad to hear that your trip to ME was good. Send me a note about it if you get a chance!

    To all: I trust that everyone has found our new "fall" thread ok.

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :happy: Good morning all !!

    Chris, I know what you mean about our tastes changing when we eat healthy. I had a friend mention that she eats hotdogs. :noway: I can't imagine eating one of those. That is one thing that I really didn't have trouble giving up. But, she did say that she grills them...now, that just may be tempting.

    I went to my weight class last night. I am feeling so much better now that I am back on an exercise plan. I love the way my body is beginning to look more toned. Tonight is the water aroebic class. (I know I didn't spell that right.:grumble: )

    Everyone, remember to drink lots of water. :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: