500 Calorie Diet



  • livinghcglacey
    I think she was looking for people who are on the diet and have tips and info for her. not people who disagree with it. it seems she's heard enough negetivity on the matter. anyone have some tips and tricks or motivational info for her???

    I suggest you eat 2 servings of low-sugar fruits a day (apples, berries...)
    eat lots of veggies, no carrots or peas
    eat 5oz of protein each meal preferably chicken or tuna and such
    walk, walk, walk
    drink water (100oz a day)
  • Erindipitous
    Erindipitous Posts: 1,234 Member
    I'm under dr supervision, I go every week, also I saw dr oz saw and heard radio taping ;)

    Are you aware that less than SIX PERCENT of physicians receive any formal training in nutrition?

    Talk to any Nutiritonist, and he/she will tell you this is a bad idea.

    P.S. Just because it's on TV, doesn't mean it works.
  • audram420
    audram420 Posts: 838 Member
    You posted a topic about this last week...I don't think many opinions have changed on the subject.
  • AmberYZ
    AmberYZ Posts: 23 Member
    Why would you do that? There's so many people around here who've battled eating disorders and struggled on these 500 cals a day diets because of deeper mental and emotional problems. They lost so much in their lives and you want to come here and ask if it's a good idea? Have you even considered how cruel that is?
  • RangerSteve
    I think she was looking for people who are on the diet and have tips and info for her. not people who disagree with it. it seems she's heard enough negetivity on the matter. anyone have some tips and tricks or motivational info for her???

    I suggest you eat 2 servings of low-sugar fruits a day (apples, berries...)
    eat lots of veggies, no carrots or peas
    eat 5oz of protein each meal preferably chicken or tuna and such
    walk, walk, walk
    drink water (100oz a day)

    No one really cares if you don't approve of the negativity. I don't approve of you approving of someone eating 500 calories a day. What makes you right and me wrong? Considering that eating 500 calories a day is dangerous and can lead to serious health problems, I would wager that there isn't enough negativity attached to it. I'm sure your entitlement mentality of everyone having an opinion that matters is making you fuming angry right now but, once again, no one really cares. If you eat 500 calories, you're stupid. Plain and simple. This is fact. Maybe you can be smart with other facets of your life but when it comes to surviving, you know.....the cornerstone of being a human being.....you're failing miserably.

    Considering how dangerous eating 500 calories a day is, I'm surprised MFP hasn't banned everyone who supports it and banned all threads related to it. Like I've said before, I'll start my website about losing weight by chopping off your legs and then I'll get mad when people don't allow me to preach it.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I support Natural Selection.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Wow, I don't know how you stick to 500 calories a day so I can't offer any tips other than good luck. I have trouble staying at the 1480 calories a day for a slow steady pound per week loss. Glad to know you are under the care of a doctor because I would think at 500 calories a day, you need to be monitored on a regular basis. Please keep us posted on how it goes.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    To hell with what others think is bad for you. Do you! Hell, it is your body! It is so damn funny to me that people can say oh you are doing this and that to your body. But they forgot when they were fat *kitten* hell they were doing the shame crap to their body. I say each to his or her own. Would I do a 500 calorie diet? Hell nawl! But I have done a 4000 calorie diet. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you only want to consume water all damn day that is your business. I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me. So eat your 500 calories and if you gain it back. I can assure you that you won't be the last. Hell many have lost and gained weight back and some even did it with above 1200 calories. :smile:
  • livinghcglacey
    i wasn't trying to say it is ok to eat 500 calories a day, i was trying to say she needs at least those major nutrients each day. she also needs more than 500 calories, but i dont have much opinion on that particular part. i am not fuming mad about people downing it. i knew when i clicked on this post that is what i'd read. i was just simply stating what she was asking for. sorry i pissed in your cheerios pal.
  • angelaclassact
    angelaclassact Posts: 66 Member
    Im on 600 cals. Open dairy. Check it if you want. Haters hate. It works for me.
    Lol, haters. Nah, just people who have much experience with actual correct methods of losing weight. Whether you think it or not, low calories for someone of your stature is on the brink of ED.

    On the brink? I'd say already there.....seriously.
  • CindiBryce
    To hell with what others think is bad for you. Do you! Hell, it is your body! It is so damn funny to me that people can say oh you are doing this and that to your body. But they forgot when they were fat *kitten* hell they were doing the shame crap to their body. I say each to his or her own. Would I do a 500 calorie diet? Hell nawl! But I have done a 4000 calorie diet. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you only want to consume water all damn day that is your business. I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me. So eat your 500 calories and if you gain it back. I can assure you that you won't be the last. Hell many have lost and gained weight back and some even did it with above 1200 calories. :smile:
    People are concerned about her health. So don't discard our advice as worthless junk; we are trying to help her.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    To hell with what others think is bad for you. Do you! Hell, it is your body! It is so damn funny to me that people can say oh you are doing this and that to your body. But they forgot when they were fat *kitten* hell they were doing the shame crap to their body. I say each to his or her own. Would I do a 500 calorie diet? Hell nawl! But I have done a 4000 calorie diet. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you only want to consume water all damn day that is your business. I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me. So eat your 500 calories and if you gain it back. I can assure you that you won't be the last. Hell many have lost and gained weight back and some even did it with above 1200 calories. :smile:
    People are concerned about her health. So don't discard our advice as worthless junk; we are trying to help her.

    That is the thing. She didn't ask you to be concerned about her health. The point you missed is that it is her health! She has the freedom to decide what that means for her.
  • mk820
    mk820 Posts: 137 Member
    You know, there isn't a person alive who really thinks a 500 cal. diet is healthy. Just look at her "friends". most want to get to 83 lbs.
  • shankleefranklee
    To hell with what others think is bad for you. Do you! Hell, it is your body! It is so damn funny to me that people can say oh you are doing this and that to your body. But they forgot when they were fat *kitten* hell they were doing the shame crap to their body. I say each to his or her own. Would I do a 500 calorie diet? Hell nawl! But I have done a 4000 calorie diet. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you only want to consume water all damn day that is your business. I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me. So eat your 500 calories and if you gain it back. I can assure you that you won't be the last. Hell many have lost and gained weight back and some even did it with above 1200 calories. :smile:

    You're passing judgement just like everyone else is, so you might want to jump on down from that high horse there. You aren't really giving advice either. People here are at least VOICING concern for her healthy and safety. If someone posted that they were eating a 4,000 calorie diet filled with process food, you bet people would be jumping on them too. Sometimes people are misinformed. Everyone here is about helping to educate each other about a healthy lifestyle, and telling them why something may not work in the long run weight wise, and health wise.

    This is different the argument and sources on why Atkins doesn't work. This is common sense. 500 calories is not enough for an adult to live on safely.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,622 Member

    Considering how dangerous eating 500 calories a day is, I'm surprised MFP hasn't banned everyone who supports it and banned all threads related to it. Like I've said before, I'll start my website about losing weight by chopping off your legs and then I'll get mad when people don't allow me to preach it.
    100% agree here. Why allow methods of weight loss that can imperile someone's health for life? I posted a thread about allowing HCG being supported on a site where fitness, health and a reasonable way to lose weight should take presidence.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I haven't tried this, but I'm pretty sure that one of the major drawbacks is that you eat only 500 calories.

    This made me chuckle.

    Any side effects of anorexia would apply to long term use of this diet. Also, you will lose muscle, which is metabolically active, thus permanently decreasing your metabolism. That is one of the reasons that most people gain back all the weight and more.
  • ginique
    ginique Posts: 49 Member
    Eh. The way I see it, it's falling on deaf ears. If she wants to live on a carrot and a cracker, that's her body composition she's messing with, not mine. People learn from experience more than lecture.
  • Navmachine
    i support a low calorie diet. my personal numbers would offend most people on this site with how few calories i take in. however, i dont eat much processed foods anymore. much of my diet consists of yogurt, lean protien and vegetables, wich dont have many calories, but do have many nutrients and vitamins. im not hungry, im not starving for long periods of time, im not dizzy or lacking in energy. i go for a walk/jog with my dog everyday, so i dont skip on excersize either.

    my advice is to listen to your body, and dont be stupid. if your having headaches, feeling lightheaded, or even nauseous, these are indicators that your tummy is not happy. being thin may be the ultimate goal, but overall health is more important. you can follow your 500 calorie goal, but it really -really- depends on what you spend those calories on that will determine wether or not its a realistic guideline for yourself.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,051 Member
    To hell with what others think is bad for you. Do you! Hell, it is your body! It is so damn funny to me that people can say oh you are doing this and that to your body. But they forgot when they were fat *kitten* hell they were doing the shame crap to their body. I say each to his or her own. Would I do a 500 calorie diet? Hell nawl! But I have done a 4000 calorie diet. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you only want to consume water all damn day that is your business. I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me. So eat your 500 calories and if you gain it back. I can assure you that you won't be the last. Hell many have lost and gained weight back and some even did it with above 1200 calories. :smile:

    You don't need to speak for her- she clearly feels this way anyway. I am on her friends list, and I've seen what her diary looked like before she made it private. Many other people would comment on her status updates when it said she was under goal- I've seen people PLEAD with her to start eating better. Instead she made her diary private.

    As for your assumptions on the rest of us- No one here has forgotten what we've done to our bodies. The reason we're here is to fix and atone for what we've done. I've definitely done the 4000 diet, but I know what the problems with that are and now I'm trying to fix it. If I post a question and ask "Is anyone else doing this?" I do it to actually try to find out information and see what everyone else is saying.

    These posts, however, are clearly just her trying to find someone to say "Yes, you're doing the right thing. Continue on, as you please."

    All of this being said, I'm a very strong believer in both motivating people to do things in whatever way is right for them, as well as "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"... but honestly. This is just too much.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    remember people, drs also prescribed phen fen, tape worms and even to "bleed out" certain ailments, and would take pints of blood from their patients. Sometimes, *gasp* drs get it wrong.

    I have heard people at first SWEAR by the lemonade diet, grapefruit diet, cabbage soup diet., but after they are on them long enough, they realize how rediculous they really are.

    One day i will rell my grandchildren on how crazy people used to be and how they would eat only 500 cals and even men would take pregnancy hormones to "trick" their bodies. Then my kids will say wow how can people be that stupid....then i will say "well, sadly enough some drs even prescribed this method to people. But this is before they found out that the drops actually caused liver and kidney caner....after that people had to go on the internet and order it from china"