Baby weight is depressing!!

Hi All! My name is Tiffany and I am new to Myfitnesspal...My daughter is now 1 and I am still struggling with getting this weight off..The bad part about the situation was that I did not gain a lot of weight from my pregnancy and I lost all of it plus more but gained it right back from being on maternity leave, sitting home, not really being active and now I weigh more than I did when I was pregnant. I do not know what to do. I am struggling with the dieting and exercise. I want to see RESULTS!!!!!

Also, a friend told me that my birth control could also play a factor. I mainly have a lot of belly fat!




  • Chelsie2227
    I just joined yesterday. I agree with you, baby weight is depressing. Having a baby changed the way my body looked completley. Feel free to add me as a friend. We can support and encourage eachother through this. Dont really know how to use everything yet... ect. blogging and messaging. Im sure ill get the hang of it soon. Good luck!
  • ecoyle
    don't worry or feel bad my little girl is two and that's me just starting to think about loosing my tummy.

    also feel free to add me we can work together :)
  • donaporterfield
    Hi I feel you completely my daughter is 17 months and im almost having a hard time losing this baby weight. feel free to add me we can support eachother. im still kinda so new too this is my 3rd week on here and have been busting my butt i've lost 7 lbs. so far so it can be done. good luck sweetie and keep your head up high YOU CAN DO IT :)
  • amber_burke
    I can totally empathize! I started MFP at the end of July. My youngest was 14 months old at the time and I was carrying around about 20 extra pounds from the two pregnancies combined. I have always loved food and never really be huge into exercising (although would always admit that I felt better when I was active). I was tired of my clothes never fitting, and larger sizes didn't help because I was so uncomfortable with my stomach. I am 3 pounds away from my goal weight, and while my body shape is still different, all my clothes either fit or are too big now! I was very skeptical at first, not sure if I could stick with it, and I actually just started with the mobile app and am just now learning to use the website to it's full potential.

    I think you will love this! The first week I shed 5 pounds and that was enough motivation to keep me going! It's all about the quality of the food. Eat healthy, simple meals and you will be able to eat more and still feel full while staying with your calories. Lots of lean meats, fruits, and veggies!

    When in doubt, go for grilled chicken breast with a little Light Zesty Italian dressing and a bunch of steamed veggies!

    Good luck! You can add me if you like!
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    I know what you mean about the maternity leave. It's like you get into a habit of doing not much and eating whatever, plus it is hard to get into a routine because of baby related things. Birth control pill or the hormones in them may increase your appetite. I am currently experiencing this problem. I haven't been on the pills in years and I am starting to rethink it. I am going to try to put mind over matter first though. The main thing is to not weigh yourself everyday, or measure, or look at yourself in the mirror and think no progress. Give it a couple weeks of working out 5 times or so a week and eating better and drinking plenty of water and you will start to see changes. It seemed like it took awhile for me to notice changes. I kept trying to put on smaller shorts and getting depressed because I couldn't get into them when it had only been a couple of weeks.
    Also I know I can't just want it real bad, I have to actually do something about it. You know what to do, just do it! I am telling myself this same thing on a daily basis ha ha!
  • Mheadd
    I'm right with you girls on the baby weight. My oldest is now two and my youngest is 4 months I never lost the baby weight from my oldest so I have twice as much to lose... I was just told about this sit and im hoping it helps... I suffer from severe depression as is and this weight does not help..... I use to weigh 150 and now im 220, thats bigger then I ever wanted to be...
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    I agree as well... I just had my last daughter (#2), and It is a struggle. I am 12 weeks PP and doing really well... BUT with #1 it took over a year. One thing that helps is to wear some form of compression. Your belly needs to know it's place. I bought a belly bandit for after my C-Sec and it worked wonders, until it became too big! Now, I still feel like a look 3 months pregnant. Using MFP will help you a lot. It'll teach you to be mindful of your calorie intake. The little things you think are harmless can do the most damage. Start slow with a workout video and always log everything. Pretty soon you will be able to see your "trend", and start correcting them. Also, taking your baby for walks15-30 minutes a day is a good start. (Plus it's bonding time) That's what I did.

    Good Luck :)
  • teeboogie
    teeboogie Posts: 8 Member
    Hi guys, I joined today and feel your pain. I gained 60 pounds from pregnancy. The day of delivery I weighed 210. Today the scale told the dreadful truth....205. I guess I should tell you my son will be 6 this year. There was a period when i dropped down to 185 with diet and exercise. You all must be asking what happened.....well at that time I was having leg cramps from my birth control and my doctor recommended an iud. I figured why not, it reports very low side effects. Before I new it, the weight was coming on even with the excercise and diet. My stomach was bloated like a 5 month pregnant belly. My doctor tried to convince me to leave it in for the 6 month intial period but I couldn't take it anymore. So here I am today tired of feeling sorry for myself and wishing I was still a size 6 instead of 16. Ladies we can all do this and accomplish our goals. Its gonna take hard work but I'm ready.
  • LEWIS79
    Hi Tiffany, I know exactly how you feel. I have a 17 month old and this belly fat is very depressing at times. I'm trying to cut myself some slack because he was my 3rd c-section, but I decided today no more excuses. I have to make time in order to make some serious changes. Just set a realistic goal for yourself and do your best to stick to it. There's always encouragement on this site. You can do it!
  • Cassi_Lynnette
    I'm right there with you all! I have a 4 year old and an almost 2 year old! Baby weight is a pain in the behind!

    Feel free to add me for extra support and encouragement (all of you)!!
  • Nncw12
    Nncw12 Posts: 2 Member
    I agree! My oldest is 2.5yo and youngest is almost 14 mo old. I thought I lost all my baby weight while breastfeeding, but as soon as i stopped (a little over a month ago), about 10lb came back!!
    I've had 3 people ask me if I was pregnant within the past two months! Talk about depressing!

    Don't worry ladies, baby weight will come off with dedication!!! Good luck ladies!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    You young ladies bring back memories! My baby making days are over, but I remember them well. If you haven't tried jogging, it's a great exercise for getting your flat tummies back. They have great strollers now for pushing your babies--an even better workout. Breast feeding is great for weight loss while it lasts, but then you have to cut back on the calories. I gained 69 lbs. with my last babies, twins, and they're about to turn 30! ( I don't feel old enough to have kids that old.) Anyway, between running and C&W dancing, the weight went away. Lose it now before you reach your 40's and have to work harder to keep it off. In my mid-40's, I became too lazy, too content, but I'm making up for lost time now. Good luck to you all, and enjoy your children. Some days you wish they would grow up, but, looking back, they grow up in a hurry!
  • Vividgrl
    I agree. My son is 2 and my baby is 3months old. I remember it taking over a year to loose the baby weight and I had to workout a lot at the last 3 months before it would really go.

    My problem is NOT working out. It is hard to find the time, energy and routine to do it! I must I must!!

    Keep it up ladies... we all want to lose at this game... lose the weight.
  • ttjones215
    ttjones215 Posts: 17 Member
    Great for you!! Thats the encouragement and motivation I need!!! My first day was yesterday and it was rough but made it through!!! Cant wait for the results!
  • ttjones215
    ttjones215 Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for that!! I need those encouraging words..and I never weigh or measure myself...dont even have a scale in my home, but I got by the pants system..lolol...if I cant get them over my thighs then I definitely need to lose more weight and thats where I am now. I do have a problem looking in the mirror and judging myself..This Belly Fat has to GO!!!
  • ladyrhumba
    i'm with you ladies, my son is 2 and i've yoyo'd since he was born. we're all in the same boat and it's reassuring we're not alone. i know by my clothes, i currently can't wear my jeans cos they are just so uncomfortable, i grin and bear it while i'm out but once i'm home i get changed into something more comfortable!! at the moment i'm wearing a pair of jeans that are about to fall to bits but they are soooo comfy!
    i've just started this week and to be honest i'm struggling with 1200 calories, i'm used to so much more but hoping i can keep up with the exercise as this has always been effective when i've lost weight in the past.
    good luck ladies
  • mskristac
    mskristac Posts: 21 Member
    i am a new mom to an almost 8 month old baby boy. i'd love to find other new (and not so new) mom friends to support and receive support from.
  • DSummersCM
    I'm part of the same club! I have three beautiful little girls and I had them back to back with three c-sections, so I know exactly what that belly fat is all about. I would recommend Jillian's 30 Day Shred or Ripped N 30 videos. They are torture but my belly is going down as a result! Best of luck!
  • amyschaefer
    No kidding! I was thin and fit when I got pg 7 years ago this month. Since then I have had three boys in under four years. My youngest is 2 1/2 and I have 10 more lbs to go before I am at my original prepreg weight. I did get there after #1 for a bit ...I got pg again when he was 8 months old...but my body was not at all the same. It is so hard to get into a regular exercise routine with little ones but I am finally able to. I just have to get up at 5:30 am for a run and try to stay away from the boy's snacky foods....they eat healthy but I am preparing meals/snacks ALL THE TIME and it is easy to graze with them if I am not careful.
  • MarinaMynhardt
    MarinaMynhardt Posts: 2 Member
    Im new here as well, and here for the same reason. My baby is 18 months now. Time for exercise i now find between 5 & 6 in the morning. I have to get this off now.

    Add me as a friend as well if you want