Just Going Through The Motions

I don't know if this applies to anyone else, but I feel like I am just going through the motions. Instead of eating healthier, I am eating less of the horrible foods I love. And instead of exercising more, I am finding activities in my everyday routine that I can call "exercise." I meet or am near my calorie goal pretty much everyday, but sometimes I almost feel GUILTY for losing weight because I know that I am not doing it correctly.

I am always reading success stories about "Now I love running!" or "I can't even stand the though of a cheese burger anymore!" Well, starting this evening, that is going to be me. NO more of this half-a**ed stuff. I am going to get off my lazy bum and actually exercise, not just squeeze in a walk to the water fountain at work. And I am going to make healthier choices when I eat, not just squeeze in a cookie and then promise myself an extra walk to the water fountain. And I am going to see real results, not just these temporary ones I am working with now.

So, who else needs to rejuvenate their weight loss journey and put a stop to just going through the motions?


  • armacd
    That is fantastic! Good for you for making this realization and doing something about it. So many people just get complacent and dont make the effort. This is the first step and YOU CAN DO IT!!
  • TiffanyAnn127
    I do the exact same thing. I can't get myself to exercise more than once a week (on a good week). Sometimes I will even sneak a snack when my boyfriend leaves the house so he thinks I'm still sticking to MFP and "dieting." I feel mostly hopeless when I look at myself in the mirror or try on clothes. I need a change... and I know it needs to be me. We can do this... we have to do this! Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    Great attitude. Seriously. I think when you get to the point where you realize that some sort of different action (or actions) simply MUST happen in order to truly succeed, you've turned a really important corner. Sounds to me like you're there. Forward we go! :)
  • Goddess111682
    Goddess111682 Posts: 32 Member
    Good for you! You can do it!