September 3kg loss challenge!!! welcome back ladies!



  • kellydoyle76
    I’m in. Starting weight- 82.7kg (181 lb)
    Goal - 79kg (173 lb)
    3.7kg (8.4 lb) off by 12th Oct.
    UG 64kg (140 lb) by 1st Feb.
  • k3lly89
    Glad to hear you had a good weekend Bree! It's so hard when you're socialising, don't get too down on it.

    My weekend wasn't too bad, I had a farewell party but I was pretty good, tried to stick to more salads so I wasn't hungry by dessert. I find also if I eat something before I go out I don't get so tempted.

    Also if you brush your teeth after every meal you don't feel like snacking in between :)

    I've managed to stay at 52kgs so far so if I can maintain that all week I will be happy sick of it going up and down! I've hurt my leg so I can't go to the gym but I went for a walk and a short jog yesterday but now I'm paying for it, so no exercise today except for house hold chores. i didn't get to 1200 calories anyway so thats all right.

    Hope everyone is having a good start to the week xx
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Hope everyone had a good weekend, unfortunately mine is still consumed with this damned illness, which meant no loss, upside no gain either. Today my quarantine came off, yay, great to know I'm not contagious any more :bigsmile:
    A note to everyone check your booster shots (if you believe in them), I thought that as I had my vaccinations as a child I was safe, NOT! It has been a miserable 2 weeks, not being able to do consistent exercise every day.
    Luckily I was able to still earn a wage by working from home.
    Luckily to my overseas holiday has been postponed and it gives me the goal to not just loose 10kg in 10 weeks but to reach my goal weight!!
    Now if only I can stop coughing and getting dizzy it'll be all good :laugh:

    Have a terrific day everyone :flowerforyou:
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    hey everyone!!!!

    its been a GREAT week so far for me coming off that terrible weekend i had! WHOA!!!
    i was 77.4kg at the start of the week (mon morning) and hit today at 75.1kg! i cant WAIT to get into the 74s!!!!!
    i saw a dought today at work and i said NO ahha i want to be 74s tomorrow!! :)

    well done kelly for maintaining so far but im so sorry about your leg! :(
    just do lots of incidental exercise, like washing or cooking(no eating) and cleaning stuff like that you can do :)
    i hope it feels better!! :)

    hows everyone else going??
    glad your feeling abit better aegira! sounds awful, but like you said on the plus side no gain :)
    i soooo cant wait for you to reach your goal you have come soooo far already!!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I'm having a really good week so far and I'm determined to keep it up. I want that scale to read 58 on sunday! With the weather warming up a little it has been alot easier to keep under my calories :)

    I hope you get better soon aegira!!

    So great to hear you're doing so well this week bree! Keep it up!!
  • shauna121211
    shauna121211 Posts: 575 Member
    Woo.. yesterday was intense and my legs are feeling it today! I ran an 8 minute mile as a warm up for my Pump class... I don't know the last time I ran that fast! Pump was intense... the lunge set was OMG killer, same with squats! And then 20 minutes later... level 2 of Jillian's 3DS. Wooooweeeee! :laugh: Ready to run and shred tonight and weigh in in the morning! Really hoping to lose since I've seem to hit a roadblock on the scale. :mad:
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    Hey everyone!

    My week is going well so far. My eating has been really good this week, but the struggle has been fitting in daily workouts with my new job! But maybe it's a good thing. I was doing A LOT of exercise and it's probably good to back off for a week and just have a slower week to let my body recover. I'm trying to think positively at least! :laugh:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    Okay Ladies and jelly beans....:wink:
    I give you the day I have been waiting for....since I don't know how long

    What is that day you may ask?

    It is the official fantastical, OMG I thought I'd never get there day of...No longer being OBESE!!!!!

    I am officially overweight and I couldn't be happier :laugh:

    Now to break the overweight barrier before my trip :bigsmile:
  • k3lly89
    Yay that is awesome aegira!!! You can do it!!
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Okay Ladies and jelly beans....:wink:
    I give you the day I have been waiting for....since I don't know how long

    What is that day you may ask?

    It is the official fantastical, OMG I thought I'd never get there day of...No longer being OBESE!!!!!

    I am officially overweight and I couldn't be happier :laugh:

    Now to break the overweight barrier before my trip :bigsmile:

    Huge Congratulations!!! That is an absolutely amazing acheivment!!! :D
  • k3lly89
    I weighed myself this morning and I weighed 51.8kg and then when I got home from work this afternoon it was the same :) I wasn't going to log it because everytime I do it seems to change its mind but I'm hoping it's staying!!

    Went to the gym today for a short work out and then a walk up the mountain.

    Praying tomorrow the scales wont show an increase :)
  • k3lly89
    Yay!!! I didn't go up this morning I was 51.3kgs but this afternoon I'm 5.7kgs so still under 51.8kgs :)
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    yayyy!!! well done kelly thats awesome!!!! haha i lvoe weighing myself in the mornnig then see it at night so see if ill have a loss hahah soooo adicted i should really stop! :) NAHHHHHH :P

    how is everyone doing???
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    Everyone is doing so well this week!!

    I've had a really bad last couple of days. My legs have been really sore lately so I'm trying to give them a rest but It's alot harder than I thought. I hate not exercising and not being able to go for a run if I feel like it!! I've been feeling horrible and been so grumpy. My poor flatmate haha.
    I was really hoping to be 58kg this weekend but that's not going to happen now without being able to exercise. My highest weight before this year was 58kg and then I lost 3kg end of last year by eating about 600 - 900 calories a day and with no exercise. When I went back to eating normally again I gained 6kg! So when I get back to 58 it will be like starting afresh and doing things the right way this time.
  • breezad
    breezad Posts: 237 Member
    Everyone is doing so well this week!!

    I've had a really bad last couple of days. My legs have been really sore lately so I'm trying to give them a rest but It's alot harder than I thought. I hate not exercising and not being able to go for a run if I feel like it!! I've been feeling horrible and been so grumpy. My poor flatmate haha.
    I was really hoping to be 58kg this weekend but that's not going to happen now without being able to exercise. My highest weight before this year was 58kg and then I lost 3kg end of last year by eating about 600 - 900 calories a day and with no exercise. When I went back to eating normally again I gained 6kg! So when I get back to 58 it will be like starting afresh and doing things the right way this time.

    yeah 600-900 cals is never healthy, it will work sure, for te short term but we cant live off that forever.
    im sorry you gained it back that must have been hard! but onward to better healthier things and new lifestyles!!!!!
    if you need any answers or help or anything jsut ask im sure I or some other lovely lady on here will help you out!
    you are doing the right thing!!! :) we'll get you to your dream goal dont worry!!!!!

    have a great weekend everyone!!!!
    illbe good and not over endulge this weekend! fingers crossed for less thsn 1kg gain on monday for me! :)
  • Seajolly
    Seajolly Posts: 1,435 Member
    I've been in weekend mode for 2 days now because with my new job my "weekend" this week was Thursday and Friday. I think I prefer having these days off more than Saturday and Sunday actually, as long as I have someone to share it with. :laugh: Luckily my boyfriend isn't working right now so I'm visiting him. But you know what that means... My eating tends to slide off a little from my normal more healthier self!

    I am starting the Couch 2 10K program today! I'm so excited. I didn't do the C25K but since I'm already running about a 5K distance, I figured I could move up to the 10K program. I need this because I'm having a hard time increasing my running distance right now. I hope this program helps! Anybody do it before?
  • k3lly89
    Hi Ladies,

    Good luck for the weekend!
    Don't get upset if you gain or don't lose there is always next week :)
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I've been in weekend mode for 2 days now because with my new job my "weekend" this week was Thursday and Friday. I think I prefer having these days off more than Saturday and Sunday actually, as long as I have someone to share it with. :laugh: Luckily my boyfriend isn't working right now so I'm visiting him. But you know what that means... My eating tends to slide off a little from my normal more healthier self!

    I am starting the Couch 2 10K program today! I'm so excited. I didn't do the C25K but since I'm already running about a 5K distance, I figured I could move up to the 10K program. I need this because I'm having a hard time increasing my running distance right now. I hope this program helps! Anybody do it before?

    I was thinking of starting a running programme too. I usually just run for however long/far I feel like at the time but lately I've been running faster and not going as far so I think it would be good for me to have something to follow. How many weeks long is the Couch 2 10k?
  • Leanne3552000
    Leanne3552000 Posts: 395 Member
    I weighed 58kg this morning!!! I'm so happy! I definately have more motivation to stay on track this weekend now!

    Good luck to everyone else!!
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 204
    I weighed 58kg this morning!!! I'm so happy! I definately have more motivation to stay on track this weekend now!

    Good luck to everyone else!!

    Congratulations :flowerforyou:
    Hope your legs are feeling better and your flatmate has forgiven your grumpy moment :wink:

    I am finally finished with the antibiotics, I'm not sure if it's me but I feel really out of balance internally after taking the damn things for 2 weeks. So starting Monday, besides finally being allowed back to work, I am giving myself a week of 'healing', that means herbal teas and a visit to the naturopath.
    As for today and tomorrow I am blissfully whiling away the hours sewing, making teddy bears and quilting *sigh* bliss!!
    Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy the good things of life (in moderation) :happy:
    Weigh in day on be continued..........