500 Calorie Diet



  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,669 Member
    i support a low calorie diet. my personal numbers would offend most people on this site with how few calories i take in. however, i dont eat much processed foods anymore. much of my diet consists of yogurt, lean protien and vegetables, wich dont have many calories, but do have many nutrients and vitamins. im not hungry, im not starving for long periods of time, im not dizzy or lacking in energy. i go for a walk/jog with my dog everyday, so i dont skip on excersize either.

    my advice is to listen to your body, and dont be stupid. if your having headaches, feeling lightheaded, or even nauseous, these are indicators that your tummy is not happy. being thin may be the ultimate goal, but overall health is more important. you can follow your 500 calorie goal, but it really -really- depends on what you spend those calories on that will determine wether or not its a realistic guideline for yourself.
    What I'm perplexed at is that you're looking to achieve a Certification in Nutrition.
  • CorinthiaB
    CorinthiaB Posts: 488 Member
    To hell with what others think is bad for you. Do you! Hell, it is your body! It is so damn funny to me that people can say oh you are doing this and that to your body. But they forgot when they were fat *kitten* hell they were doing the shame crap to their body. I say each to his or her own. Would I do a 500 calorie diet? Hell nawl! But I have done a 4000 calorie diet. Only you can decide what is right for you. If you only want to consume water all damn day that is your business. I really could give a damn about what another person does because it does't impact me. So eat your 500 calories and if you gain it back. I can assure you that you won't be the last. Hell many have lost and gained weight back and some even did it with above 1200 calories. :smile:

    You're passing judgement just like everyone else is, so you might want to jump on down from that high horse there. You aren't really giving advice either. People here are at least VOICING concern for her healthy and safety. If someone posted that they were eating a 4,000 calorie diet filled with process food, you bet people would be jumping on them too. Sometimes people are misinformed. Everyone here is about helping to educate each other about a healthy lifestyle, and telling them why something may not work in the long run weight wise, and health wise.

    This is different the argument and sources on why Atkins doesn't work. This is common sense. 500 calories is not enough for an adult to live on safely.
    No high horse here! This a weight loss site. This is not a mental therapist site. I am not sure but, I don't recall see not one medial professional on this site giving me sound advice when I signed up. Therefore, she has the option to do this the way she wants. It bothers the hell out of me that some try to tell grown *kitten* people what they should or should not do. I can understand if her eating 500 calories directly impacted anyone on this site. No one should try to police her or anyone else concerning what they do to their bodies. Yes, I would be the first to report her if she was starving her children or others in her care if I knew her personally. I care more about those who are starve due to nothing they can control then I do for someone who maybe doing it on purpose. So many are missing the point. She has the freedom and the right to diet as she pleases. It is her life! Now if that opinion put me on a high horse then I will ride out like a winning jockey. Lol btw jockies are very underweight so are most models. There should be protests in the streets because they are starving themselves.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member

    The hcg diet acually makes your body burn fat INSTEAD of muscle because it tricks the body into thinking you are pregnant ...
    You've been scammed to believe that. With little to no exercise, you lose muscle rapidly. And lol, men must on HCG must think they are pregnant? Do they get pickle cravings? LMAO! Classic.

    indeed. Go to Google scholar. Search for 'hcg' 'weight loss'. Find four decades of trials that demonstrate no significant difference between hcg and placebo.

    Im horrified medical professionals still use this, given the complete absence of evidence to suggest it has any value. I presume they also have a good line in snake oil. . .
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Im on 600 cals. Open dairy. Check it if you want. Haters hate. It works for me.

    "Works" for you? Do you even believe in what you say? "Down you go" but don't take anyone with you, thank you very much!
  • TenderBranson
    TenderBranson Posts: 114 Member
    Lol @ haters gonna hate.

    Everyone on these hcg/500/dangerously low cal diets are the people that want to do as little as possible to achieve something that takes every bit of your being. The same people that fail on a "diet" then cry about not seeing any results because it was too hard. & then try another fad diet & fail again because of their lack of drive. Let me guess, you're not working out either right?

    Are you planning on eating 500 cals forever? You will binge. You will put all the weight back on, maybe more. You'll be absurdly unhealthy. Until you do it the correct way. With no gimmicks, excercise, & feeding your body the correct amount of nutrients.
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    I once lost 50kg in 3 months eating 500kcal a day (I wasn't aware at the time, in my 18 year old daughter of crazy dieter I thought that was healthy eating). I was quite muscly in the end, I was also doing a lot of exercise - I'm sure things would have been saggier if a) I had been older or b) I wasn't doing as much exercise. I kept it off for a good 5 years but during those 5 years I ate 1500kcal and worked out 4-8hrs per day. In this time I had 2 stress fractures in my feet, several knee dislocations and a fractured wrist (malnutrition and excessive exercise is a *****). Basically, I'm pretty sure my metabolism is shot to hell.

    So yeah, in summary - it does work, it's not healthy and you will have to work damn hard to stay at your goal weight if you start out this way!
  • DownSheGoes
    I love the fact that you're taking my username seriously. (;
  • LilMissFoodie
    LilMissFoodie Posts: 612 Member
    i support a low calorie diet. my personal numbers would offend most people on this site with how few calories i take in. however, i dont eat much processed foods anymore. much of my diet consists of yogurt, lean protien and vegetables, wich dont have many calories, but do have many nutrients and vitamins. im not hungry, im not starving for long periods of time, im not dizzy or lacking in energy. i go for a walk/jog with my dog everyday, so i dont skip on excersize either.

    my advice is to listen to your body, and dont be stupid. if your having headaches, feeling lightheaded, or even nauseous, these are indicators that your tummy is not happy. being thin may be the ultimate goal, but overall health is more important. you can follow your 500 calorie goal, but it really -really- depends on what you spend those calories on that will determine wether or not its a realistic guideline for yourself.

    Sorry, but on 500 calories you are not getting 'many nutrients and vitamins', you might be getting more than someone eating 1200 ((for example) calories of junk but you are not getting near as much as someone eating 1200 calories of clean food. Listening to your body when your body has altered cues from being obese (as is the case for many people on this site) is also a terrible idea - you actually need to retrain your body's signals and the best way to do this is to used an evidence-based healthy calorie goal.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    You will put on weight very quickly if you stop the diet, and it can do damage to your organs if you keep it up long enough. You will also lose WAY more muscle than dieting healthily, which will just make you a smaller version of the same flabby person. It strikes me as impatient and lazy, or maybe you feel you can't lose weight using a 500-1000 cal deficit? Please try it first, your body will thank you and you'll look WAY BETTER!

    Losing weight too quickly can also cause saggy skin if you lose a lot. Keep these cons in mind.
  • DoncasterPhotography
    Isnt MFP about promoting good lifestyle changes as a way to healthy bodies?

    Whether members agree/dissagree with the OP's choice of "diet" shouldn't be in question. MFP admin should monitor the forums and cut these threads off in their prime.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,616 Member
    removed by poster.
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    Hi there, I am so sorry honey but you are seriously doing the wrong thing. Not to take away from you fabulous loss results well done for having the will power! But there is a better direction to go in, I am actually fuming with your GP!

    most people above have said what I'm going to say but really this is all fact my love,

    500 calories does not sustain a healthy body for longer that two weeks, the heart hospital recommend this for urgent surgery cases only, and it is only done for short spells because the patient will not recover from surgery if it oes on too long.

    More than 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week will lead to muscle loss, this gives a much higher percent of "skinny fat" Syndrome and if you have been very big will lead to skin folds that may require surgery.

    Your body works on hunger and fuel, if you do not feed it and you feel hungry (this goes after you have done it a while due to stomach shrinkage) your body assumes you are starving to death, so everything you put in your mouth you will hold on to as fat! After resuming normal eating you will pile weight on faster than you can believe because your body is expecting to be starving again.

    You cannot get a days worth of marco-nutrients in 500 cals so you are stressing your body and thinning your blood, it will be unable to fight against illness and disease and become more susseptable to illness and disease. vitamins taht do not come from food are less likely to be absorbed into your body.

    You are at great risk from developing eating disorders, that will effect the rest of your life, and that is a hell I would hate anyone to suffer.

    You also should not exersise with such a low consumption, so on top of everything else you will lose energy and muscle will not grow to replace what you are losing. Becoming unfit is an absolute.

    People taht do these fads lose weight fast in the first few weeks so they think it's great, but it really isn't!

    Eating more of the right food regularly is what I would recommend, and do not ever go lower than 1200 cals. The key to sustained wieght loss is nutrition and exercise period. Get the two right and you will have the body of your dreams!

    I wish you luck and urge you to please re-think this.
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    I support Natural Selection.

    Good idea!
  • Natalie43
    Natalie43 Posts: 122 Member
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Just thinking here... but I think a comparison of before and after pics of those whom eat moderate calorie deficits and eat back excersize calories, vrs those on extreme deficits may demonstrate what some of us are trying to prove.
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    How do you enjoy life on 500 calories a day????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is BAD for you I don't care what anybody says. Do you wanna be slim with damaged health, thin hair, no energy, dull skin? Or be patient, lose weight slower with the right amount of exercise and be fit and healthy?
  • mammado11
    I consume more than 500 calories at dinner alone!! I couldn't imagine eating only 500 all day!!!! I agree with what people said, your body will go into starvation mode, not a good idea! Not to be nosy, but I notice in your profile picture, you have a baby. If you're breastfeeding you need to be consuming 500 more calories a day anyways to keep your milk supply up. Breastfeeding burns alot, and helps to loose weight! Not to sound snotty, but I gave birth to an 11lb baby (I'm 5'3) Aug 2010, and with breastfeeding, exercise, and counting calories (Im set at 1650 calories a day), a year later and Im under my pre pregnancy weight (by 4 lbs)
  • drdenise
    drdenise Posts: 87 Member
    I strongly support your desire and effort to lose weight. But 500 calories on a diet is extremely unhealthy. You will loose muscle mass, including potentially muscle mass from vital organs, if you continue to long! Remember Karen Carpenter and her struggle with anorexia? In the end, she succumbed to a wasting disease, with heart issues! I really don't care if you have a "doctor's supervision". Really? A doctor has ZERO training in nutrition! ZERO!!! It is like any other quick fix "diet".....keep in mind, the word "diet" has "DIE" in it! There is no such thing as a true DIET! To get healthy, you must live a healthy lifestyle. Eat right, exercise and feel GREAT! You will have sooooo much energy if you start exercising, you won't know what to do! You will find you desire exercise. It is the endorphins released that give you that high! And if you are spending the time losing weight, why not just do it right the first time!
    Like everyone else on this site, I have been over weight and lacking motivation. BUT, I am not going to be that person that can't walk up a flight of stairs without almost dying! I set a goal......to complete a triathlon. And I did it! Respectably! YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!!!!
    Best wishes for a healthy lifestyle!
  • hottottie11
    hottottie11 Posts: 907 Member
    LOL I eat 460 at breakfast alone. I eat between 1200-1400 on non exercise days and 1600-2000 on exercise days, and I still lose weight (Check out my before and afters), but hey I like to eat, what do I know.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    If one is doing the HCG + 500 calorie diet properly, you only eat at that restrictive 500 calorie level for 21-40 days, depending on how long YOU want to stay on it. It's a very specific diet comprised of lean protein, and specific fruits + veggies.

    40 day at the 500-calorie level is the absolute MAX. Then you immediately bump your calories up to maintenance-plus. Most people I know are eating around 1800-2200 per day to maintain. You abstain from SUGAR and processed CARBS for the first three weeks, then start adding them in slowly.

    Most people (not all of course) do NOT gain the weight back during this maintenanc period.

    For examply, my best friend did this diet last year under the care of a clinic and lost 20 lbs and 2 sizes in 6 weeks, and has maintained beautifully - plus lost more weight and inches since then. And she now eats 100% normally -- NO restrictions. Just listens to her body and eats mindfully.

    So YES, this is an extreme plan during it's low-calorie phase, but it's als a very short lived phase. I'm not an advocate, but I think it's only fair that the diet is understood before it's bashed to pieces.