I need weight opinion

I just joined My Fitness Pal just a minute ago. I joined because I need to ask people their opinion on my weight/body. My doctor told me today that my weight is too low. I lost 25 pounds in 1 year. I started at 140 and today I was 115. I am between 5'5 and 5'6. I am 42. I know the weight sounds low, but I have a lot of fat rolls I want to get rid off so I can look better, and move around easier. Also, I want clothes to fit me. Is there a place on this site for that? Who can help? What do I do? Because I disagree with my doctor. I am not starving myself or anything.

Ok, thanks!!


  • Lietchi
    Lietchi Posts: 6,282 Member
    Being 5ft5 myself, 115lbs does sound very low. Without a picture, impossible to say if you really have 'fat rolls' or not.

    If looks are the issue, I would focus on building muscle, not on losing more weight. Building muscle will improve your looks and body composition.
    Not sure what you mean by 'move around easier' though, at your weight. Maybe more muscle mass/strength would help with that too.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,517 Member
    You do sound very small. And I also agree that a structured lifting programme and building muscles might be the way forward for you, not losing more weight.
  • antonia_yes
    antonia_yes Posts: 70 Member
    your BMI is 18.9 so you're towards the bottom end of it anyway - maybe focusing on an exercise routine and maintenance calories rather than weight loss. There is a message board for maintenance so maybe post on there ? :)
  • babygtbck14
    babygtbck14 Posts: 16 Member
    Start by getting a better self image of yourself. It sounds like you just need some weight training. I can’t see someone having “ fat rolls” at your height and weight. I’m not trying to be mean by saying this but I think you’d do good with some counseling, you could have an eating disorder
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    When I got down to 112(at 5'3") my drs also thought it was too low. 115 was better, but 117+was suggested as healthier. It depends on your frame and body composition as well. If you feel you still have fat to lose...first be very honest with yourself. Then, if you still think there is fat to lose, try a progressive lifting routine. Since your BMI is already low, try just slightly above maintenance calories to start with. Add your calories from exercise and eat them back.
  • g2renew
    g2renew Posts: 154 Member
    edited May 2021
    At 5'-5", my lowest adult weight was 124. Some thought I was losing too much, but I looked to me like I could still drop 5-10 pounds. Looking back at my photos with years between that time and now, I can see where I was as low as I could go. I look a little too thin. I felt good--and I was young. Youth and being busy cover a lot of things up. I have body dysmorphia. Realized this years later, when what I saw in the mirror at 160 was same thing I saw in mirror at 124. You may be seeing skin, but best bet is you are not seeing actual fat rolls at this weight. Either way, working out with weights may be helpful. My personal suggestion without knowing or seeing you in person would be to not worry about the weight, eat healthfully/normally, weight train, and use your clothing size and your doctor as your guide. Consider body dysmorphia as a possibility if you have difficulty accepting that you might be fine where you are and could potentially gain a few. BTW:At 42, between 5'-5" and 5'-6" and 115 pounds, your weight is not what is giving you difficulty in moving around. Best wishes.
  • designedbydiscipline
    designedbydiscipline Posts: 1 Member
    If you want to move around better, then invest in a strength program. Not only will It build muscle to help fill you out evenly, you will move around with the greatest of ease.

    It's not bodybuilding, it's strength training, but your body will not only thank you, you'll look better too and have a carry over in the longevity of your life.

    You'll also burn more calories with strength training, as it has a carry over throughout the day and even in your sleep.

    I cannot recommend strength training highly enough for your issue and life in general, but it's up to you.

    Best of luck.
    Dominique 🏋🏾‍♀️
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,814 Member
    Consider “recomp”. This is when you work on strength to build muscle, which in turn can reshape your body.

    At 5’7” I got down to 127. It was too too low. I couldn’t see it (just like I couldn’t see when I was fat!) in the mirror. It wasn’t til I saw photos at my high and later at my low that I was able to “see myself” as others saw me- grossly overweight/unnatractively spider skinny.

    I now hover around 133/134, however, my actual clothing size still continues to get smaller with weight training, and I have a nicer shape overall.

    These threads have great photos and can explain far better than I can.

    I have thoroughly enjoyed weight training. I’m not throwing around a shite ton of weight like some of these ladies do, but I still see results. I do have a gifted and highly experienced trainer, though, who has taken me under her wing as something of an “art/sculpture/refining training technique/old ladies can have guns/ show the young gym-bros” project.



  • ryan_powerlifter
    ryan_powerlifter Posts: 115 Member
    A few people already beat me to it but I'd like to also suggest a strength building program for more of a body recomp.