Looking for allies

Hi, my name is Josh I'm 35 and am very out of shape. My daughter just turned 8 years old and I'm afraid of not being around to see her grow up. So I divided to join this and give my weight lose a real chance. Interested in any advice, would love to join a challenge or just make some friends on the same path as I am.


  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,011 Member
    Hi Josh, welcome!

    My suggestions:
    1. Don't try to go from 0 - 100 overnight - this is a recipe for injury or burnout. This applies to both cutting calories and increasing exercise.
    2. Get a food scale.
    3. Be patient :)
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    Welcome Josh!! Lots of good advice here. Some of the folks are true experts on fitness and nutrition. You’ll learn a lot by browsing the threads.
    I do notice that different approaches work for different people, so experiment a little to find what suits you and your body.
    Love kshama2001’s comments. Especially “be patient”. The weight didn’t come on in a week and won’t all go away in a week either!!
    Good luck!
  • vanmep
    vanmep Posts: 410 Member
    Welcome! I found it was really helpful to keep track of other markers besides the scale. Things like easier, faster, stronger, less of and more of. It sounds like a big part of your goal is to get healthy for your daughter so those things will be an important part of it. If you look under “success stories” there is a thread called “NSV (non scale victories ). The scale can sometimes get discouraging, but being able to DO things - well that’s life.