I have 170lbs to lose. Looking for those with similar goals

Hi, my names Ashley and I am a 37 year old mother of 2. I have RA, and a few other health conditions. I am starting , well restarting , my journey today to lose 170lbs. I am looking for those who have a lot of weight to lose as well, or are simply struggling and looking for accountability buddies or like minds to talk to along the journey. I am a recovering Compulsive over eater, and do my best day to day to make positive changes and be kind to myself as I am to others. Sometimes, that is hard to do. We often don’t give ourselves the compassion and understanding we give others, in the same situations. Anyway, look forward to meeting new people and traveling along this new path. Have a blessed day everyone.


  • Tspex82
    Tspex82 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, looking for an accountability partner and friend. Does that work for you?
  • DeniseMartin9586
    DeniseMartin9586 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello I am in the same boat to lose alot of weight as well
  • AZrising
    AZrising Posts: 58 Member
    I’ve also got a lot of progress I need to make towards my goal. I’d be happy to be a support buddy if you are interested! Either way you got this. One day at a time!
  • BlossomingJenn
    BlossomingJenn Posts: 23 Member
    Hi, Ashley! Congratulations to you for starting this journey! That is where the magic begins. 😊💜
    My ultimate goal is to lose 155 pounds. I’m down 80, so just over halfway. I’ve come so far and yet still have a ways to go, and I know this second half will be slower 😜
  • joryrheanne
    joryrheanne Posts: 49 Member
    I have 150 lbs to lose and I am also looking for an accountability friend. I am 45 years old with 3 adult children 25, 17 and 20.
  • AlexisVeilleux
    AlexisVeilleux Posts: 12 Member
    I am right there with you all I started it 330, im at 271, IV lost about 60 pounds and my goal is to lose over 100 more so any of you feel free to add me :smile:
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Hello, I'm 42 yo mom and I have 156 pounds to lose. I've been at this for a bit now, so far I've lost 46 pounds. I also have RA and other health conditions. Feel free to add me ! Started this at 306, now I'm 260 pounds.
  • DaneOK
    DaneOK Posts: 12 Member
    Hello All! I just joined, today, and have an ultimate goal to lose about 220 pounds, so here for the foreseeable future! Would love to cheer anyone on, feel free to add! 🤙🌴
  • Marilynsretired
    Marilynsretired Posts: 5,498 Member
    Hi Ashley (and all that have posted) I have about 140 to lose and am looking for accountability partners. Wondering if a group for this could be made up - or is there one? New here
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    I have roughly 115 to lose. Feel free to add me.
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    Very happy to join a little this little community. I want to lose about 100lbs and would love friends who are active on MFP and want to chat and support each other. Happy for anyone to add me.
  • jkdenizard
    jkdenizard Posts: 7 Member
    Hello all- Starting this journey AGAIN! I have about 100 lbs to lose. I would love some friends to chat with along the way. I’m a mom of two teens living in FL.
    CW: 238
    GW: 140-160
  • scootrboot
    scootrboot Posts: 2 Member
    Trying to build a community to interact with about this weight loss journey. This looks like a great place to start! :)
  • lenhill04
    lenhill04 Posts: 56 Member
    I have 77 more pounds to lose. I am down 15. Add me 😊 I have an open diary.
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    Same and same! I need to lose 140lbs (holy *kitten*, typing that is a reality check), and I actually hopped on to look for a virtual workout buddy. I'd like to message back and forth and get to know someone as we're working on this goal together. If that sounds good to anyone here, add & msg me!
  • Steve25k
    Steve25k Posts: 125 Member
    Is anyone interested in joining an MFP group where we can chat and support each other?
  • conniewilkins56
    conniewilkins56 Posts: 3,391 Member
    I started MFP 2 years ago and I have lost 109 lbs….I still have some to go….I will be 70…. If you are serious about losing, have an open, diary and don’t mind constructive kind criticism, I will be your friend!….if I can lose weight, anyone can!….the Larger Loser group for those that need to lose more than 70 lbs is a great group of supportive and motivated people….anyone is welcome to join!…..no games or challenges….plain talk and motivation!
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    Totally @Steve25k, and silly question, can we just keep this thread alive as a group?
    What's one thing you all did today to take care of your body?
    I ate less junk today, made a healthy lunch for my family & took a long hot walk. 🔥👟 More than 1 thing, but today is a good day 😊