40+ Weightloss club

Hi everyone. So Covid had me stuffing my face and gaining about 15 kilos. I'm in the process of shedding this weight, but I could use some motivation and possibly offer support to people in the same boat. God bless ☺


  • Melaniesparks3147
    Melaniesparks3147 Posts: 1 Member
    So I have just signed up to My Fitness Pal and would like to lose 2 stone. Would love to hear how much everyone has lost and what was your motivation.
  • emblu
    emblu Posts: 272 Member
    40, daughter at University, a step kid at home and another that stops every other weekend so no issues with kids most days, just my own self sabotage that stops me from getting back to what I was.
    Massive weight gain since meeting my other half and lock down did not help. Runner, bodypumper and a full time bus driver. Add me peeps, my diary is open for criticism and the occasional spot of inspiration x
  • Devil_Dawg
    Devil_Dawg Posts: 167 Member
    Always looking to be supportive and fir support too. I would like to drop 20 pounds by November
  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    I'm 40, 4 kids well ones almost 19 so he's all grown up, I have at least 60lbs to lose have lost just shy of 21lbs since March, still a long way to go but I'm getting there. My diary is open and I log daily.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    edited May 2021
    My longer story...

    5'5" and was probably 190+ at my highest but during that 'era' I avoided scales lol. Went from 180 at end of 2013 to 128-130 by October 2014 by accurately & honestly logging calories consumed, being a bit OCD about it, using a food scale. And by moving more. Figured out I was lazy! With a desk job, if I didn't make the effort I'd hardly move during the day. So started hitting 8k-10k steps most days.

    Maintained weight for a few years, then slowly started to put a little back on here & there. And now for the past ~2 years or so: I've stayed between 130 and 150. Getting close to 150 is my trigger zone, to be more attentive about my logging & my activity. I'm 137.1 as of this morning. Was at/under 130 at the end of December 2020. I'm in a healthy weight range for my height (according to BMI) but know I have plenty of fat that I can afford to lose.

    So I'm walking, logging my calories in, and aiming for 1400-1600 most days. I do 'allow' myself to eat more if I feel I need it, trying not to go over maintenance. My pitfall is taking days off from logging. For me, even if I eat over goal, I'm better off logging it than not. If I take a day off from logging, it easily turns into a week off and then a few weeks off. And when I'm not logging, I stop planning/thinking about what or how much I'm eating. Which means I eat over maintenance, and often end up feeling lousy physically. So taking one day off (for me) is a slippery slope!

    I need to get back to maintenance - 7-9 pounds is not THAT far away - and then keep logging, at which point I'll aim for 1700-1800.
  • Backtothefifties
    Backtothefifties Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it. And dont be too hard on yourself for not being perfect. It's a journey, not a destination.
  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 46... My kids are young adults, though 2 still live at home. I don't have the struggles that families with school-age kids do. 5'5", 139 pounds now trying to get back to 130ish for maintenance. Eating 1500 (give or take) and trying to be active each day. I've actually hit 10k steps two days in a row. (Today will make 3 but I'm not there yet!)

    I am also 46. 5'3 and reached a 134 lbs last year through intermittent fastinf, but feel like it creates some disordered ways of eating.

    My intake is at 1200 cal and it doesn'tgo well most days. The most steps I can get in is 9000 and that's exceptional. I just keep telling myself small changes. So, I am walking almost daily and try to fit in some core work.
  • nanastaci2020
    nanastaci2020 Posts: 1,072 Member
    Yes, small things do add up.

    I didn't bother to log the weekend. No regrets - I did make my activity goals, and allowed myself some extra 'downtime'. Yet I'm glad it is Monday as weekdays are more 'routine' for me.
    I'm 46... My kids are young adults, though 2 still live at home. I don't have the struggles that families with school-age kids do. 5'5", 139 pounds now trying to get back to 130ish for maintenance. Eating 1500 (give or take) and trying to be active each day. I've actually hit 10k steps two days in a row. (Today will make 3 but I'm not there yet!)

    I am also 46. 5'3 and reached a 134 lbs last year through intermittent fastinf, but feel like it creates some disordered ways of eating.

    My intake is at 1200 cal and it doesn'tgo well most days. The most steps I can get in is 9000 and that's exceptional. I just keep telling myself small changes. So, I am walking almost daily and try to fit in some core work.

  • jzymom
    jzymom Posts: 9 Member
    Hello All! I’ve been working out and eating well. I’d really appreciate some accountability partners (AKA: Workout Buddies!) to keep me motivated and vice versa! Working out at home is nice, but it can be lonely! Haha!! Who’s with me?!?!
  • altergirl
    altergirl Posts: 7 Member
    45 here. At 5'4 I typically maintain between 140-150. When I start getting close to 150 I know I need to up the exercise and watch my food intake. Then I settle back down around 144ish and although I'd prefer it to be 135ish, I don't usually sweat it. COVID, and age, had me up around 156 and I'm really struggling to get back down in the 140s again. Too sedentary now working from home, too many snacks, and not a ton of motivation to cook healthy food. Purchased a Bowflex Spin bike and I'm back in the 'saddle' ;) I really hate tracking calories but I'm willing to try it again. Goal is to lose 10lbs by the end of the summer.
  • apr21324
    apr21324 Posts: 731 Member
    edited May 2021
    Reading through all your stories I feel a sense of familiarity. I’m 41 with two children - ages 17 & 19 so I can’t really blame anything on them anymore 😞 I had always been able to maintain between 150-160 pounds for years until about 4 years ago. At that time I decided to get an IUD. I started gaining weight suddenly and had a number of other issues. Had the IUD removed about 3 months later but my weight continued to skyrocket! The last 2-3 years I’ve hovered between 180-190 and for the life of me I cannot seem to lose weight!! I am 5’5” and 189 today. I would be happy to just see 160s again and appreciate any advice and accountability anyone can offer 😊
  • sljjjembeca
    sljjjembeca Posts: 40 Member
    Always looking for motivation and support, feel free to add
  • wtbarunner
    wtbarunner Posts: 162 Member
    I actually jumped on the treadmill tonight. It’s been a while!!!
  • renewal_2021
    renewal_2021 Posts: 17 Member
    jzymom wrote: »
    Hello All! I’ve been working out and eating well. I’d really appreciate some accountability partners (AKA: Workout Buddies!) to keep me motivated and vice versa! Working out at home is nice, but it can be lonely! Haha!! Who’s with me?!?!

    sure! let me know how it works
  • MaryRose1180
    MaryRose1180 Posts: 31 Member
    wtbarunner wrote: »
    Hi Everyone!!! I am 48 and just figured out by looking at my weight log that I have gained 20lbs in a year. My goal is to lose about 70lbs!!! I am going to take it 10lbs at a time.

    40, also taking it 10lb at time. I want to lose 110!
  • kelMee2
    kelMee2 Posts: 203 Member
    Still sticking with it, I walk at least 3 miles per day Monday to Friday and I'm doing exercises with dumbells at home because I'm trying to rid myself of my bingo wings, also using my exercise bike a few times per week. My calorie goal is 1200 plus I eat half my exercise calories back. I'm hoping to be halfway to my goal weight by the end of June so need to stay within my calories and keep exercising.
  • jzymom
    jzymom Posts: 9 Member
    Way to go!!! One day at a time!

  • jzymom
    jzymom Posts: 9 Member
    jzymom wrote: »
    Hello All! I’ve been working out and eating well. I’d really appreciate some accountability partners (AKA: Workout Buddies!) to keep me motivated and vice versa! Working out at home is nice, but it can be lonely! Haha!! Who’s with me?!?!

    sure! let me know how it works