Starting from zero

Hi all, I'm just wondering if you have any suggested stretches or bodyweight exercises that can be done at home that improve core and lower back? I don't know if it's bc I've been extremely sedentary for the past 6 weeks due to college/work deadlines keeping me at my desk or that I'm working off a kitchen chair and folding table for hours at a stretch - definitely not an ergonomic setup! Either way, I find that if I'm put walking (my only form of exercise since the gyms are still closed here) I end up with strong pain in my lower back after no more than 5 mins so I just need suggestions for what I can do until this improves? (I will be purchasing a desk and adjustable chair this weekend so hopefully that will solve most of the problem.)


  • p2tmewcg
    p2tmewcg Posts: 5 Member
    Hey, I constantly have lower back pain being pretty tall and sitting in a chair for so long at work doesn’t help. I started a stretch routine before bed every night for 5-10 minutes that greatly helped with pain in my lower back. Other than getting a good chair and keeping good posture when working you can work your abs and lower back muscles to help. I started with standard crunches and bicycle crunches every night before bed. I soon realized that only doing abs makes your lower back hurt more because you aren’t balancing. So I added back crunches and bridges into my routine and that really helped subdue lower back pain. It will burn and hurt like hell for a week or two but stick with it. Once you get over that hump your body will thank you.
  • limevodka22
    limevodka22 Posts: 7 Member
    That's a good point re: balancing! I'll definitely start on those: i don't imagine I'll just snap back to normal even once I get a decent work setup so these are great to start focusing on the muscles that need it! I miss going for walks so the sooner I get this pain sorted the better!
  • middlehaitch
    middlehaitch Posts: 8,485 Member
    Have a look at Hasfit on YouTube. They have a good assortment of routines that should help with core (front and back) strength.
    Simple, short, and effective routines.

    They have been my go to guys since I started working out after a very sedentary life 10+ years ago.

    Of course, if this is more than just being sedentary for a while, consult your doctor. (Has to say that because I’m not one B))

    Cheers, h.
  • TwistedSassette
    TwistedSassette Posts: 8,728 Member
    Check out Yoga with Adriene on YouTube, she has some great videos that focus on lower back pain, and some others for strengthening your core. You might also look into working/stretching your hamstrings as these can get tight from sitting a lot, and cause pain through the lower back as well.
  • iam4scuba
    iam4scuba Posts: 39 Member
    You may want to consider seeing someone about the back issue. Probably no one here can tell you what the cause is, but it is definitely not normal so it may be worth getting checked out. That said, I don't even know what kind of professional you would go to (chiro, pt, ortho, etc).
  • limevodka22
    limevodka22 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks all! I think you may be right about seeing a professional re: pain but realisticly I won't be able to do that for a few weeks so hopefully these things will tide me over and maybe getting proper chair and desk setup will mitigate the worst of it. Health insurance kicks in in July and I'm pretty sure it covers a physio visit!