
Hello everyone, I have used myfitnesspal a few times on my smart phone but have never really got on line to check out the web page. So far I am loving myfitnesspal I have been able to keep track of everything that I need to keep track of on it.

I am a full time stay at home mom to four amazing children that keep me going and on my toes, and a full time Elementary/Special Education student. Between home, school, husband, kids, and crazy schedules that life brings it is hard to keep on track with a good diet plan as well as exercise routines, I have been able to keep up with everything since starting myfitnesspal.

I have tried Shaun T's Insanity by Beach Body and had very little results, I do not know if I was doing things wrong or if it is just not the routine for me. For the last month I have been doing Yoga and walking when I can and have recently started the Yoplait Yogurt Diet as my family eats a lot of yogurt and that just seems the best plan for me and my family as there are little changes to what we already eat daily.

I am looking forward to getting to where I want to be and getting into the clothes that hang in my closet that are practically brand new that I could not bring myself to get rid of after having four babies. Not to mention that I am looking forward to looked extra good for my wonderful husband.

Good Luck to All,


  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    Good morning

    I've been using the app for a few days, but I know I'll need to be part of a community to keep me going, so I'm new here, too. Good luck!
  • Dandersonjr32
    Welcome Getfit,

    I'm new too, and have made a few friends already. This site is great for tracking what you do. If you're honest with it, you'll really know what's going on with your diet and exercise. Stick to it.

    Yoga is great, I do it myself a few times a month for the calorie burn and the stretching. When it comes to walking, be careful of that. If you're not uncomfortable during a workout, you're not doing a whole lot. Make sure your walking is at a pace that makes you feel uncomfortable, that gets your heart rate up.

    Friend me if you like, I'm always looking for people to motivate me.
  • getfitmom4
    thanks Dan.
    I live in Wyoming so walking is only something that I can really do in the summer, it also gives me a chance to get out of the house and get some fresh air with either my kids or my dogs.

    I have struggled to find something that works for me and my crazy busy life. People think that because I am a stay at home mom that all I do is sit around and watch tv and that my life can not be that crazy busy. I may not go a ton of places but I do have 4 children to chase around and I am also a full-time education student. Unless you have been a stay at home parent you do not realize how much work it actually is.

    I do yoga at least 4 times a week it works for me it fits in my life, my kids can do it with me if and when they want, and I do not feel like I am killing myself to get back to where I want to be.
  • TooFatToFit
    TooFatToFit Posts: 285 Member
    I've was a stay at home mom for many years, and then became a working mom for about a year and a half before my contract ended, so I just spend the summer as a stay at home mom again, this time a single SAHM....hands down, staying at home is harder. I love it, but it is definitely harder. Working out of the home may be more physically tiring I've found, but in every other sense I've felt it easier. I think staying at home, unless you're super motivated, also makes it harder to lose's just more comfortable and the kids love you no matter how fat you are. When I was working, I suddenly cared a lot more about my appearance and felt so frumpy amongst my made me more aware of how I'd let myself go.