

  • megsie25
    Hey :) Braven has been on both breast and bottle basically since birth, mainly bottle during the day while I clean and cook, breast for his naps as it was the only way he would go off to sleep and breast throughout the night because after a csection it was a really bad habit I formed. He has been on farax (rice cereal) and pureed fruits since four months. The last week I have weaned him completely off of the breast during the night and sleeping with me (his six month birthday present) and I only feed him or let him seek comfort from the breast twice a day. In a week or so I'm going to cut it down to just his morning nap and then a week or so later ill stop breast completely. He has to be off by the 15/10 because I'm going to Thailand for a week for my brothers 30th... (Can't wait for the holiday) yeeee ha ,)