Hi, my name is Kris and I am a foodaholoic...

I have lost and gained weight so many times it is ridiculous. I was actually at a weight I liked and was exercising regularly and then I suffered a severe ankle fracture and dislocation. I have had surgery and may be having another soon, in and out of casts, and on and off crutches (on for the past 6 months) several times. I have since gained 55 lbs due to inactivity and self-medicating with food and wine. I feel this will be the hardest weightloss to achieve but I am hoping to make it happen. I am in desperate need of motivation and will do my best to return the favor. I am ready to end the pity party and get my life back. :)


  • jparsons27
    Glad you are here! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like extra support!

  • chefswife67
    Welcome to MFP,
    Good luck! Add me if you like ..
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Friend request sent - sorry I mispelled your name! I'm a loser, but I'm not an idiot! LOL
  • kbrown1171
    That's your first step. Welcome and good luck. Loads of support and motivation here. You can do it!!!
  • scott1024
    scott1024 Posts: 279 Member
    Friend request sent - sorry I mispelled your name! I'm a loser, but I'm not an idiot! LOL
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Hi Kris, and Welcome. Yep, the pity party bus has left the station :) Best of luck on your journey, this is an awesome place!!
  • edejesus2011
    Hi, my name is Liz.. and though i am not quite the foodaholic.. I do LOVE food! :)

    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I have been here since August, and have lost 8 lbs so far! It's a great place to be with a great group of individuals who all have one goal in mind.. ."LOSING WEIGHT and Keeping it off!"

    Good luck!
  • rebeccask
    that's exactly it! a pity party, we can do this together!
  • eg615
    You can do it! I love chips and sweets but I paid the money to go see a nutritionist and having her write out a food plan for me was priceless. I also have friends that have done weight watchers after giving birth and it's transformed their lives.

    I'm not sure if you've recovered from your injury or not but even getting outside to jog or fast pace walk for 30 minutes a day will help :)
  • kiawya
    Hi Kris.. I'm right there with you. Up and down all my life, then, just when I was doing good, I rolled my ankle, to an extreme degree, and was unable to workout for almost a year! I gained back all my weight!.. So now, I'm back down, and am super careful with my ankles, knees and such. Injuries are difficult!
    Glad your ready to try again, great attitude, and do what you can to keep all the other parts of your body moving! Hand weights, and as many leg exercises as you can.. Get that seratonin pumping!

    Good for you and good luck!
  • squishysangel
    squishysangel Posts: 149 Member
    Hey Kris....foodaholic....me to...my ideal vacation would be to travel to exotic (to me) places and eat all the different cuisines they have to offer...add me if you would like
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Hi Kris, I'm Kris and I feel your pain!!!!

    I have gained and lost weight so many times it would make your head spin. I just can't do it anymore and I'm hoping MFP is the way to make it end. I have finally gotten the weight off ...AGAIN (for the last time)

    You can do this....you know how I know...because you've done it before!!!!
    It's the getting started that SUCKS so I guess the idea is once you get there stay there so you'll never have to get started again.

    I hear you on the food additiction too... I LOVE FOOD. But sometimes I even love healthy food and sometimes even the junk makes it's way past my lips....and you know what.... THAT IS OK !!! Keep you're eye on the prize and don't give up.

    Now, Get to it girl and friend me if you'd like.
  • Melmade
    Melmade Posts: 349 Member
    Hi Kris,

    Feel free to add me. I love food, wine, vodka... all of which are hard to keep in check. I check in here constantly and it really helps to keep all of it under control--for the most part. You can do this!
  • JMO44710
  • crutchgirl
    Thanks everyone, this is awesome, I already feel better! I will add everyone and accept requests as soon as I figure out how lol!
  • beckylou66
    beckylou66 Posts: 103 Member
    You have come to the right place... These folks are GREAT!!! Endless support, a lot of open food diaries to view, challenges.... it's just endless. Even if you are not quite back to full speed, just working on the food portion will help end the pity party for good. Good luck to you and you're sure welcome to add me if you'd like.
  • Emi_Pie
    You've taken the most important step. Welcome!