I've lost my mojo and am near quitting!



  • rbryntes
    rbryntes Posts: 710 Member
    Could be the anemia, I was like that before my anemia-induced heart attack.
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    EAT BREAKFAST. Coffee isn't a meal. Get some quality carbs and protein in your breakfast and after a few days you should perk up. Also, try to avoid eating chocolate cake for a meal. I must admit I've eaten cookies for a meal ONCE. Just try not to make a habit out of it. I second the less processed/canned foods and more fresh. Find yourself a good cookbook and go from there.
  • sgiacherio
    Sounds to me like a lot of things going on here. If you know you're anemic, then that's the exact reason you feel tired all the time. Plus, if you're exercing with nice long walks, but only eating 1200 calories a day then basically your starving your body. That in turn is going to slow your metabolism way down and NOT help you lose weight. Plus it's not healthy. Why don't you trust the exercise calculators? You could probably google other calculators to see how the numbers compare.

    Plus, you probably need to be taking a multi-vitamin, but you really need a doctor and/or a trainer to help you with this. You don't want to overdose on iron. I would also ask someone about taking B12. That helped me a ton with energy levels throughout the day (when I was working out alot).

    You REALLY need to talk to someone about the eating problems too. It could be a severe allergy, it could be stress, it could be psychological, it could be a medical issue, or 100 other things. No one on here can really diagnose you. You need to talk to a professional.

    A doctor and/or nutritionist can fix the other things. Then MFP is the most perfect solution for continuous motivation and support! Lean on us for whatever you need!!!
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    Don't quit! Change tactics. It's hard to give advice because no one knows your specifics, but seek out an expert. Talk to your doc, maybe you are on a medication like and anti-depressant or birth conrol that makes it harder to lose weight. And if you can afford it, see a nutritionist. You sound like you are really dedicated, but if something isn't working well, don't just bang your head against a brick wall, you'll never knock it down. Out smart that wall by climbing it or going around it.
  • sgiacherio
    I love this post! GREAT advice!
    You can do it!

    I think you need to be gentler on yourself. A couple of things in addition to the other suggestions:

    -I don't think you are eating enough.

    -When I reduced calories, I was tired all the time too. I ended up quitting for a while. It did help to increase my intake as far as energy goes (but I did gain about 10lbs back). Based on your weight, height, and activity level, I can't image that 1200-1500 calories is enough for you. Have you considered that maybe you are putting your body close to starvation mode? (when the body starts to shut down and conserve energy). I might suggest upping your calories to maintenance level (2000?) for a week and see if it makes a difference on your energy level.

    -If you can't/aren't eat fruits or vegetables, you have to be low in nutrients. You are probably lacking in every energy vitamin from A to Zinc. Colors=nutrition. If you aren't eating a full rainbow of foods, your body will be malnurished. What kinds of fruits and vegetables have you tried? Are there any that are worse or better? (Wondering if I can come up with some additional suggestions). Please talk to your doctor about ways to get nutrition if you can't eat produce. I do a Spiru-tein Whey shake in the morning that is full of vitamins and minerals.
  • Harkins86
    Harkins86 Posts: 58 Member
    Well personally the sin makes it all the more juicy!

    Ignore this person, they sound like a troll

    To the op - You can get mulivitamins with iron in. They might help, but do get checked out too!!

    Best of luck
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    To be honest, I've always said that it's a food phobia, I know the exact reasons why I'm sick with it, I just have no idea how to combat it. My aunt insists it's intolerance though and since arguing with her has resulted in me being thrown out the house before I've learned not to even bother. Even when I can proove otherwise, o I've just taken to calling it a food intolerence to keep the peace because I actually like her :P

    What happened is, when I was little I was "allergic" to e-numbers. It's not a real allergy, but I was about 6 and this is how my parents explained it. They sent me completely hyper beyond control, so I had to be put on a "special diet" which was basically fancy speak for making me miserable. I was restricted to the cleanest diet you have ever een. I couldn't have food colouring, artificial preservatives or most e-numbers. Translation, nothing nice. I wa only allowed 1 soda, 7-up, other than that I was on water because even most fruit juices had something I couldn't have. Candy? Forget it. If I was very lucky my nanan would sneak me nougat when we visited, but my mum severed all contact with her when I wa six and I never saw her again until her funeral. My little sister and my cousins and my friends were allowed anything they wanted. So my sister would get chocolate and I'd get an apple. yay. Even school was in on this plot to make me miserable and while the other children got pudding and juice at lunch, I got an apple and water. And they wondered why it didn't work. I stopped reacting to the e-numbers, I just started acting out until they took me off it when I was around 10 and had to send me to a "Special school" where the nurses helped me control myself even when eating the e-numbers, but I never touched fruit or veg again. My family tried to make me and I started being violently sick and crying hysterically. They eventually stopped forcing me because watching a ten year old crying hysterically and throwing up becaue you're feeding them something vs them not getting enough fruit and veg but being happy...my family opted for the happy. I still ate 10 carrot slices every sunday though until I turned 14 and we stopped going to my grammas for sunday dinner, then I stopped entirely and haven't eaten it again until I finished college and now just 1 spoon of anything will send me down that path. I WANT to eat it, I'm WILLING to give it a go, but I'm terrified of being sick from it and I do get sick from it.

    On a good day I can eat an apple! But only if I use a knife (biting it feels wierd) and I have to eat it before it goes brown, the brown bits make me sick. I like grapes, but the texture makes me sick, so I can only have a couple, same with cherries and blueberries, but that's all I can eat and they're very expensive when I can't eat all I buy and throw away almot an entire tub every time :(
  • xraylady33
    xraylady33 Posts: 222 Member
    Don't give up, but without being super bossy...YOU MUST CHANGE THE ROUTINE!

    First, walking is fine, but your body is use to it, and you need to incorporate more body challenging tactics..Lunges while walking..squats, weights! Anything that gets you burning fat.

    Your diet is full of sugar and preservatives. If you can not eat veggies or fruit, try more lean protien. Whole grains, and maybe a juicer. Your body is holding on to the sugar regardless of reducing calories. You keep your calories around goal, but if they are empty calories, even half the day, you are defeating the purpose.

    The exhaustion could be the mental anguish for beating yourself up! You are beautiful, you can do this! Just tweak things, start slow, enjoy a cheat day, and never give up!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Also, I'm still loosing weight yes.

    I really should go to see a doctor, I know. I just haven't had time yet. I've not had an ept, don't know what one is.

    Also, my dog is a patterdale terrier, he may be small, but he's bouncey, I walk 3.5 miles an hour, with him I average 3, but only because we also stop to chat and play with friends while we're out, which I'd do on my own too. Plus we race while we're out, there are a flight of steps in the woods, dunno why and we race up them, something I wouldn't do on my own, he always wins, but I've come close a couple of times and I used to beat him, but he's a bit tubby too, so walking without him really wouldn't be a better work out at all :P Nor can I do less than that as Paws needs both walk, his morning one keeps him from killing us all as he races us on the stairs at home and his evening one stops me cleaning poo up in the morning :P
  • Sezmo83
    Sezmo83 Posts: 331 Member
    My brother is the same way with food. His stems from being ill while being weaned and throwing up every single time he ate. He lived on potato waffles, chips and roast potatoes for 20 years. Now he's managed to convert to processed chicken things and pizza. He has problems even trying new foods, he finds it very difficult to force himself to do it and usually when he does manage it he's sick.
    Also, my dog is a patterdale terrier,
    Lol, enough said! Not a breed really recommended as a pet purely because of how "gogogoogogogo!" they are. I'm surprised 3-4 miles is enough. Clicker training is supposed to be an excellent way to tire them out mentally once they've been exercised physically if you find the 3-4 miles becomes not enough at any point.
  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    It's probably the guilt factor of shacking up with the guy without marrying him first.

    Really?? Was that comment necessary?
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    Oh yes! I'm right there! I trust my dad implicently which is the only reason i've ever tried new things. He never tells me what' in something and the only way I'll try it is if he promies me that I'll like it. If he's not 100% sure he won't say yes because he knows that if I don't like it and he's aid ye, that's it, there' no way I'm going to try new food ever again! It's ridiculou! But Thank you, I'm odly happy that I'm not alone in it.

    hehe well... our 3 mile walk also consists of racing up steps, him being offlead virtually the whole time, a game of splish splash in the river, several hills and a wood where he shoots off ahead and races back several times, oh and the field where we set off running together then I top and when he finally realizes I'm not at his side I call him back, which he does at a run, then the game is he sees if he can jump on me and bring me to the floor as I'm crouched down, and I get out of the way pretty quickly, fuss him and we go again, then...we're regulars so we know a few regulars and if we're lucky we'll meet up with the great dane and his walker, and the two dogs will amuse themelves for a good hour while us humans sit on a bench laughing at them and chatting. So yes, it's only three miles, but it's the most active three mile you've ever seen a dog! If he' still energetic, he's got a few toys he adores and it's play fighting on the floor and game's of both fetch and tug-o-war at the same time :P
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    You are a beautiful girl and you're going to make a beautiful bride! A few words of advise -
    1) see your doctor if you are feeling that fatigued
    2) change up your diet. i see you're not eating breakfast, the most important meal of the day! Start your day with some oatmeal, add some nuts and a little dried fruit if you like
    3) eat more lean meat....chicken & turkey. Do you like tuna..try to add this into your diet..excellent source of protein
    4) are you taking vitamin supplements....do it!
    5) is walking your only source of exercise? I love to walk but doing 3 to 4 miles everyday morning and night can get VERY tedious!! Try switching to one of those timesaver DVD work outs. Jillian MIchaels 30 day shred is great....packs a punch in under 30 minutes
    6) it's ok to give yourself a few days break if you are feeling burned out and tired. this is not carte blanche to go hog wild...just eat sensibly and let your body rest a few days.

    To sum up.....change is good. Take a few days off (with the promise to yourself that you WILL jump back in the game). Then Change up your diet and exercise routine and get back to it!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    It's probably the guilt factor of shacking up with the guy without marrying him first.

    your first post as well as no information, no friends, nada on your profile..........

    what is your agenda? Dont you think you are being somewhat judgemental about this person asking for help.......shame on you for hiding behind your fake name/profile to make a statement.........
  • crozierb
    crozierb Posts: 61 Member
    It's probably the guilt factor of shacking up with the guy without marrying him first.

    That's pretty damn opinionated and insensitive...
    Anyway, I was going to say I'm sorry you feel so exhausted all the time, that is frustrating! You should probably see a doc/ nutritionist to help figure things out. The fact that you're anemic is a big red flag to me- total energy zapper!
  • Amo_Angelus
    Amo_Angelus Posts: 604 Member
    You know, I'm really touched that people are annoyed at this person for me, but...you're far better off ignoring it. The user is obviously a troll who takes great delight in annoying people, but they're obviously just not that good if the best they can do is target a weightloss forum with comments about sin. I'd love to see them go somwehre like 4chan or even gaiaonline, which is entirely made up of teens. They'd be eaten alive. And if they're not trolls, well I've got far greater ins that shacking up out of wedlock. The horned man and I are great friends and I'd rather embrace my sins. So much more fun. lol

    I've been anemic since I was little, in highschool I was very prone to passing out from it, especially around the TOM. It doesn't tend to drain my energy really as I've always been highly active I just go from very active to unconcious on the floor. Which is one of the reasons I caught on so quick in dance class, I know how to fall and control my body pretty well :P Ok, I'll try and find the doctors phone number tomorrow and make an appointment for next week.