Positive Motivation needed to stay focused

Hi my name is Lisa and I'm needing all the Positive Motivation I can get as I get Negative Motivation at home and I dont currently like the way I feel about myself and my self confidence is way down and I'd like everything to change. Iknow it all takes time. Please feel free to add me as a friend.


  • alexandrakubetin
    alexandrakubetin Posts: 9 Member
    I added you. 😊 Anyone is welcome to add me, by the way. 🌈 Let's do this together. 💜
  • DW1Texas
    DW1Texas Posts: 131 Member
    Morning This is my second time on mfp.

    Last time lost 80lbs gained some back now starting again. And I can tell you never would have done it the first time without positive encouragement and motivation from a few people I spoke with daily on here.

    I hope you find a few people to encourage you. It makes all the difference. Feel free to add my if you like.