WANTED: A few friends for daily motivation!

I have had some pretty good success with my weight loss so far... 43lbs, that came off slowly but surely. Now, I've found this site, and I think I've found a place where I can get (and provide!) the motivation and support needed to really succeed.

My problem is, that I need to be accountable to be successful. This much I know for sure about myself.

I would love to build a tighly-knit group of about 6 or 8 ladies. We could provide that support to each other through regular contact and check-ins. Although I think that the timed-challenges that seem to dominate this section are an excellent idea and a huge motivator, what I would really love to have is a group of friends I can really rely on, and who can rely on me back!

What do you think? :smile:

aka prettypooks


  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
    Hi Lisa! This sounds like a great idea and I'm in! :) This has worked really well for me in the past - my friend and I worked together and obsessed about weight loss. Unfortunately, she took a new job a few years ago and I lost that support.
  • Birch113
    Birch113 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lisa! I would love to join the group! My best friend and I have started this wieghtloss journey together (unfortunately she lives a couple hours away), and it would be awesome to have some more girls cheering each other on! Congrats on your weightloss!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi Lisa! I would love to join this group. I have been dieting/exercising for a smidge and have hit a plateau. I'm not giving up, nor am I cheating... but I have about 5-7 pounds left to reach my goal and would love to motivate and be motivated!
  • Hi, this sounds like what I have been looking for too. I am relatively new to this site and looking for friends to help keep me motivated. I almost gave up when I found your post because when I looked in this section it seemed like all the doors to motivation were "closed" or had some time or weight requirements and I'm not sure I can deal with the pressure of that. I started my weight loss journey almost a week ago, so I have a ways to go to hit my 60 pound goal. So far I have lost 6 :)
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    I have a hard time getting online on the weekends sometimes, but I like to come on during the week (gives me a nice break from work!).

    Did you all have a good weekend?

    Mine was pretty good! I went to my second kickboxing class with my 14 year old stepson, and it really kicked my butt! I've had the hardest time finding a sport that I really enjoy and that motivates me, until I walked in to my first kickboxing class.

    How do you guys want to do this? I can open up a closed thread that we can talk on, or we can support each other through messages on each other's profile pages. What do you think?


    aka Prettypooks
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    I would love to join you all in your journeys - I find that people checking my diary and my exercise is a real motivator (I guess I get shamed into eating/exercising right?!) - and I am having a minor struggle with motivation at the moment!

    Feel free to add me - I have MFP on my phone so am always around to comment on status updates and exercise/food records.

    I am getting married in 4 months and would love to lose as much weight as I can before then (original aim was to lose 40lbs (so I'd be down to 140lbs), but that is smaller than I have ever been in my adult life, and I'm not sure it's realistic!

    A few digs at me when I don't post a big cardo exercise number each day would work wonders - ideally I need to be burning around 600 cals from exercise each day to meet my (rather high) expectations - and at the moment I'm nowhere near it.

    Lisa - you sound like you've done incredibly so far - that's AWESOME! Congrats!

    I'm sure with a few of us supporting each other (and shouting at me) we can drop the extra weight :)

    Steph x
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    We could always have a little friendly cardio / workout challenge, if that's motivating... :wink:

    I've been working hard to get the weight off, but the last week or so I've been seriously getting down to business. I want to be in the 100's by Christmas... I can't wait to have a "1" in front of my number again!

    What exercise do you guys have planned for today?

  • kailey_watson
    kailey_watson Posts: 65 Member
    Can I join your group? I am in a couple of challenges, but I would really like a support group to to keep me going even when i'm not as succesful as I want to be.
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    I would lie to join.... :)
  • SWilland
    SWilland Posts: 232 Member
    Hi Everyone! I would love to join the support group to keep me and you motivated! I am just starting out not only with my weight loss expedition but also with MyFitnessPal. I love the site so far.

    Highest Weight: 217.2 (Feb 2011)
    Current Weight: 205.4
    Goal Weight: 160

    Feel free to friend me! I do work full time so sometimes I get busy but I do have the app on my iPod :)
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hi everyone! Just finished a workout... and am exhausted... I stayed up too late last night watching football and paid for it today... Didn't gain weight - but had no energy... I'm so excited about our little motivation/support group... Lisa, I'm in for whatever method... I think it will be fun to workout and be healthy with you all. Have a great afternoon! Lissa (can you believe it? we'll have a Lissa and a Lisa in our group...)
  • We could always have a little friendly cardio / workout challenge, if that's motivating... :wink:

    I've been working hard to get the weight off, but the last week or so I've been seriously getting down to business. I want to be in the 100's by Christmas... I can't wait to have a "1" in front of my number again!

    What exercise do you guys have planned for today?


    Sounds like fun. I am having major cardio issues lately because I haven't worked out in years. I put in a video (Ministry of Sound Pump It Up Ultimate Dance Workout) which I thought should be pretty easy and well, it has taken me 3 times to actually be able to do the segments without stopping in the middle of them. I still have to take a 5 to 10 minute walking break in between segments though :( I am so out of shape.

    My hubby wanted us to do PX90 and we've had it sitting on the shelf for almost a year. We keep hearing horror stories about not being able to move enough to do simple things like use the restroom after the workouts, so there it sits. He is doing nothing, I'm doing the dance workout. I'm hoping to build myself up to PX90 without having a coronary. It's really hard to keep motivated while he sits on his butt watching Nascar and Football, eating nachos, hot dogs and drinking beer while I try to get healthy. Oh, and he likes to watch me work out to my video and comments about the girls in the video and makes fun of them... sigh
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    @MissKittyrina I haven't tried P90X (because OUCH expensive) but I am a big fan of Jillian Michaels, and her 30 day shred (or her new one, ripped in 30) might be a good place to start? You can pick them up for WAY cheap, and although they hurt the first few days, you get over it, and then they start feeling good!

    I've also heard of quite a few people starting on 30DS before trying P90X just to get back in the routine of doing something each day - and with the two DVD's I mentioned being half an hour including warm up and warm down it's more manageable - especially when you're getting back into it!

    @Lisa I'd be all in for a workout challenge, I get motivated briefly, workout hard, and then that's all my motivation used up for the next few days!!! I am quite lucky as I can walk to work, so that gets me 40 mins of exercise in without even thinking about it, but really I need to push myself MUCH harder to get things moving in the right direction!

    Saying that I did just do my workout for the day - Jillian's No More Trouble Zones - it runs at an hour, although only 45 minutes of actual circuit training, but is a pretty serious workout! No need to shout at me today :)

    What exercise do you have planned?

  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    What's everyone's weigh in day? It would be nice to start the exercise challenge around that so that it fits a little more naturally in to our schedules. I like to weigh in on Friday.

    Today was a heavy weights, elliptical day at the gym. How's everyone else doing for exercise?

    Thoughts on moving to a closed thread? Should we get a group name?? Any suggestions??? :smile:
  • If its not too late- I would love to join your group. I just restarted using MFP this week.
  • What's everyone's weigh in day? It would be nice to start the exercise challenge around that so that it fits a little more naturally in to our schedules. I like to weigh in on Friday.

    Today was a heavy weights, elliptical day at the gym. How's everyone else doing for exercise?

    Thoughts on moving to a closed thread? Should we get a group name?? Any suggestions??? :smile:

    I've been weighing in every day but I think I'm going to stop that habit,it's too obsessive. I'm up for any day, Friday sounds good to me :)
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    At the moment I'm also weighing in everyday (although only recording on a Friday!) I did try to stop this habit, but I'd rather know so it doesn't come as a surprise on a Friday :)

    Today I'm not sure I'm going to get a serious workout in - almost finished work and then I have to take my lovely new stray cat to the vets, make dinner for hubby-to-be and me, and then eat.

    I may have a go at couch-to-5k later on if I'm in the mood as it's only half an hour, and I could really do with learning how to run!!!

    I'm easy with however you want to move the group forwards - I guess a closed thread makes the most sense?!

    Hope you're all having awesome days!

  • tans087
    tans087 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone. This is just exactly what i needed and would love to be a part of. I really do need all the motivation to step out and go for a run or exercise a bit. I have just joined in yesterday and really want to push myself hard to lose weight and keep myself fit physically and mentally. :)
  • Feel free to add me. I'm new to MFP and just starting.
  • smileyav
    smileyav Posts: 6 Member
    I would love to join too! I've been on MFP on and off, but would love a reason to come on daily and be reminded of what I need to do. I am having a hard time with staying motivated. When I don't see results right away, I want to quit :( HELP!