Almond Milk??



  • Kelblue1
    Kelblue1 Posts: 139 Member
    I love it too. I think I like it better than cow milk. Way fewer calories that's for sure! And it does stay fresh longer too. As far as having it mixed in with food, oatmeal, cereal, etc. You can't even tell the difference. I use the Silk brand. I have had the non sweetened and don't like it as much but I like to have alittle sweetness to my milk. Try it!!
  • Fairysoul
    Fairysoul Posts: 1,361 Member
    It is great, check it out at the store you would be surprized, there is more calcium and it's better for you in my opinion.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    I wish we could get it in the UK. I can get ot off of the net but its too expensive! I have heard there is a lot of sugar in it too? xx
  • pen2u
    pen2u Posts: 224 Member
    If you can purchase the raw materials, nut milks are not too difficult to make at home as long as you have a decent blender and a strainer. Of course they won't have the added calcium or vit D that Silk or the other manufacturers put in.
  • CrimsonHellkite
    i drink almond milk because it last alot longer than cows milk, if i buy a half gallon of milk i wont drink it before it goes bad...but almond milk seems to last for months lol i dont use milk often only in my protein smoothies or shakes when i wanna mix things up.
  • Jill_newimprovedversion
    I like the unsweetened because it's lower in calories and the unsweetened has 0 sugar-
    if I want some sweetness/vanilla in it, I'll add a packet of Truvia ( stevia) and imitation vanilla ( also 0 calories)

    It isn't something I'd personally pour in a glass and drink w/ cookies- but I like it in cereal, and
    it's wonderful in smoothies and
    when I make up recipes that call for milk ( like instant pudding ! )

    I prefer the taste of Blue Diamond Unsweetened over Silk brand ( just my opinion)
    They also make it in non-refrigerated boxes- usually in the store aisle w/ canned/powdered milk
  • LovingMyselfAgain
    I prefer the Almond Milk to regular cow milk... I use the Silk brand.. i started using it because a personal trainer i was using had recommended it over regular cow milk.. There are fewer calories, and tastes great.. so i figured if i could lower my calories, but still drink something similar to the same thing... then why not?!? :)
  • CrimsonHellkite
    I like the unsweetened because it's lower in calories and the unsweetened has 0 sugar-
    if I want some sweetness/vanilla in it, I'll add a packet of Truvia ( stevia) and imitation vanilla ( also 0 calories)

    It isn't something I'd personally pour in a glass and drink w/ cookies- but I like it in cereal, and
    it's wonderful in smoothies and
    when I make up recipes that call for milk ( like instant pudding ! )

    I prefer the taste of Blue Diamond Unsweetened over Silk brand ( just my opinion)
    They also make it in non-refrigerated boxes- usually in the store aisle w/ canned/powdered milk

    some excellent ideas, ill have to try making pudding with it, and i agree the unsweetened is the way to go!
  • c7eat2live
    c7eat2live Posts: 308 Member
    Im not a fan of drinking cow's milk, never have been (except in tea or coffee) I grew up on a mix of rice and soy, and now I LOVE almond milk because it has super low cal, a nice taste and way less sugar than soy. Coconut is also delicious.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    my household drinks it because it's cholesterol free =)
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    I can have a simple bowl of cereal without having to ingest a Lactaid. Yay!
  • gsenriquez
    gsenriquez Posts: 181 Member
    I love it..just like everyone's posting - I agree with all the benefits of it...and I do get it from Costco, it is a lot cheaper.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    I love the original almond milk with my oatmeal. I tried using the unsweetened but don't like it as much.
  • ladybug202
    I have to try it in oatmeal. I never liked regular cow's milk too much. I had to put tons of ice in it to deal with it, and it still caused me to bloat and get a little achey in stomach.

    Unsweeted almond milk is wonderful! I crave it. I don't like the sweetened or the vanilla that much, because it reminds me too much of cow's milk. I like the nutty flavor and creamy texture of the almond milk.

    I am happy to hear that many use it in oatmeal. I am personally trying to cut down on sugar and carbs due to my recent blood work results. It's hard to find anything without sugar, so I am glad that this comes unsweetened, and I prefer it that way.
  • Healthy_Hannah483
    Healthy_Hannah483 Posts: 151 Member
    It has the same, if not more calcium than milk and only 35 calories for a cup.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    I did a search of for almond milk here in Australia...The only place I found it was Coles and it was way dearer then the milk I buy..