You want another what? (TMI)



  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    I have even thought about pulling out those good ol' hospital mesh panties you get after having a baby. I have a new pair I never used. Maybe I'll put those babies on and see how he feels about another baby.

    :laugh: LOL, those were the worst.

    We were also trying for #2, but it wasn't happening (I hit peri-menopause). So that's about the time I decided to lose the baby weight. With my luck, I'll probably end up pregnant once I'm finally happy with my abs.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    I dont think right now you can convince him anymore than he can convince you. He sounds like a good man and the arguments that its your body isnt fair either. (I know this opinion is controversial) You both built the family so you both have a say. You can both bring your arguments and reasons, sleep on it and decide. Let Some time go by, maybe a few months?. Perhaps the difference and accomplishments of your kids growth can change either of your minds. Pray and decide. Hope you can both come to agreement.

    P.S. I lost weight after both my kids so I'd begin pregnancy at a healthy weight and It wouldn't be harder to loose afterwards. Now that I'm on mfp and don't plan on over indulging I'm continuing my exercise regimen I think I have a good chance on bouncing back after #3. To each his own.
  • rebecky27
    rebecky27 Posts: 842 Member
    The mesh panties along with some kind of forecast budget for raising the 2 you already have.
    agree with this! diapers, baby food, clothes, school supplies, sports registration fees, sports equipment, admission to see you child play the sport, filed trips, Birthday presents, Holidays, day care(?), college, books, cars, insurance....

    Forgot to mention - vacations. We are a family of 5 and finding any vacation packages for 5 is near impossible!! They are all for 4 people, and I'm not booking a second room for hundreds of dollars a night! yeeesh!
  • ksself
    Haha! I'm in the same boat. Hubby wants another for sure, but I am just getting my weight down and am in the midst of potty training the youngest. Two seems like plenty to me. I stay at home and do all the kid stuff, so I feel like I have the most say about this!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    My hubby got really upset at the negative pregnancy test I had a couple weeks ago (were not trying!!!) and I told him we could try when I got to my goal weight. But I'm still unsure if I want another. I think the true reason my hubby wants another is because he was in Iraq for my entire pregnancy and came home when our daughter was 6 months old.( She's 2.5 now) He missed EVERYTHING and I think he finally wants to experience it. I, on the other hand, am unsure if I want to experience it again. Do you guys have a lot of family and friends having babies right now?? Sometimes that makes me want a baby REALLY bad until I get home and my house is quiet and then fall asleep and sleep through the night. Sleep is a precious thing!!!

    No one is having babies now. I think he misses the infant stage maybe? He has very high energy and always needs to have something to move towards. I think he feels like he feels like "What's next?". We graduated from college, got married, bought a house, had children and now what? My thoughts are we enjoy life. He has trouble just sitting still and enjoying the moment

    My husband is the same way. Something always needs to be new to keep the excitement. I'm just hoping we don't have ten kids before he's over his baby fever!
  • Dtho5159
    Dtho5159 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Im sooooo glad mine doesn't want anymore lol. The 2 we have keep me going allllll day and Id lose my mind if we had more lol.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    tell him youll have another as soon as he agrees to be the pregnant one
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    He works evenings so he doesn't spend much time with the children, but he does that to make enough money so they can go to a great Christian school. He was off work for almost five months and was a stay-at-home dad to both of them up until about 3 months ago so he knows how much work they are.

    Assuming that your kids are in a Christian school because you are a Christian family, the only advice I would give is to pray together for God to reveal His will in your lives. Neither of you should pressure the other, but be open to the will of God and He will help you make the right decision for your family. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

    God bless,
  • raven1114
    raven1114 Posts: 115 Member
    i think i'd check dh into a mental clinic if he suggested another baby lol! we have 3 kids and that is more than plenty. luckily we're both fixed so the chances are pretty slim.
  • frankie2637
    frankie2637 Posts: 66 Member
    Go away for a very long weekend without him, just you and your girlfriends. Leave him with the two kids, dont take your mobile. let him cope totally by himself. That'll sort him out. Unless of course you happen to live with superdad................
  • kfitz10103

    Assuming that your kids are in a Christian school because you are a Christian family, the only advice I would give is to pray together for God to reveal His will in your lives. Neither of you should pressure the other, but be open to the will of God and He will help you make the right decision for your family. I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

    God bless,

    Thanks! I think we need to be grateful we have our family and I don't want to put anymore undue pressure on us if we cannot handle it. I know GOD won't give us anymore than we can handle though.
  • kfitz10103
    Go away for a very long weekend without him, just you and your girlfriends. Leave him with the two kids, dont take your mobile. let him cope totally by himself. That'll sort him out. Unless of course you happen to live with superdad................
    He was a superdad when he stayed at home with them while he was off work. I think he doesn't realize how hard it is doing it by myself when I work 50 hours per week and take care of the kids by myself 5 nights per week.
  • smoore85
    smoore85 Posts: 68 Member
    wow, i wish,, i have 3 girls aged 2, 4 and 6,, the 4 and 2 yr old dont sleep through and they are a handful at the best of times,, but i personally wood love another but hubby went and got the snip in june as he doesnt want any more, plus i have had 3 complicated pregnancies,, so i guess if in the future i really want more it will be adoption or fostering,, at least that way i wont put on any weight,, lol,, think u just need to remind him that u have the 2 and are blessed with them and for now at least u dont want any more but who knows what the future will bring,, good luck hon, xx