DC or marvel warning controversial



  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,592 Member
    Seeeeeeee, the Avengers is what got me into the whole superhero thing! I went to go see the first Avengers movie (IN THE THEATRE!!!) because the now very problematic Joss Whedon wrote and directed it...and fell hard for the characters so started watching the stand alone movies...and then the standalone movies of superheroes who weren't in the Avengers....and then more team up movies...and then movies of superheroes I'd never heard of and hadn't planned to even watch the movies of but, hey!, I had some free time...

    (The DC tv shows starting with the Flash, for me, came in there somewhere.)

    And then the big pay off of ALL THOSE FREAKIN' MOVIES in the form of the Avengers: Endgame.

    Oh...and Agents of Shield.

    Because Coulson.

    And then the rest of the characters and how well they kept reinventing the show each season.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,008 Member
    Marvel all the way for me, with the exception of Batman. Here's why...

    As a general rule (exceptions exist of course), the Marvel characters are depicted as "human plus," as in they have this really neat cool single super power, but a bullet to the brain will still kill them.

    As a general rule (note the above statement of exceptions), the DC characters are depicted as "God light," as in their powers are so absurdly over the top powerful that in order to even challenge them, the bad guy has to be even more absurdly over the top powerful. Superman is the ultimate example of this, and no, I do not consider giving them some sort of "Achilles heal" weakness (Superman vs kryptonite, Green Lantern vs the color yellow, etc) is enough of a balance. Consequently, over the decades many DC characters have had their powers go through a series of fluxes, swelling or shrinking or being completely reset, in ways you (almost) never see in Marvel heroes.

    The biggest exception to the DC god complex is Batman, a normal human who remains a normal human, subject to injury or death, but through sheer determination and creativity (plus a few billion dollars doesn't hurt) can hang with the big boys. Though even Batman has had his share of death scenes get conveniently rewritten as "fooled you!" or "oh, that was universe 479...but over here in universe 561...".