Please share NSVs....



  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    Second - I have been going to a Capoeira class for a little over 3 years. We had a little get together a couple of weeks ago where our teacher played some videos from events that we had been at over the past couple of years. The first from the summer 2010 had a version of me that I recognize. The second video was from an event we were at few weeks ago. In this video there was a guy I did not recognize. It puzzled me as I remembered the event and I remembered making a point at the event to say hello to everyone. However, I did not recognize the guy in the video! ? Until one of my classmates mentioned how great I looked in the video. The mystery guy was me!

    :laugh: That is awesome!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    ohhhhh please keep them coming...i want people to see that even if the scale doesnt move like we want it to we should still celebrate all the amazing accomplishments we have had during our journeys.....
  • slyskitz
    slyskitz Posts: 9 Member
    NSV 1 - I was able to bring a M and an L into the dressing room the other day. It used to be an L and XL and the XL would be embarrassingly too small. This week the M was a perfect fit!!

    NSV 2 - Putting on some jeans I haven't been able to zip in a loooooong time, they are a little snug but comfortable enough to wear!

    NSV 3 - After a weekend of being "bad" with family in town and eating tons of junk, I feel like crap. Normally that's not a good thing, but my body is finally used to good food and I crave it!
  • SheShe1987
    I am absolutely enjoying reading all the NSV...way to go everyone!!! They truly are inspiring, and I actually have one of my own. I absentmindedly put on a pair of capris that I haven't worn since last summer because I just couldn't breath in them let alone be comfortable! They are still tight, but I can hubby gave me a ^5 and kiss and then he had his own NSV! That was very much needed motivation, and I hope to keep them coming. The scale didn't change from last Sunday to this Sunday for either of us, but I know changes are being made even if the numbers don't show it! Yay!!!
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I bought a pair of size 16 pants (I was a tight 18 when I started this) about a year ago because they were on clearance and how can you pass up Levis for $7?!?! My wonderful husband said I would fit into them soon......well "soon" is now!!!! They fit and are actually a little big in the butt and thighs. Due to my beautiful children my stomach is still almost a full size bigger than my legs but the fact is that they are comfortable!!!!!!

    2 sizes to go to my pre-baby clothes!!!
  • MrsM1ggins
    MrsM1ggins Posts: 724 Member
    I bought a couple of new tops mail order in a size M, even though that size is still too small for me. I figured that I'll be in them soon enough and I have literally nothing in that size in my wardrobe to slim into.

    When they arrived I decided to see just how bad I'd look if I tried to wear them now. They fit just fine!
  • mixtape85
    I love this string... so much that this is my first post even though I've been a member on MFP for over 2 months now.

    My NSVs:
    + My work slacks that have eluded me for about 6 months are now loose enough that I have to consider buying new clothes!
    + I had the tape measure out to where I was last March (40" waist )... now, I can stick my whole arm through the space between me at the tape measure (35" waist) :D
    + I don't feel bad being at the gym. That probably sounds silly, but I think I care much less what people may think of me because I just want to get moving and do something good for myself...
    + Now, I crave snap peas and fresh cut cucumbers and watermelon... quite a major change but I'm loving it!!
  • spoiledwife12
    spoiledwife12 Posts: 151 Member
    I have a collarbone again!!

    Yesterday I found some old pants I'd stuffed away, thinking I'd never fit in them again, and THEY FIT!!!!

    Keeping up with the high jumps on Turbo Fire!!!

    Biggest of them all.......broke through the extreme burnout of "trying to lose weight again" and sticking to my plan of action for almost eleven weeks now! I know God helped me on this one!!!
  • heybrit
    heybrit Posts: 140
    I've only been doing this for about a week now but I had my first NSV last night. My bf and I took a friend out to Denny's after class last night. I had enough calories left over to have my usual meal choice and so I decided to go for it. I ate it and we went home. Immediately I noticed how sluggish I felt and weighed down. It was like all of the food was sitting on top of everything else in my stomach; the grease VS the veggies/ "good for me" foods. I had no idea that I would be able to feel such a difference so soon into my lifestyle change. Also, I really wanted to exercise yesterday. I just started to exercise every day and it was strange for somebody like me who is completely sedentary to want to exercise just a few days after beginning.

    I can't wait to get off work and complete day 2 of C25K and start the 30DS as well! Being EXCITED about eating well and exercising is a NSV in it's own right for somebody like me!!!
  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    Last week one of the exec's at my office told the HR person that I was looking good (not in a romantic way) and later came up to me to ask me what I was doing to lose to much weight. Today he and I were looking for a file and he simply says, "You really are losing so much weight." It felt amazing!!!
  • lovinlife71
    putting on an ankle bracelet this past weekend...IT FIT....I haven't worn it in 12 years!!!!!!!!!
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    I DID THIS SATURDAY AT A KID'S BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    we were at a pool party and after the party i promised my kids they could play on the playground beside the pool for 5 mins before we headed home...they played, i talked to a girlfriends while her kids played too...then my son did the monkey bars all the way across for the first time ever and we cheered him on and i told my friend and another friends husband that doing it myself was a fitness goal of mine...that i would get there eventually...then i decided to try it...i was in my bathing suit with a towel wrapped around me lol....i got more than half way across and my towel fell and i kept going...i was sooooo friggin shocked that i DID it....i still can't believe it son did it one more time and we cheered for him again...i'm going to keep doing it every time i take the kids to the playground and eventually i'm going to make it across the big long curved one....this was a straight shot - maybe 8-10 rungs???? BUT I DID IT!!!!!!

    moral of my story - you NEVER know what you CAN do until you TRY!!!!!! who knows i might have been able to do that for a long time but doubted my abilities for soooo long.....

    good luck with all your goals friends, you can do amazing things....just try....

    My recent NSV was making it all the way across the monkey bars at the playground by our house. When I first tried them (about a year ago), I couldn't even hang on with two hands, let alone make it to the next bar! I had zero upper body strength and about 20 extra pounds. Then, a few weeks ago, I made it all the way across (10 bars). What a great feeling!

  • lolainlondon
    lolainlondon Posts: 160 Member
    1 All the (UK) size 14 jeans in Dorothy Perkins fit, including the skinny ones. Not too long ago the 22s in that store were tight. I don't think I wore a 14 when I was 14...

    2 Today I tried on a pair of wide fit knee high boots in M&S. They did up. Prior to that I had only ever bought knee high boots at Duo boots (online store for wide calf boots in all sorts of calf sizes).

    3 The cute bartender doing a trick with my small change and winking at me last night

    4 Even my male friends commenting on how much weight I've lost

    5 Realising that I can now stand up from sitting on the ground without pushing up with my arm
  • pixlamarque
    pixlamarque Posts: 312 Member
    I was thinking last night that my walking pants were a bit loose and I would have to tighten the drawstring (which has been at maximum extention since way before I was pregnant and the baby is 7 mos now) and as I walked into the bathroom they fell down around my ankles. Oops.

    A shirt I bought right after having the baby was a tiny bit snug. Then I gained more weight and it was like a sausage casing. I tried it on thinking it would be back to being just a bit snug and the top is actually a bit too loose.

    My ankles are starting to look like ankles again and not cankles.

    I get on the floor to play with my son without worrying how I will get up and what I will look like doing it.

    It doesn't even cross my mind to stop at fast food places anymore.
  • StaciO
    StaciO Posts: 998
    I ran my first 5k this weekend. Not only did I run it but I ran in in 32min 45 sec. Woo hoo! Not bad for a first timer.
  • sarantonio
    sarantonio Posts: 880 Member
    Options very favorite NSV is my double chin is GONE!!!! I have a real chin now...and my face is an oval!?!?! I always thought I had a round
  • LaurieEReid
    20 years ago, I got a Ralph Lauren suit that I wore about twice before it didn't fit anymore. Last week I wore it to work and several people told me how great it looked. It may actually be too sexy for work. ;-D Not bad for a middle aged lady.
  • SexyCook
    SexyCook Posts: 2,253 Member
    My C/O 95 reunion this weekend...The Amazing looks and questions I got asked about my journey! Made me feel very proud...
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    bought new underwear this weekend and i probably could have gone down 1 more size but i was afraid lol....
    9 to 8 to 7s now....gonna clean out the 8s and work on moving down towards 6s....seriously this is a big NSV for me as i have always had trouble with my tummy area (considering a tummy tuck at the end even)....i could never wear smaller undies cause my gushy stomach would stick out of the high cut feels amazing to have on underwear that hug all the areas they are supposed to but not show the extra skin...i love it...
  • TinaDay1114
    TinaDay1114 Posts: 1,328 Member
    My recent NSV was making it all the way across the monkey bars at the playground by our house. When I first tried them (about a year ago), I couldn't even hang on with two hands, let alone make it to the next bar! I had zero upper body strength and about 20 extra pounds. Then, a few weeks ago, I made it all the way across (10 bars). What a great feeling!


    LOVE this one!! Wahoooo!! I used to do monkey bars as a kid and not even think about it...and now? I'm working on it!!
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