


  • alkion
    About te chocolate milk thing. Anyone who is educated who has common sense will tell you sugar isn't good for you. From tooth decay to CAD(Coronary Heart Disese) sugar is the culrpit. I think most of know that intuitively, some how we tend to ignore it at times. As I said before chocolate milk "would work" as a recovery drink, it would work very well. The issue is, it's not healthy. There are other options out there. Chocolate milk might be the most anabolic drink there is, but that doesn't mean it's good for you. Everyone can think of many drugs that will help them get bigger, run faster, and farther... doesnt mean they're good for us.

    SERIOUSLY?? *facepalm* How old are you? You do realise just by reading this message you are slowly dying? Also everything that you consume in high quantity is enough to kill you, even water!! So please go create your own thread and stop deviating from this one.

    Do you post anything to even validate a point? Or do you just sit there and insult with no scientific backing or evidence? Next thing I know you're going to tell me cholestrol is bad for us, and tooth decay isn't caused by sugar(it is indirectly). here lets do this, you eat a lbs of sugar, and i'll eat 1lbs of any other macronutrient to solve this debate..

    I've validated all my points and we have even sent you articles from Alan and Lyle yet you have nothing to show for it. You initially said milk is the cause of cancer and now you are changing it to sugar causing tooth decay. You my friend are a troll.

    We already been through this, acidic foods produce an acidic enviorment in the body, which can lead to cancer. Okay here's mine

    The link sums up that metabolic acidosis is when there is too much acid in the body. Even states that severe acidosis can cause death. It also states a few ways to test for acidosis, one is urine. As I stated earlier I have seen how diet effects urine pH levels. And as you know MILK IS ACIDIC... as i said before, eat a pound of sugar and see what happens.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member

    [You do know that there are microorganisms that can survive a pH up to 11? Those are known as alkaphiles. Those produce metabolize sugar and produce toxins just like acidophiles which thrive in acidic environments.

    ha tht's crazy. are they found in the human body? As you probably know blood pH has to be kept in a narrow range. Too high or too low you will die. If the body is too acidic I do test my pH frequently, I do see the changes of pH in the body. That entire tooth decay thing I said earlier. I went to look it up just to verify. It was saying it's caused by the mouth being too acidic the acid eats the tooth enamal. One way to test pH is with saliva. It said to stay away from sugar of course.

    There are yeast inhabiting everyone's body. You never heard of a yeast infection?
  • alkion

    [You do know that there are microorganisms that can survive a pH up to 11? Those are known as alkaphiles. Those produce metabolize sugar and produce toxins just like acidophiles which thrive in acidic environments.

    ha tht's crazy. are they found in the human body? As you probably know blood pH has to be kept in a narrow range. Too high or too low you will die. If the body is too acidic I do test my pH frequently, I do see the changes of pH in the body. That entire tooth decay thing I said earlier. I went to look it up just to verify. It was saying it's caused by the mouth being too acidic the acid eats the tooth enamal. One way to test pH is with saliva. It said to stay away from sugar of course.

    There are yeast inhabiting everyone's body. You never heard of a yeast infection? Milk is highly basic according to your own link, so your acidic foods cause tooth decay argument is null.

    what link?? the one?? "breast milk" is, not "cow milk" cow milk is acidic. If you're refering to the chart on the link. Yeah the yeast is also a huge culprit to the acidicity of the body.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    About te chocolate milk thing. Anyone who is educated who has common sense will tell you sugar isn't good for you. From tooth decay to CAD(Coronary Heart Disese) sugar is the culrpit. I think most of know that intuitively, some how we tend to ignore it at times. As I said before chocolate milk "would work" as a recovery drink, it would work very well. The issue is, it's not healthy. There are other options out there. Chocolate milk might be the most anabolic drink there is, but that doesn't mean it's good for you. Everyone can think of many drugs that will help them get bigger, run faster, and farther... doesnt mean they're good for us.

    SERIOUSLY?? *facepalm* How old are you? You do realise just by reading this message you are slowly dying? Also everything that you consume in high quantity is enough to kill you, even water!! So please go create your own thread and stop deviating from this one.

    Do you post anything to even validate a point? Or do you just sit there and insult with no scientific backing or evidence? Next thing I know you're going to tell me cholestrol is bad for us, and tooth decay isn't caused by sugar(it is indirectly). here lets do this, you eat a lbs of sugar, and i'll eat 1lbs of any other macronutrient to solve this debate..

    I've validated all my points and we have even sent you articles from Alan and Lyle yet you have nothing to show for it. You initially said milk is the cause of cancer and now you are changing it to sugar causing tooth decay. You my friend are a troll.

    We already been through this, acidic foods produce an acidic enviorment in the body, which can lead to cancer. Okay here's mine

    The link sums up that metabolic acidosis is when there is too much acid in the body. Even states that severe acidosis can cause death. It also states a few ways to test for acidosis, one is urine. As I stated earlier I have seen how diet effects urine pH levels. And as you know MILK IS ACIDIC... as i said before, eat a pound of sugar and see what happens.

    Yes severe acidosis can cause death, but so can severe alkalinosis. That link states that acidosis occurs when the body "produces too much acid or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body" Nowhere does it state that ingestion of acidic foods is the CAUSE. Blood pH is affected by a number of factors, your diet is just a small drop in the bucket. Malabsorption issues of certain minerals can lead to blood pH changes, renal and hepatic failure obviously can lead to blood pH changes, even intense exercise can lead to blood pH changes, ingestions of certain toxins can lead to blood pH issues. I studies this topic heavily as my uncle was passing away of renal failure.
  • alkion
    About te chocolate milk thing. Anyone who is educated who has common sense will tell you sugar isn't good for you. From tooth decay to CAD(Coronary Heart Disese) sugar is the culrpit. I think most of know that intuitively, some how we tend to ignore it at times. As I said before chocolate milk "would work" as a recovery drink, it would work very well. The issue is, it's not healthy. There are other options out there. Chocolate milk might be the most anabolic drink there is, but that doesn't mean it's good for you. Everyone can think of many drugs that will help them get bigger, run faster, and farther... doesnt mean they're good for us.

    SERIOUSLY?? *facepalm* How old are you? You do realise just by reading this message you are slowly dying? Also everything that you consume in high quantity is enough to kill you, even water!! So please go create your own thread and stop deviating from this one.

    Do you post anything to even validate a point? Or do you just sit there and insult with no scientific backing or evidence? Next thing I know you're going to tell me cholestrol is bad for us, and tooth decay isn't caused by sugar(it is indirectly). here lets do this, you eat a lbs of sugar, and i'll eat 1lbs of any other macronutrient to solve this debate..

    I've validated all my points and we have even sent you articles from Alan and Lyle yet you have nothing to show for it. You initially said milk is the cause of cancer and now you are changing it to sugar causing tooth decay. You my friend are a troll.

    We already been through this, acidic foods produce an acidic enviorment in the body, which can lead to cancer. Okay here's mine

    The link sums up that metabolic acidosis is when there is too much acid in the body. Even states that severe acidosis can cause death. It also states a few ways to test for acidosis, one is urine. As I stated earlier I have seen how diet effects urine pH levels. And as you know MILK IS ACIDIC... as i said before, eat a pound of sugar and see what happens.

    Yes severe acidosis can cause death, but so can severe alkalinosis. That link states that acidosis occurs when the body "produces too much acid or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body" Nowhere does it state that ingestion of acidic foods is the CAUSE. Blood pH is affected by a number of factors, your diet is just a small drop in the bucket. Malabsorption issues of certain minerals can lead to blood pH changes, renal and hepatic failure obviously can lead to blood pH changes, even intense exercise can lead to blood pH changes, ingestions of certain toxins can lead to blood pH issues. I studies this topic heavily as my uncle was passing away of renal failure.

    That's too bad about your uncle. You're right, it doesn't say "eating acidic foods causes acidosis" a way to test for acidosis is with urine samples. When I eat alkalizing foods, my samples are higher in alkalinity. So according to this method, I am less acidic. You're also right about high alkalinity will cause cell death too. That's why there is some acidic in the eating method i mentions. 20-30% acidic food 70-80% alkalizing. Yes it's possible to be too alkaline, symptoms are pretty bad too. I have literally heard of tooth loss due to high alkalinity.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Yes severe acidosis can cause death, but so can severe alkalinosis. That link states that acidosis occurs when the body "produces too much acid or when the kidneys are not removing enough acid from the body" Nowhere does it state that ingestion of acidic foods is the CAUSE. Blood pH is affected by a number of factors, your diet is just a small drop in the bucket. Malabsorption issues of certain minerals can lead to blood pH changes, renal and hepatic failure obviously can lead to blood pH changes, even intense exercise can lead to blood pH changes, ingestions of certain toxins can lead to blood pH issues. I studies this topic heavily as my uncle was passing away of renal failure.

    That's too bad about your uncle. You're right, it doesn't say "eating acidic foods causes acidosis" a way to test for acidosis is with urine samples. When I eat alkalizing foods, my samples are higher in alkalinity. So according to this method, I am less acidic. You're also right about high alkalinity will cause cell death too. That's why there is some acidic in the eating method i mentions. 20-30% acidic food 70-80% alkalizing. Yes it's possible to be too alkaline, symptoms are pretty bad too. I have literally heard of tooth loss due to high alkalinity.

    What is your baseline saliva pH and then what is your post alkalized food saliva pH?
  • Shannibal
    Shannibal Posts: 103 Member
    Mostly depends on the person I think. I personally dont need the extra energy when I get up to work out, so I just make sure I have a protein shake with a clean breakfast post workout. The protein helps heal the muscles, so a shake directly after the workout is always good :)

    For breakfast, Ill eat 1 whole egg, 3 egg whites, a slice of 35 cal toast and a peice of fruit.

    For fat burning, mornings are good, especially if you aren't putting carbs in your body before hand. While sleeping, your body burns your carbs. When you wake up, there are no carbs to burn so your body will turn to burning fat.

    This is all my thoughts tho. Ive tried listening and following direct orders my whole life and have failed. 4 and a half months ago, I decided to do things how I wanted to and what made my body feel good. After several trials and errors, I have lost 107 lbs in 18 weeks and Im just getting started.

    Good luck :)
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    Kill the quote trees please =)

    OP, I used to wake up at 3:45am to get to the gym by 4am, because I needed to be back home to get ready for work by 5:30am. This schedule never gave me time to eat something first. And if I did, I'd drink a cup of instant coffee on the way. I did, however, always drink a scoop of protein powder in 4 ounces of water after coming back home. I'd wait till I got to work to eat my breakfast. I do not advocate this nor am I saying that this is a bad idea. Just my experience.
  • alkion
    What is your baseline saliva pH and then what is your post alkalized food saliva pH?

    I just did a little expierment, of course i a following an alkalizing diet. I knew pre and post meals there won't be much change in the pH of saliva. I was just curious what my saliva was, so i tested it, it was alkaline, i then had someone test their saliva, it was more acidic. Then I took it a step farther, urine samples, mine is on the left, the other person's is on the right. Top row is saliva, bottom is urine. What's the difference?? DIET.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    What is your baseline saliva pH and then what is your post alkalized food saliva pH?

    I just did a little expierment, of course i a following an alkalizing diet. I knew pre and post meals there won't be much change in the pH of saliva. I was just curious what my saliva was, so i tested it, it was alkaline, i then had someone test their saliva, it was more acidic. Then I took it a step farther, urine samples, mine is on the left, the other person's is on the right. Top row is saliva, bottom is urine. What's the difference?? DIET.

    I can call out so many flaws of your "little experiment"
    First off your pH measuring device is bogus (what is the range of the litmus paper, show me the color scale)
    Second, where is your control sample?
    Third, what is your treatment variable?
    Fourth , where are your replicate samples?
    I can keep going if you like?

    Third what is the treatment of your experiment?
  • alkion
    What is your baseline saliva pH and then what is your post alkalized food saliva pH?

    I just did a little expierment, of course i a following an alkalizing diet. I knew pre and post meals there won't be much change in the pH of saliva. I was just curious what my saliva was, so i tested it, it was alkaline, i then had someone test their saliva, it was more acidic. Then I took it a step farther, urine samples, mine is on the left, the other person's is on the right. Top row is saliva, bottom is urine. What's the difference?? DIET.

    I can call out so many flaws of your "little experiment"
    First off your pH measuring device is bogus (what is the range of the litmus paper, show me the color scale)
    Second, where is your control sample?
    Third, what is your treatment variable?
    Fourth , where are your replicate samples?
    I can keep going if you like?

    Third what is the treatment of your experiment?

    Doesn't matter, eating acidic foods produce a yellow sample, eating alkalizine food creates a blue sample. NOt hard...
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    What is your baseline saliva pH and then what is your post alkalized food saliva pH?

    I just did a little expierment, of course i a following an alkalizing diet. I knew pre and post meals there won't be much change in the pH of saliva. I was just curious what my saliva was, so i tested it, it was alkaline, i then had someone test their saliva, it was more acidic. Then I took it a step farther, urine samples, mine is on the left, the other person's is on the right. Top row is saliva, bottom is urine. What's the difference?? DIET.

    I can call out so many flaws of your "little experiment"
    First off your pH measuring device is bogus (what is the range of the litmus paper, show me the color scale)
    Second, where is your control sample?
    Third, what is your treatment variable?
    Fourth , where are your replicate samples?
    I can keep going if you like?

    Third what is the treatment of your experiment?

    Doesn't matter, eating acidic foods produce a yellow sample, eating alkalizine food creates a blue sample. NOt hard...

    Bro, your urine samples don't prove that eating acidic food caused the acidic urine sample. Don't mistake correlation with causation. Can your "experiment" disprove malabsorption of certain minerals, does it disprove renal or hepatic problems, does it disprove all the other actual causes of acidosis? How many times do I gotta tell you, eating acidic foods doesn't a normal person unless they have some metabolic or other issues. Get it through your thick head, you got conned into buying an alkalized water machine, now get over it.
  • alkion
    What is your baseline saliva pH and then what is your post alkalized food saliva pH?

    I just did a little expierment, of course i a following an alkalizing diet. I knew pre and post meals there won't be much change in the pH of saliva. I was just curious what my saliva was, so i tested it, it was alkaline, i then had someone test their saliva, it was more acidic. Then I took it a step farther, urine samples, mine is on the left, the other person's is on the right. Top row is saliva, bottom is urine. What's the difference?? DIET.

    I can call out so many flaws of your "little experiment"
    First off your pH measuring device is bogus (what is the range of the litmus paper, show me the color scale)
    Second, where is your control sample?
    Third, what is your treatment variable?
    Fourth , where are your replicate samples?
    I can keep going if you like?

    Third what is the treatment of your experiment?

    Doesn't matter, eating acidic foods produce a yellow sample, eating alkalizine food creates a blue sample. NOt hard...

    Bro, your urine samples don't prove that eating acidic food caused the acidic urine sample. Don't mistake correlation with causation. Can your "experiment" disprove malabsorption of certain minerals, does it disprove renal or hepatic problems, does it disprove all the other actual causes of acidosis? How many times do I gotta tell you, eating acidic foods doesn't a normal person unless they have some metabolic or other issues. Get it through your thick head, you got conned into buying an alkalized water machine, now get over it.

    I didn't buy it. We don't agree that's fine. I think we got lost in our debate. You kept on sharing a different view. I thought "what is this debate even about?" I did find this study "" It does say that eating alkaline food does have an effect on urine, but not necessarly on the enviorment of the body. My question is then why is urine used to test for acidosis? It doesn't agree with this study in that sense. Also take note the foods they list are mostly alkaline foods to help with cancer. State what you want after this, but i think this is old now. Yes that's true , just because something is related doesn't mean it's the cause, but it's also true that just because it's related it DOESNT mean it's not the either.Anyone will determine that a person who eat high alkaline foods(green vegetables) with protein sources will be healthier then someone stuffing their face with twinkies and unhealthier meats such as pork. We both stated our points, and of course the people will make their own decisions. I have nothing more to really say on this debate we had. You can have the last words on this one.