Put in my life on track

Hi, I am new in this site. I am trying to go back in shape and in good health after an accident that kept me in a couch for around 5 years. I can't no do to much exercise, i mostly walk and do some wii and breathing yoga, because my back got really bad in the accident.


  • HealthyFoodieForever
    HealthyFoodieForever Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! Don't worry about exercise - weight loss happens in the kitchen. I know because I lost a lot of the weight I lost without exercising (I couldn't) 😊 Being active as you can will keep you in good health 👌 sorry to hear about your accident. Best of luck with it all!
    I lost 44lbs so far counting calories. ~10lbs left for me. So it does work 😊