Success with pilates?

For medical reasons, I've had to switch up my exercise routine. I can only do brisk walking (30 to 60 minutes only) and pilates for the next 6 weeks. For those of you who do pilates regularly, can you really tell the difference in how your body looks? My concern is that since it is considered low impact that it won't "do" much for me. I'm probably going to try to walk 3 days and do pilates 3 days, alternating between the two.


  • You'll be surprised how hard it is on your muscles. The first time I tried it I found muscles I didn't know I had ;-)
  • Pilates does wonders for the body. I run a lot, and I see better results when I do pilates. I prefer to do something called "The Bar Method". Look it up. It is amazing. It is a lot of ballet movements and the results can be achieved fast!
  • Low impact refers to wear and tear on joints - cycling is low impact, running is high impact, both are absolutely knackering, and great for fitness.
    With activities like pilates/callanetics, that type of thing, you'll find that as it's not cv there won't be a lot of fat loss, but there will be masses of toning up - giving the visual impression that you've lost weight even though you haven't. PLUS there's the added benefit of improving muscle tone, which increases your BMR. A good combination of cv and toning is ideal for weight loss, health and all-round toning up. Often people find that just cv alone for weight loss takes ages for them to drop a dress size, but if you include some toning exercises it's kind of value added, and you get a smaller waist a lot quicker!

  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Pilates is an amazing workout, I don't think you'll be disappointed. My only suggestion is to go to a class instead of using a DVD workout - at least until you get used to some of the moves- so you don't injure yourself.
  • smlamb33
    smlamb33 Posts: 342 Member
    I love Winsor Pilates. I haven't done them in awhile but, I have been considering starting them again to help tone up. I bought my dvd's at Big Lots for $2.99 each! My sister in law swears by them and so does a friend of mine. I just recommend getting a very nice yoga mat for the floor work. The instructor is great and it does burn some calories, not as much as cardio but, it's till burning and toning.
  • hello77kitty
    hello77kitty Posts: 260 Member