Gained 5 pounds.

Gained five pounds. I think because I bought big meals promising myself would save some for later. Then I caved and ate all of it. without saying no. I need more disipline, or I need to avoid big portions. I also had my husband bring home a pizza, and I couldn't say no to 4 slices.

I also had 2 special occasions. were I had 2 cheat meals. And one day,

The rest of time I think I rationalized that it would be ok, just this one time.

Anyways I have put on 5 pounds I should have taken off. I know, that this is just a bump in the road. And I need to get some discipline back. I have already lost 53 pounds 160 more to, But I know I can do it. Just need to stay on track.


  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    Huge portions at restaurants probably aren't going away anytime soon. I find it much easier to actually save the other half if I put it away immediately - ask for a box as soon as the food comes out, or if you're getting takeout to bring home, put half of your meal on a plate and then put the container right into the fridge, right away. Splitting a pizza with Hubs? Weigh out your serving, then immediately box up the rest of your half for later. My husband and I split a frozen pizza for dinner just about weekly; I take two slices for my dinner, then put the other two in the fridge right away and decide when I'm going to eat them. (Our pizza night is usually Thursday or Friday, so my leftovers become breakfast or lunch at some point over the weekend.) There is a lot to be said for "out of sight, out of mind."
  • Siberian2590
    Siberian2590 Posts: 57 Member
    I've gained 10 in the last month. Eating late night while watching TV is killing me.