lost 20 lbs but I still don't look or feel any different



  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    I know, zombie thread but I can't resist because this hits close to home.

    That's me two years ago. I got fatter during covid.

    That's me this past weekend.

    Do you think I feel like I look any different in a mirror? No.


    Photos work well because human vision is psychological not physiological like photos are. Most people can start seeing their weight loss when it hits the 20% mark I would think based on my personal experience but when it comes to the mind everything gets a fuzzy from individual to individual.
  • Onedaywriter
    Onedaywriter Posts: 326 Member
    Congrats on losing the first 20 lbs! You are well on your way!
    A couple of things to think about:
    - if you gained the last twenty pounds on the faster side you maybe never quite got used to carrying them. I gained about 15 pounds in the three months or so right before I got started so never really adjusted to carrying that weight. Then the first 15-20 pounds off felt like no difference from what I was used to.
    - I’ve been doing this for a little over three years. I reached the weight I’m at after about a year and a half and have maintained for about a year and a half. I still think of myself as an obese person but I’m not. It akes the mind time to adjust- my guess is the longer you carried it for the longer it takes.
    - You’ve lost approx 10% of your body weight. No matter how you see yourself or how you feel, this has a hugely beneficial impact on your health.
    - A lot of the reason we don’t notice the loss has to do with geometry (volume of a rounded object v. circumference). As you lose more, the differences will be noticeable much more quickly. I lost about 30 pounds before going down a pants waist size. At my current weight if I go down like 10 pounds i am swimming in my pants.

    Keep at it! This- right now- after the first big slug of weight is when the changes start to become really awesome!!