
I’m having trouble there is something I’m not doing im not trying to compare my journey but here it is. For the longest time I have not see. My calories adjust when I lost 10 pounds like 3 different times I spoke to mfp through email they gave me the tip by going to settings then goal change current weight to higher or lower number save it then change it to actual weight I saw the number change now. So I now know to do that if I gain or lose weight because mine I think had never changed automatically I never got that notification of if I lose ten pounds it automatically changes. One thing I looked up online is how to stop overeating which I had a huge problem with like everyday. I now know about mindful eating which I never thought about which is really eating slower. I know about the food scale . Is there anything else I should know about to be successful . This is like the number one weight loss app I haven’t seen all that results so let me know what I’m missing ..


  • MaltedTea
    MaltedTea Posts: 6,286 Member

    Along with a willingness to experiment with what works (or doesn't work) for you within a given period of time. And realization that this may change somewhat over time.

    It sounds complicated but it's really just...patience.

    You've got the willingness to experiment part going so you're well on your way, friend 👋🏿
  • wornoutmamabear
    wornoutmamabear Posts: 29 Member
    How long have you been tracking calories? Have you managed to lose weight at all?
  • Purplestuff102
    Purplestuff102 Posts: 37 Member
    I lost about 15 pounds since April and I just started mindful eating I walk and lift weights too maybe about 20 pounds since April
  • yweight2020
    yweight2020 Posts: 591 Member
    Good job, then sounds like you're doing what works.👍🏼🤗
  • demi645
    demi645 Posts: 20 Member
    I am also big on experimenting. Over my journey I have tried different things. Some have worked, some have not. You will have to research and determine what makes sense for you. I found an article that list some tips. I am not a doctor, trainer or nutritionist so I cannnot speak to validity but again I have tried some of the things along the way. The article is 26 Weight Loss Tips That Are Actually Evidence-Based by Kris Gunnars.
    In addition to tracking my calories and working out, I've been focusing on drinking more water and green tea, eating less processed foods, adding more protein and fiber to my diet, better sleep routine, eating lighter meal in the evening. It takes effort but we can do it. And, along the way improve our health and feel better too. You got this!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    20 lbs in 2 months is a fine loss. Yes, you need to use that digital food scale and stay within your daily calorie goal. The rest will come--you'll learn as we all did. As mentioned, you need patience and consistence. The process takes a while and there's a lot of trail and error.

    Eat things you like and in a way you can see yourself eating in the future. Change habits and portion sizes slowly and learn. Once you lose the weight, you don't want to regain. Preparation for maintenance starts now. Good luck. Just never give up.