Weight loss

I am Karthikeyan new member to MFP. I am maintaining diet 1500 calories a day as per goal set and ensured for 4 weeks till yesterday, but I have not achieved any weight loss. Please somebody could help with possible reasons for this. Thanks


  • Skyler103
    Skyler103 Posts: 121 Member
    Hi there, are you using a food scale to weigh everything you eat? If you're just estimating, it's difficult to be accurate.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    How often do you weigh yourself? Have you gained weight?
    What is your current weight and goal? Height?
  • Karthikeyan251530
    Karthikeyan251530 Posts: 6 Member
    Food intake qty is based on best estimation. My current weight is 71kg & 169cm and my goal is to reach 68 kg. Major reduction should happen from tummy on based on current physical exist.
  • Karthikeyan251530
    Karthikeyan251530 Posts: 6 Member
    I will weigh once a week
  • Karthikeyan251530
    Karthikeyan251530 Posts: 6 Member
    There’s no weight reduction for last 4 weeks
  • Kabootom
    Kabootom Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2021
    Are solely focusing on diet or doing some aerobic activities also?
  • penguinmama87
    penguinmama87 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Food intake qty is based on best estimation. My current weight is 71kg & 169cm and my goal is to reach 68 kg. Major reduction should happen from tummy on based on current physical exist.

    It can be very tricky to estimate food intake. We have a tendency to eat more than we actually think we are, especially if that's what we're used to. You're not trying to lose very much weight, and you're at the top of the normal range for BMI, so precision can probably help you a lot here. Use a food scale and weigh everything you eat. On MFP you can use the recipe builder or meal function for things you cook at home. My preference for recipes is to set each serving as 1g, so when I eat a home cooked meal I can log the exact weight I put on my plate. There's a lot of threads that talk about how to do this precisely if it's of interest to you, or you can ask for a more detailed explanation. :)

    Are you exercising at all? What is the rate of weight loss you have set on MFP? Since you don't have very much to lose an aggressive rate of loss will probably end up being more frustrating than anything.
  • Karthikeyan251530
    Karthikeyan251530 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your reply. I am daily walking for one hour covering 5 kilometers. Weight reduction goal set in MFP is 0.8kg per week.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    I see you're male? No age?
    71kg for 169cm is coming back within the normal BMI range.
    So you're likely slightly over-fat but probably not excessively so.

    1500 Cal a day is an aggressive goal for a male and an indication you're getting minimum calorie goals from MFP.
    Were you weight stable or gaining weight before joining MFP and starting your weight intervention?
    Are you now eating a little bit less or a lot less than before?

    Given your weight and weight changed you would only want to eat a little bit less CALORIES than before to lose slowly. If you're eating a LOT less CALORIES that would be too much and too much is not always good.

    Calories are OFTEN associated with quantity; but not always.

    My suggestions would be:
    --smaller deficit goal (around 500Kcal, or a goal of 0.5kg per week)
    --eating around 2000 Cal; but measuring carefully.
    --if can be handled mentally: daily weigh in, same time, same conditions, use a weight trend app or web site, consider your weight trend over time.
    --if male, calculate the calories eaten and weight change after 3 weeks. compare to what the expected change was supposed to be using your logging and values of 7700 Cal per kg of change (or 3500Cal per lb of change)
    --if female change the 3 weeks to 4-6 weeks to include compete cycle and evaluate at same points of cycle

    Your goal should be gradual loss and you should think a bit as to why you may have slowly gained weight (if that's what's happened) and what you're planning on permanently changing.

    If you lose weight by "exercising" by going for a walk for an hour each day but do NOT plan to continue doing so once you're reached your goal weight... why do you believe you won't regain the weight you will lose?

    If you totally change the things you eat today in order to lose weight... what are you going to do tomorrow to not regain?

    How has your life changed in the past few years to bring you to the position of wanting to lose weight and what (if anything) are you willing to do long term to reverse that?

    Best of luck!
  • Fflpnari
    Fflpnari Posts: 975 Member
    buy a food scale. Weigh and track everything you eat. BY estimating you are probably eating way over 1500 cals
  • Karthikeyan251530
    Karthikeyan251530 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for your replies and comments. I will keep trying the weight loss in better way