4 body Types according to Hormone Glands (Thyroidal, Adrenal

Is anyone else following this nutrition plan? I've recently come across this research and it makes so much sense to me. I'd like to find other people that are following this plan. I'm and Adrenal Type and discovered my high protein/weight lifting regimine (been doing it for the last 5 years and have gained 20lbs) is all wrong for me. Wondering if anyone else is making these new discoveries too?


  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I read all about that years ago - but it told me to cut out dairy, and I couldn't give up the cheese!
  • LASH3S
    LASH3S Posts: 170 Member
    where would one find more information on this?
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I'm pretty sure its bull, I doubt all of humanity can be packaged neatly into 4 body types.

    that said it is CERTAINLY true that everyone's body responds to different food differently, so you do need to experiment to see what works well for you. Some people feel fantastic eating low carb diets, other people need to eat high protein moderate carb diet, other people do well on higher carb loads and moderate protein. Some people do poorly with sugar, others are fine.

    depends on you, what kind of activity you do, what kind of food you grew up eating, and your own body's way of handling that food.
  • amelia_atlantic
    amelia_atlantic Posts: 926 Member
    I just looked into it and I'm Adrenal also.

    Are you following this strictly? What does you daily meal plan look like? What changes have you made/noticed?
  • sunnyrunner23
    sunnyrunner23 Posts: 182 Member
  • tladame
    tladame Posts: 465 Member
    where would one find more information on this?

    I found the body type quiz here: http://www.findyourbodytype.com/

    My type was thyroid, which is funny since I'm hypothyroid. Interesting stuff.
  • pinkbride2011
    I purchased a book by Dr. Abranavel, and I've found some research online, but none that seemed as comprehensive as Dr. A's. I downloaded it on my kindle for $13. I recommend the book, it was an easy read.
  • pinkbride2011
    Thanks for your opinion, but I'm really looking for people who are practicing this nutrition plan/lifestyle.... not naysayers. Obviously, you've found something for you that works, as you said, we're all different. I think this could be the something for me that works. I'm looking for like minded people.
    Good luck to you.
  • pinkbride2011
    where would one find more information on this?

    I found the body type quiz here: http://www.findyourbodytype.com/

    My type was thyroid, which is funny since I'm hypothyroid. Interesting stuff.

    It is very interesting... and a lot of it made sense for me. For years I've been attending bootcamp and eating a high protein (animal protein, like meat) diet. This works for so many of my friends, but for me..... I gained 20lbs. Turns out I'm an adrenal type..... lifting weights and animal protein overstimulate my adrenal gland. It explains my belly fat issues and cravings. I'm only a week into it, tomorrow I do my weekly weigh in. If I weigh as well as I feel, I think this may be my answer.
  • pinkbride2011
    I just looked into it and I'm Adrenal also.

    Are you following this strictly? What does you daily meal plan look like? What changes have you made/noticed?

    The book did not suggest going "cold turkey", so for the last week I've been easing into it. Today is the first day that I'm following it strictly, and I will say it's tough, but at the same time, I feel really good. Out of habit, I want to eat every 2-2.5 hours (what I previously did, as snacks), but this plan suggests our body type not snack. Previous to last week I was doing the exact opposit of my body type's suggestions, no wonder I had my bad results. :grumble:

    Today this is what I've eaten or will eat:

    8AM Breakfast- 3/4 cup of whole grain cereal (Barbara's Puffins) with 1 cup of skim milk.

    12PM Lunch- 2.5 cups of salad (romain, bell peppers, celery, carrots, cucumber, tomato), 1 can of tuna in water no salt, 2 tablespoons of light dressing (homeade by me), 1 cup of melon (watermelon and honeydew), 1 slice whole wheat toast.

    6PM Dinner- 4oz salmon grilled, 1 cup whole wheat pasta w/tablespoon of olive oil and italian seasoning, 2 cups mixed veggies and 1 cup melon.

    Yesterday I ate similarly, but I had 3pm snack of hummus and carrots.

    I noticed my energy is good, I feel a lot less full and heavy after eating. Tomorrow is my weekly weigh in date, so I'll find out then if I lost any weight.... but I think I may have.

    What do you currently do for your eating habits?
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    This is the scientific equivalent of a Little Debbie snack cake. In other words, junk.
  • pinkbride2011
    This is the scientific equivalent of a Little Debbie snack cake. In other words, junk.

    Thanks for your "little Debbie snack cake..... but I'm looking for people that follow it, not people with negative opinions. :flowerforyou: