
I started my placement on Monday and I'm already struggling. Sat at my desk all day so barely moving - then sat on a train for 90mins there and 90 mins back. Leaves very little time in my day to be active. Also eating wise I go to eat with my new colleagues - the places they go have very little low-fat vegetarian friendly food.

This is a years placement so it's not like I can have a relaxed week or two then push my exercise after its got to work long term. Any suggestions as I'm sure a lot of people work in similar environments.

Thanks in advance!


  • I'm a cubicle dweller for 9.5 hours of my day. I take a 15 minute break and power walk the parking lot in the morning about 10am and then at lunch we are allowed 30 minute break so I power walk 15 minutes and take 15 minutes to eat. It's not much but every little bit helps!!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    I sympathize, that is difficult! You could make sure your exercise balances out the extra calories. Try getting off at the station before yours and walk the balance (if that is feasible). I do that when I'm jonesing for a Caramel macchiato :laugh:
  • jfubar13
    jfubar13 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been sitting on an exercise ball (in my cubicle).
  • Rickie_Raver
    Rickie_Raver Posts: 27 Member
    I take two 15min power walks a day (on my breaks) also I use the restroom which is farthest from my break and every time I go to the rest room I run up and down the flight of stairs three times. Just try to think of as many ways as you can to get up and move around! Good luck.
  • We take the stairs 3 times a day. I saw "we" because one girl started it, and then a couple joined, and now 1/2 the office goes up and down the stairs 3x's a day. It's a great break to get your heart pumping, and everyone gets really excited when someone makes it another flight up. :) And it doesn't take long at all.
  • nigeparkin
    nigeparkin Posts: 3 Member
    Been there and know where you're coming from. With a years placement I suspect the need to eat with collegues daily won't last. Could you do some activity during lunch, maybe even a brisk walk? Here's a few things you can also do at your desk: