Lunch time walk

Okay so I am new to MFP and all these members posts have kept me very motivated. First of all my job is customer service so I sit all time at work, Today on my 1hr lunch break instead of sitting around somewhere I went for a 30 minute walk, I honestly felt it like it was only 10 minutes lol. :happy:
How many of you take walks on your lunch break?


  • Me!! We get a lunch break and two 15 minute breaks....and I walk all of them. It works out to about 5 miles a day.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I'd like to, but I'm on my feet all day so I need to rest my poor legs, also it's been very hot and dress code is all black, so it would only take me a block or two before I was sweating off all my makeup!! Keep it up, though, get it in where you can!!!
  • rmartin72
    rmartin72 Posts: 1,085 Member
    I honestly like Lunch time walks are really cool each day:):):) Enjoy your Healthy Journey:):):)
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Me too! I walk both 15 minute breaks and my 30 minute lunch......I get an hour done that way before I even get to the gym at night!
  • On my 15 min breaks, I go to a hallway with stairs and walk up and down for 10 min. It's been great to get my heart rate up and a quick workout!
  • I walk on my 15 min breaks. An I have an hour lunch break so in the summer I run 5K. :) Great job btw.
  • I always have, I love putting on my ipod and adventuring.
    I don't know what I'll do come winter though. I'm used to working in a mall, but I don't anymore!
  • I walk every day on my lunch hour, sometimes for 30 minutes, sometimes for 45 minutes! It's a great time to do it, otherwise what would I be doing, sitting and eating or reading....It's great because it gets your excercise over for the day!!!!
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    While weather is decent I walk on lunch at least twice a week, that combined with gym and home workouts I get about 5 times in a week. It's a great stress buster to get out of the office.
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    I do when the weather is cooler. I try to get in 3+ miles.
  • precioushope
    precioushope Posts: 5 Member
    good for you for doing this. it is awesome that 30 minutes felt like 10. i am still trying to get to exercise. i have back and knee issues. i hate this. but for my 10 minute walk may feel like a 30 minutes. i want to start with 10 minutes. i do laps in my house. i can walk through the rooms and do a full circle. i just need the low impact right now. i want to do my exercise first thing in the morning and maybe do some at lunch time as well. thanks for sharing
  • TNAJackson
    TNAJackson Posts: 686 Member
    I do! Always something at lunch time. A walk, a Zumba class, a Kickboxing class, stairs, or something! I feel like I HAVE to exercise during lunch break most days. LMAO!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I haven't before now, but I just got a promotion. I was on my feet a lot before, but now, not so much. I just quit smoking and I am on an hour lunch now so I should have lots of time. Now I just have to find a place to walk.
  • evansproudmama
    evansproudmama Posts: 493 Member
    Awesome job! Isnt crazy how it doesnt seem very long when you do it on your brake! I get a hour lunch and two 15min brakes a day. To be honest I generally work through my lunch brake and eat at my desk :-/ (not ideal i know!) but I always walk my two 15min brakes the loop around my work. One loop is 0.9 of a mile so doing it twice I do 2miles and knowck out 30mins of cardio :-) I usally burn an extra 200 calories doing this and its such a good way to get away from your desk and stress of work. Great job keep it up :-) making this part of my weekly acitivy I burn 1000 calories just from walking on my brake, thats almost a pound!!
  • I walk at lunch not only does it get in some exercise but I reminds me how fortunate I am , I work at THE children's cancer research hospital in the US and seeing those beautiful bald faces smiling with all they are going through reminds me how truly blessed I am . Sometimes you just need perspective!
  • pixardad
    pixardad Posts: 184 Member
    I used to do this, but unfortunately, I have too much body fat and it's too hot outside. Not that I'm lazy or anything, but walking back into the office with a sweaty shirt but only in lines under my man-boobs (excuse the bluntness) is humiliating. Sure I could take a change of shirt, but where do I change? Outside? I'm afraid someone will see me. Inside? Have to walk inside with the sweaty shirt. AARGH!

    Hmmm...wait. Maybe I could put the spare shirt on *over* the first but leave it un-tucked and loose. The first shirt will grab the sweat, the outer shirt should be fine. I can then walk into the men's room and remove the sweaty shirt. I think I'll try that this week.

    Thanks for the "talk out loud".


    P.S. If I don't log in for 3 days, it may be because I passed out because of heat exhaustion from wearing 2 shirts while walking in this heat. *hehehe*
  • wifeygonzo
    wifeygonzo Posts: 287 Member
    Great job making good use of your breaks to exercise.
  • ambercanfly
    ambercanfly Posts: 150 Member
    I love walking during lunch time. It keeps me motivated to stay on track with my diet.

    I've been walking every day (mon-fri) on my lunch for a few months now. I now see what a huge difference it makes. It also makes for a good break from work :-)

    Every little bit counts! It also encourages me to bring food from home so I don't have to go out to get food (which tends to be not as healthy as bringing stuff from home).
  • deb_rn
    deb_rn Posts: 144 Member
    My friend and I walk at lunch just about every day for 45 minutes. We are lucky enough to have access to a free gym in walking distance, so if it is rainy, no excuse for not exercising! It is nice so that if I have a busy evening, at least I have done something physical for the day!