attention northwest dwellers



  • outersoul
    I like to still walk and run in the rain. Its stress cleansing.

    This. I love running in the rain. Olympia weather check in: cloudy, overcast, the usual.
  • rjhw44
    rjhw44 Posts: 6 Member
    You may have a lovely Aunt that lives in the Nort Texas (some say Dallas) area whom you could visit. I understand that they have had about 3 days of nice weather, back to "blue blazing" hot but will soon be perfect outdoor weather. I say ring her up and stay awhile.
  • Deathwithab
    Deathwithab Posts: 462 Member
    I live in the Yukon. That's about as North West as you can get... except for Alaska. But who counts Alaska?

    Hey I'm in Alaska!!! We count! Although I'm a native Texan recently transplanted here for hubby's job, but loving it already!

    I'd say indoor spin class or treadmill day!

    I'm a transplant too!!

    Where in Alaska? I live 5 hour drive from Haines and 2 hour drive from Skagway... 12 hours from Anchorage.

    yay for being transplanted to the north! I live an hour (I think) from the Alaska border in bc Canada :)
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    After the beautiful weather of the past month and a half, I knew that people would start to complain as soon as it turned. Northwesterners have short memories. :) If we don't get several more nice days before fall starts in earnest, I'll eat my hat. They often come out of nowhere this time of year.

    I have a walking commute to work that I do no matter the weather, so it only affects what I wear and not my routine. People seem to think that my walk is more enjoyable when it's hot out, but the opposite is true.

    The weather here doesn't bother me at all, and I'm originally from South Carolina. If I wanted sun or heat all the time, I'd move back down south or to the southwest. I have a coworker from Florida who complains about the weather all the time. This is a northern state. What did he expect?
  • Matiara
    Matiara Posts: 377 Member
    I went for a walk in NW Seattle last night with a beautiful sunset over the sound with the Olympics. On the way home was a huge moon rising. Yes today is grey and cool - perfect for my run/walk (not too hot). However I too think the summer was too short. It will be cool this week but usually September and October is nice. The only month I hate in the Northwest is November - cold wet and you aren't used to it yet.

    I'm with you on November. I really dislike the typical January as well. Occasionally, they're not so bad, but usually they are awful.

    Still, I'm thankful that we don't get blizzards and single digit/sub zero temperatures. Talking to my friend who lives in Michigan always makes me feel better in the winter months.