Who else has a lot to lose?



  • wornoutmamabear
    wornoutmamabear Posts: 29 Member
    I’m slowly increasing my steps and starting to include some mild weight training. My weight is sort of plateauing a bit, but I think muscle gain might be a factor.

    How’s everyone else?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Hey @Virginia32174 .. welcome! I too started with over 100 pounds to lose… I know hanging out in the message boards has been a good help to me so far. Hopefully you find the same!

    @wornoutmamabear way to go on the exercise. My husband and I did a long to us bike ride today.. we are also increasing our exercising. Feels good!
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hello peeps, I love the people here, so I want to keep checking in. Hey @CurtisHouse180 @ashleycarole86 @Virginia32174 :) It's also nice to see the new folks get inspired and come to connect. Feel free to friend me so I can cheer on your progress!

    Last Saturday after my walk I started feeling crappy. I ended up suffering through sinus problems and chest tightness all week. Before being committed, I would have been like 'Yesssss! I have a valid excuse to not do anything'. This time I woke up every morning hoping I was well enough to get back at it. I've noticed feeling better and doing better in life since starting to workout and eat more healthy, and I was eager to get back to it. I was also afraid my motivation would leave me and I'd lapse back into old habits. For someone who's been around here since 2012 off way more than on, you will understand that fear.

    Yesterday I woke up and I wasn't wheezing. Although I knew I wasn't 100%, I felt good enough to ease back into it. That workout felt so good! I can honestly say my mindset has shifted. I'm still afraid of losing it, but as long as I focus on all the benefits I feel, I think I'll be ok.

    Hope everyone has a great weekend ahead of them. What's going on in your world of wellness?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    @kellibee2000 glad you're feeling better! You are so right that it's hard to completely trust ourselves when we know we have slipped back into bad habits in the past. Love your recognition of the new mindset.. I feel it too on my end and sometimes I almost have to pinch myself to believe things have finally stuck. Enjoy getting back to your workouts!
  • mvarraveto
    mvarraveto Posts: 6 Member
    I don’t really have stats to share since I don’t have a scale and only know my weight from doctors appointments. But started at 282 and I’m in the mid-low 270s now
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,862 Member
    I’m here. Plugging away. I seem to have settled into about a pound a week-ish. It’s fine. I’m going to just keep doing what I’m doing and not worry too much about it.
  • MNPisces
    MNPisces Posts: 18 Member
    I am also looking for some accountability. It's so hard doing this on my own. I've been on and off of here over the years but since my hysterectomy and hitting my 50's, my energy and drive have gone down the tubes. I'm at my heaviest weight ever at 282. So I'm back and ready to start this difficult journey again. 🙃
  • MNPisces
    MNPisces Posts: 18 Member
    I'm an emotional and boredom eater.
  • kellibee2000
    kellibee2000 Posts: 87 Member
    Thank you! @ashleycarole86

    @mvarraveto, me too! I'm at 273ish now.

    @MargaretYakoda That's awesome! It sounds like you've hit a stride.

    Anyone who wants to be a buddy, feel free to friend me. I love checking on my feed and giving props.

    @ashleycarole86 Oooh, such a good question. I struggle most when I get in my head about it, I freeze and panic, which looks like not working out and eating. When I start the day getting out of bed before I'm fully awake and head to the gym, it's like my whole day is better and healthier. But if I miss that step, it makes the day harder to stay on track.

    @Virginia32174 You got this! You can get those number down and hopefully it's enough to avoid meds.
    You make such a good point. Having realistic expectations is so important. And it's hard to stay driven when you don't see evidence right away of all your hard work. Expect to see results, but not particular results. Ok, may be an overshare, but so is my whole life! 🤣 The scale is moving slowly, but I notice my legs and butt (hey other big booty gurls!) are more toned. So even if I only see a very small loss on the scale, I look for other signs of changes in my body, my mood, my work, etc. Or I go all day eating a reasonable amount of food and realize oh, that was enough. I wasn't hungry. Maybe I don't need all the junk. I hope this hits with others who are riding the struggle bus of maintaining motivation.
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,862 Member
    First week into it THIS time. Lost 5.2 lbs. Rewarding myself w/mani-pedi, first since before covid. I really hope I can do it this time. Thanks for the inspiration!

    You can do it!
  • MargaretYakoda
    MargaretYakoda Posts: 2,862 Member
    How’s it going, everyone?
  • ashleycarole86
    ashleycarole86 Posts: 6,196 Member
    Things are going well. I have been getting in to bike riding with my husband so we have gone on a couple long rides this week.

    I have lost half of my 125 pound goal milestone and I'm so excited to start chipping away on the second half.