Belly fat, looking pregnant when your not, how did you get r

I hate my stomach the most, people ask me when I am due all the time even after I have lost 24 pounds. I need real success stories in how someone went from a Buddha belly to flat and fab! If you have pics of before and after I would love to see them.


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
  • SamHughes15
    SamHughes15 Posts: 149 Member
    I have this problem, i store all my weight around my stomach, looks abnormal lol
  • Cam_
    Cam_ Posts: 515 Member
    I think it is pretty normal to have weight around your stomach. It seems to be the first places that gets bigger and the last place that gets smaller. The only (or best) way to decrease it is cardio. Lot's of cardio. My opinion anyway. I'm lean everywhere else now - except *there*.
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Cut way back on dairy products and cut out ALL white processed foods and sugar...and hit the cardio harder...continue with ab workouts....
  • sauerkrautpolka
    sauerkrautpolka Posts: 266 Member
    I have the same belly woes. :( I hear cardio (running, etc) works wonders, believe it or not. I guess I'll believe it when I see it (though, I admit that I haven't been getting in nearly as much exercise as I should).
  • jennyfair24
    jennyfair24 Posts: 273 Member
    The belly is the hardest part to get rid of. It really comes down to nutrition since it can't be spot reduced (Oh how I wish it could be though lol). A good balance of strength training and cardio coupled with excellent nutrition will get the job done:smile: I'm adding my before and after pics on my profile this morning so you can check mine out if you'd like.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    that would be nice to know..
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I really don't have any pictures rounded up just yet, but I do have success. I carried a large portion of my weight in my belly. I saw a bioidentical hormone specialist back in January. She said my cortisol levels were really out of wack and that was probably the leading cause of my extreme belly fat. She told me to start taking an adrenal support supplement. It has helped tremendously with getting rid of that suborn belly. Of course, I also do a lot of cardio and ab exercises.
  • momma_roo
    momma_roo Posts: 146 Member
    I have 7 lbs left to lose and it is all on my belly, they say it is the last to go. I am doing the 30 Day Shred now hoping to lose it that way.
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    At the risk of causing offence (which i don't mean to!) is your posture working against you? In your pics it looks like you stick your bum out a bit. Standing tall and straight is well known to instantly slim...
  • Christinamosher
    I heard a really interesting talk once about insulin and how the body uses it to build fat cells. The liver is the depository for all that excess it could be that having a diet high in refined sugars or carbohydrates might lead to excess fat in areas surrounding the liver (ie. the belly).

    I cut out sugar and all refined carbohydrates as well as gluten one month ago and I lost 12 lbs and 4 inches on my waist size. It's actually pretty remarkable how quickly your stomach goes down once you stop eating wheat and sugar. ( As an alternative to sweeteners, I use Stevia and the complex carbs I get are from high fiber fruits, brown rice, corn, and quinoa)
  • Christinamosher
    Case in point: Diabetics often get Hypertrophy ( is the overgrowth of cells, usually fat cells) at insulin injection sites. That's why they are advised to vary the sites.
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I do know my posture is a problem, I have realized I slouch a lot especially at my desk at work, but I didn't realize I was sticking my bum out,I always just thought it was big, too. LOL! I get a lot of JLO and Kim Kardashian comments. :blushing:
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I just posted this on your News Feed thingy, but for the benefit of others who may be interested I am copying and pasting!

    I by no means have rock hard abs...but that is my problem area too. I am close to my goal but still too soft around the middle. Since I started taking a mat Pilates class a few weeks ago, I can already tell a difference. I would recommend a class, not a video, because in order to get a real ab work out from it you have to be in proper form. Basically, if you are not in proper form, Pilates is pretty easy. In proper form, not so much. I am just doing one class a week then taking what I learn from class and doing it at home a couple times a week. There is also Pilates with machines, but I prefer mat class as you use your own body for resistance as opposed to the machine. I am not losing weight any quicker but I am losing some pudge around my middle!
  • penny39
    penny39 Posts: 266 Member
    I am working on trying to be more aware of my posture and correct it. I was also trying to cut out my white foods and sugars, that is also hard for me. I am diabetic type 2 and I have done a lot better over that last few months my A1c is 5.1% as of July. But I do find myself slipping back into old habits very easily. I need support in getting away from all the bad foods.
  • NancyAnne1960
    NancyAnne1960 Posts: 500 Member
    bump for later
  • muitobem
    muitobem Posts: 436 Member
    Add me if you'd like to!
  • graceea
    graceea Posts: 11 Member
    I've always had the issue of looking pregnant and being asked. I've noticed that when i carry my 13 month old I stick my tummy out for support. So depressing. I'm a new mommy and oh how i wish i were still pregnant sometimes to have an excuse and not feel so bad when random people ask. haha (funny but not!) =)

    I'm also short (4'10") so i think thats why most of my weight ends up there.