Accountability Group- Food Addiction/ Emotional Eating

I’ve realized recently that I have a good addiction and that was really hard for me to come to terms with. Food has been my emotional support through a very bad relationship and I gained almost 100lbs. I’m buckling down on getting healthier and tracking my habits so I can get my body back to a healthy weight.

Who else is going through something similar and wants to be friends to hold each other accountable??


  • Grimspark
    Grimspark Posts: 6 Member
    After being disabled - on dialysis - for 7 years I've come to the realization that I've been using food as a coping mechanism for depression.

    I've started taking the steps to break it but it's hard. That's why I'm here - I'm not alone.
  • arl3354
    arl3354 Posts: 3 Member
    It’s so hard to make that realization, especially when depression is involved, so I’m glad you’re here and working on steps to break it! What kind of steps have you been taking? For myself, I’ve been trying to really focus on my mood when I get a craving and pause before I eat something to see if I’m actually hungry or if I’m feeling depressed or anxious.

  • Mama530
    Mama530 Posts: 605 Member
    I feel your pain. I use food to fix my emotions regularly. Mainly when I feel lack of control in some areas of my life, it gives me a sense of power. I also find myself mindlessly eating when I’m bored.

    Though I’m self-aware, I’m still finding it difficult to curtail this coping mechanism.