How do you get enough liquid?

I try to stick to healthy and clean eating as much as possible, take supplements to ensure I get all my micro-nutrients, keep moving and getting some exercise in, and stay positive and motivated about my progress- whether it's a pound a month or two pounds a week, but there's one problem I just can't seem to shake! How the heck do you guys drink so much water!?

I've tried to follow everything from drinking 8 glasses a day, 2 liters a day, as many oz a day as my weight divided by 2, everything, and I just can't get there. Even drinking about a liter a day means I'm making trips to the bathroom every half hour! I've spread it out, drinking a glass every few hours, I've tried drinking several cups right after waking, I've tried everything I can think of, but despite hearing that after a while my body should get used to it and I'll stop running to the bathroom constantly, it isn't happening. Naturally I would only drink maybe half a liter a day (or even less) and not be thirsty, but over the last several months I've been hitting around 1.5 liters a day, sometimes a bit more, and I'm losing my mind and probably scaring my coworkers by so many bathrooms breaks a day.

Long story short- how much water/liquid do you drink each day and have you had any trouble? Should I just keep sticking with it and pray my body's a slow learner?


  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Personally, I've found that drinking through a straw really helps . . so I bought one of those 16 oz cups with the attached straw and I start out first thing in the morning, sipping on it before/after I shower, while doing my hair, while fixing breakfast, etc.

    As far as the bathroom breaks, I know . . I have the same problem, constantly having to use the restroom at work and everywhere else. I figure that it just burns a few extra calories having to walk to and from the bathroom multiple times a day. So, it's a little blessing in disguise. LOL
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I drink when I'm thirsty, which is about 24/7, and I'm constantly in the bathroom. I hate it, but I hate being dehydrated even more.
  • kr3851
    kr3851 Posts: 994 Member
    I'm peeing every hour on the hour. I drink a litre on the way to work and try to drink another before my lunch break. After that though, I'm pretty slack in the afternoon and only drink whilst I'm at the gym (if I go).

    It depends what you eat as well - I don't eat fruit (yucky psychological reaction) and that's pretty full of water. Listen to your body - if you are thirsty, then drink. If you are hungry, have a drink to check that you're not actually thirsty.

    My Gran always told me that as long as your pee isn't too dark yellow, you should be fine. She's still going strong at 84 so I believe her!!
  • navjhaj
    THis is the BIG thing Ive leaned here, that I never did before. Drink drink drink. and Only water.

    At first, there were some problems. I actually had to pull over on the freeway because I thought I couldn't make it to rest stop.

    At home I have a tall glass, that I fill up--twice--first thing in the morning.

    My goal is to have clear colored urine when I go to the bathroom.

    I always drink a big glass before meals and after meals, too. So, I probably drink more than 2 liters. Strangely, though, I don't log my water intake. Or forget to. Everything else, I've been good about.
  • _CowgirlUp_
    _CowgirlUp_ Posts: 585 Member
    The more you drink, the more your body & bladder first, it's hard...just keep yourself near a bathroom for the first few weeks. My goal every day that I DON'T work out is to get a liter in before lunch and another one in after lunch/before dinner. Water is just about all I have room to drink these days but I do find room for a couple glasses of wine with dinner and in the evenings while I wind down after work. I like my water cold, cold, cold but I find even lately, I'm looking for it even when I know it's not even remotely cold. It grows on me. I think, because I see what a difference it's made in my water retention and bloating that I would rather drink water all day and run to the bathroom to pee more often than to look in the mirror and see the bloated IT, that stands before me when I don't get my water in. Stick with it and you will see.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567

    this goes where I go. I drink 2-4 a day. It honestly never leaves my side. i used to have to make an effort to drink and now its just second nature. It holds about 5 cups. I am lucky enough to work at home, so peeing isn't an issue. I remember in the beginning I was always running to pee, now I'm just back to my normal schedule. Good luck!
  • Nikki_is_Knotty
    Nikki_is_Knotty Posts: 248 Member
    I drink on average 12 glasses, Sometimes only 9 but sometimes 14. I drink a lot at work (and ive very active during work) usually 2-3 20 oz bottles so around 7 glasses. Then when im at the gym i usually have 2 bottles (either 20 oz or a liter) so thats another 5 or 8 (depending on which bottle i use) But i only go to the gym that long 3-4 days a week. Otherwise while im home i have a 16 oz glass next to my computer and my bed and they are always full. When i drink one, i fill it again and keep chugging. Ive pretty much gotten used to all the water consumption now tho
  • alapoint89
    ok if you have a smart phone there is an app that is free is water beta and that will remind you every so often you set it
  • Kate6868
    Kate6868 Posts: 159 Member
    I drink a couple of liters a day - I get really thirsty if I don't. I also know where every single bathroom in town is. And all the freeway rest stops and truck stops within 1000 miles of my house!