WANTED: A few friends for daily motivation!



  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Hi and welcome to the new folks!

    Alright, it's settled. We'll go to a closed thread, and I'll suggest some fun names for us. :smile:

    "Smallest Winners" (who wants to be a "Biggest Loser", right?)
    Along the same lines... "The Sore Losers" (from too much exercise!)
    "The Going, Going, Goners"
    "The Quarter Pounders"
    "The Anti-Chub Club"
    "Skinny Cows"
    "Bootie Busters"

    My creativity just isn't flowing today...

    Submit an option, or vote for your favourite by noon EST tomorrow, and I'll start the new closed thread wtih our new group name!

    aka Prettypooks
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Steph & MissKittyrina - I'm actually an every day weigher too, but I only track on Fridays. It's a habit I'm trying to break, too!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Haha, I liked your suggestions Lisa!!! I think my favourite was skinny cows though :) made me chuckle!!

    In fairness I don't see what's so wrong with weighing everyday - assuming you don't freak out at the odd reading here or there!

  • @prettypooks

    I was reading your names and I tried to come up with some myself but the only name I could think of was the name that my cousin always called me and my daughter. She and the rest of our family have always been very overweight and look down on anyone who isn't, which may be part of my issue. Anyway, the name she used to call us (in a derogatory tone) was "Skinny blonde twits." I even remember her saying about my daughter when she was only two years old, "looks like we have another dang skinny blonde twit in the family."

    For some reason your name list made me think of that ha ha. I'll try to think of some more names though.
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Skinny Blonde Twits would be funny! Maybe we should try and convince the rest of the group to dye their hair blonde... LOL
  • abjedi
    abjedi Posts: 114 Member
    I like skinny cows for a name...
  • I would love to join you as well! I would love a daily support group
  • kristie_cla
    kristie_cla Posts: 90 Member
    Lol...I like Skinny Blonde Twits! :)

    Uggg...I can really tell that I've skipped exercise for too long! Videos that used to be in the 'easy' pile are now kicking my heiny. Shouldn't it be the other way around??? Sigh...long road ahead!

    In the last week since I started, I've been an obsessive scale watcher. I don't think it is completely bad, as long as it doesn't cause a bummer day...like I'm having. On the upside, I forced myself to exercise harder tonite.

    Can't wait to get to know you all and I welcome any suggestions you might have for me!

    Later, tators! :-)
  • Hi,
    I would also love to meet some people for daily motivation. I use the site on a daily basis and finding and talking to "diet buddies" is supposed to be part of my daily routine. In general, I'm really trying to change the way I think about food, hunger, and feeling satisfied into something that's more healthy. (I've always been pretty good about working out, but pretty bad about eating healthy, or having healthy attitudes about food).

    As for weighing yourself every day... I think its good for people who need that little push to feel accountable every day (like me). It also taught me that weight is something that fluctuates for all kinds of random reasons, and that as long as I'm a general downward trend, "gaining" a pound compared to yesterday is nothing to get too upset about.

    good night all, I'm off to walk the dog.
  • Gemmap77
    Gemmap77 Posts: 22 Member
    I would love to join too! I am new here and trying to find a group to help keep me motivated. I have a 5 mth old baby & 3 other kids, so daily motivation would be great! It's so easy to slip with the daily chaos. I have about 50 more lbs to go. My goal is to be at my goal weight by my baby's 1st birthday in March.

    I would love a cardio challenge. I am trying to go to the gym 5 days/week and I weigh in on Mondays.

    Good luck everyone!
  • Hi Lisa -

    Would love to have some gal pals to interact with!!! I don't know anyone else on the site and it would be fun to share our victories, etc. Count me in!!!
  • StephieWillcox
    StephieWillcox Posts: 627 Member
    Haha I'm not sure I can be convinced to dye my hair blonde :)

    Didn't get a decent workout in yesterday (still had my walk, but that's not working hard enough for my liking), but my stray cat is healthy and only about 4 years old, so now my little family has a third member :)

    I go to dance class on a wednesday night so won't have time to get another workout in around that, so that will have to do for today - but at least it's a pretty good cardio workout.

    I'm in the UK so I have no idea about your timings, but I think we're switching to a closed thread today right?! I'm excited :) you ladies seem to be providing me with some much needed motivation!

    I have also discovered that although I have had minimal weightloss in the past couple of weeks I have lost an inch off my waist! HOORAY!

    Have rock & roll days

    Steph x
  • tyem1
    tyem1 Posts: 20
    Hi there Ladies!!

    I would love to join you!! I live by myself with my son....and he really doesnt push me (something to do with him only being 3!!) and I would love some people to push me!! I am really struggle to lose weight and have only recently joined here and have alot to lose but the motivation I am struggling with!! Help me please!!!
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Hi Ladies!

    Really great to see some new faces. I'll try and put a list together of everyone that's participating, so we can all add each other as friends. I'm really looking forward to getting to know you all, and supporting each other through this process!

    So far, it looks like "Skinny Cows" is winning for the official group name... Any more votes out there? Any new ideas?

    For exercise, last night, it was spinning, this morning it was elliptical (and all I can get in, as I have the Pearl Jam concert to attend tonight!!!), tomorrow hot yoga and kickboxing. I haven't been this active since I was a teenager!

    How's everyone else doing with their exercise?

    Steph - Congrats on the inch loss! I'm in the same boat as you... I got on the scale this AM, and I'm 1.5lbs heavier than I was when I weighed in last week. However, my bras are all of a sudden fitting better, and I put on a pair of jeans this morning that I haven't worn in years! I'm hoping the 1.5 lb gain is just a fluke, and I'll be at 233 or lower by my "official" weigh in date, but I'm really happy with how my shape is changing.

    Have a good day all! :smile:
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I missed the noon deadline - and will be happy with any name selected... I am a blonde... so if we go with skinny blonde twit, I won't have to color my hair... If the deadline were extended, I would like sore losers (that one makes me laugh), smallest winners (love the positive message)... skinny cows are fun too... Have a great day everyone!
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Lissa - I liked "Smallest Winners" too, but I also love the picture of the skinny cow I found. :smile:

    Here's our new closed thread:


    Hope to see you all there!!
