Moms of MyFitnessPal! Let’s help eachother out!

Hello moms of MyFitnessPal,

I feel that mother’s of all ages face a variety of struggles that are unique to mothers. Whether you’re a mother of teenagers or newborns. Whether your a teenaged mother or a first time mom in her 40’s, we are all facing a weightloss journey while simultaneously carrying one heck of a job!

Let’s make this thread a place where we can describe how motherhood effects our weight and fitness goals and a place to make friends whom we can all support!


  • kk08095060
    kk08095060 Posts: 14 Member

    For me, motherhood has many impacts on my weightloss and fitness goals. I am a mother of two under two and often find that I get to the end of the day having not had a single meal while seated.

    My breakfast is often a cliff bar I eat while breastfeeding my smallest baby while also walking behind my toddler to try and keep him entertained (oh, the multitasking!) my lunch… is usually the same as breakfast if I’m being real! My cardio is cleaning the kitchen three times a day, because even though I rarely get to sit and eat a hot meal myself, my 1.5 year old gets 3 meals a day and it’s always a mess! Dinner, I make a point to eat it, but it’s always cold and at least one child is usually crying while I scarf it down (someone send help!) 🤣

    Maintaining my health is a while different ballgame now than before having children. So far, “Frantically running around to fulfill the needs of my growing family” is a diet plan that’s working for me!
  • gorple76
    gorple76 Posts: 162 Member
    There are positives and negatives I think to being a parent and trying to watch my weight.
    On the plus side, I cook healthy meals and keep active with and for my kids. I have a daughter moving into adolescence and I’m seeing her friends and my teenage students fill out and become more sedentary. It makes me v conscious of the example I set for her.

    On the other hand, the after school hour or two feels difficult. The kids are hungry and want a snack. I’m busy preparing dinner, and I find it the hardest part of the day not to eat everything in sight. If I didn’t have kids, I’d head out for a run instead. Finding time for exercise is also harder. It feels like it’s bottom of a long list.

  • Katerr1kk
    Katerr1kk Posts: 81 Member
    Great thread! I have 3 kids. My youngest is 8 and it took until last year before I found the energy and motivation to lose weight. I've lost 45lb now and have about 10lb left.

    It was so hard when they were little and I found it very difficult to carve out any time for me. It's much easier now they are older!
  • khartell1022
    khartell1022 Posts: 25 Member
    Motherhood definitely has affected my weight and fitness goals. I have 4 boys. Weight gain during pregnancy usually was 20 lbs - I was overweight to begin with so not trying to gain a lot since my babies were 9.8, 9.5, 8.5 and 9.14! That weight usually was lost quickly afterward but the exhaustion and eating due to being tired really helped the pounds pack on again.

    There was no emphasis on time for me. My last 3 kids were born within 5 years. They all needed me and I put myself last due to schedules, kid's appointments, or just running on fumes myself. I was "too tired" and made excuses for why I couldn't exercise or plan meals around what the kid's would eat. I am trying to change that here and now. Best wishes on this health journey mommas!
  • kk08095060
    kk08095060 Posts: 14 Member
    You are all superstars for keeping up with it all!
  • alishiamaustin
    alishiamaustin Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here. I'm a single mom of one boy. He is seven. We live in a tiny house, in a tiny town, in the middle of the woods in Maine 🌲 I struggle with balancing motherhood, career and self care. I'm about 15 lbs over my comfortable weight and finding it difficult to stay on track.
  • julianalynncass
    julianalynncass Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Mom of 5 here. 2 college graduates, 2 in college and one at home. I'm 48. It's been much easier with my youngest who is 16 as she is very supportive of me. She even helps with the grocery shopping! I gained a lot during quarantine, but have successfully taken it off with a change in my mindset and how I view food. My daughter and I do it together and it means the world to me that she is adopting healthy habits. When my other kids were home, we ate a lot of pasta and quick meals as life was super chaotic. I have a long way to go with weight loss, but learning to love ourselves the way we are now helps us push to do better. ❤