How do you sleep at night??



  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Wow! That is great!!! ....toot toot, puff puff....
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i prefer full on silence, but can sleep with noise. when i was younger i used to sleep with music playing, but i grew out of it. now, during the summer, i have one or 2 fans going in my room, so there is always noise. i prefer door opened, always have. now even more so, cause if i even think about trying to close my door, my cats give me dirty looks! lol. seriously though, i have one cat who will scratch at the door and the carpet, as well as meow outside the door if i dare to have my door closed. oplus i like to be able to have my cats come and go. i don't wear much, just undies, and i prefer to be as cool as comfortably possible, meaning very light blankets that at times only cover my butt. even when it's stupid hot at night, still have to have that bit of blanket covering my butt, idk why, but i do.

    oh, and it has to be dark. my ex had to have a light on when sleeping, so i bought myself a sleep mask cause i would sleep terribly because of that light. i can even tell when the light at the back door has been left on, and that is all the way down the hallway and through the kitchen.
  • Sararainmaker
    Sararainmaker Posts: 48 Member
    I prefer to sleep in silence... but I can usually sleep with white noise as well. My husband, however. HAS to have a big-ol fan going all the time. He also prefers it to be arctic in the room when he sleeps, which to a born-and-raised California girl, is torture!

    The door has to be open... otherwise our cat will literally get super-clingy once we wake up! It has nothing to do with sleep, just the cat. :D
  • The closet door HAS to be closed. I must have a little light and no noise!

    Also my feet have to be covered, I thank horror movies for my weird scary issues.

    Totally forgot about that one. I can NOT have any appendage hanging over the edge of the bed and all closet doors must be closed. Hubby laughs at me when I ask him to close them, lol.
  • if my hubby is working i have to have the tv on low, dog n the room,
    if he is home idc if the llight is on, tv on, where the dog is

    ALL DOORS MUST BE SHUT no matter what I am very much a chickens**t
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    Door closed unless everyone is gone, fan on, lights out.
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    In my birthday suit with a bunch of pillows on the bed.
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    Ligjts off, earplugs in, no TV or music, blinds tightly shut (I'm a day sleeper), and door locked, relocked, then checked several times. I'm thinking of getting a sleep mask, too, for the rest of the summer.
  • Have to have the fan on, or in the summer the air conditioner. Door closed, cat out of the room and dog in the bed. NO light! Cover the cell phones, clocks etc. Lots of pillows (4). No closet door, so thats not an issue. Must sleep on the right side of the bed and usually on my back or on my right side. No clothes...but they are close if need be. Melatonen taken before bed helps...sometimes. Good Night MFPers..don't let the bed bugs bite!

    When I'm not home,,,lol my husband has the pistol next to the bed and loaded..Like I'm gonna protect his *kitten* when I am home..
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    Mostly silence.
    I have a fish tank so the sound of water trickling is always there.
    No tv preferably, but I have fallen asleep watching tv.
    Window open, or else I get kinda claustrophobic and start having a panic attack. During the winter when it's too cold to have the window open, I have to have a fan on. MUST HAVE MOVING AIR.
    Bedroom door open because my cats sleep with me.
    Left leg out from under the covers.
    I have to have 3 pillow or I have trouble sleeping.
    In pj's.
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    I can sleep with or without music and with or without light

    But i sleep with a dark room, no light and the door closed because i don't want the dogs roaming around at night...sneaky little things ;)
  • cklbrown
    cklbrown Posts: 4,696 Member
    I keep the light off, but if it was on it wouldn't bother me. My former husband and I always argued about light, but since I have eyelids I told him light should not a problem. Sound is a different situation. It must be quiet. Light sleeper! My clothes are always on. No one wants to accidentally see that. Scarred for life!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    clothes always! I have marvelous visions of myself stark naked on the front lawn after the fire is put out. And while that might be a fantastic way to meet hot firefighters it would do horrible things to my ego.
    I have exactly the same visions - LOL!!

    Pj's on, sound off, very little light. Aside from the pj's, I very rarely get perfect conditions and so I very rarely get a good night's sleep.
  • ktbug82
    ktbug82 Posts: 166
    I HAVE to sleep with a fan on. If I can't hear that "hum" then I can't fall asleep. Over spring break this past year my friends all laughed at me because I found a fan audio sound on my phone and had it on repeat all night. & doors closed and locked!!
  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    Ceiling fan has got to be on to stir the air. Its got to be cool so AC set to 70 most nights this time of year. Dehumidifier running in the adjacent room so there is a constant low "hum". Fall asleep with TV on, turn it off middle of night. Bedroom door open. Dogs sleep under the bed and are my alarm clock at 5am.

    We are not scared at night, but we take precautions. We live in isolation in the country/woods on an acerage/hobby farm. Home security system, motion lights which activate security cameras (mainly keeping tabs on animals when we are away), several firearms in close reach.
  • buddy529
    buddy529 Posts: 41 Member
    I'm a super light sleeper so I prefer to sleep when it's completely silent, but when there's noise coming from my neighbors, I sleep with some music playing in the background. I also always have to keep my door closed and my closet doors closed because keeping them open freaks me out haha.