The only thing that wasn’t locked down in the last 18 months was the biscuit tin..

Hi. I’m 52 and based in South of England. Despite being near goal weight I lost the plot in lockdown(s) and now need to lose 20lbs..

Having deferred my marathon place to April 2022 (trained right up to the last minute in 2020 for it to be cancelled), I need to get going as I’m feeling every extra pound!

Looking for accountability buddies and some chatty friends 😊


  • Katie43210
    Katie43210 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm trying to lose 2stone also gained alot over lockdown! Really want to get back in shape I feel awful my clothes don't fit or are too tight my knee hurts and I just feel so unhealthy once you are stuck in a rut from eating and not being able to do anything during lockdown mentally I'm finding it really hard to get back to normal and lose the weight! Would love to have the confidence to go running you must be super proud and focused running for a marathon! Well done! X
  • heathermadgetoma
    heathermadgetoma Posts: 2 Member
    Hello - I've been hoping to find a group for friendly support and a little accountability help, and Cydney your headline cracked me up - I think you just posted this recently, funny that I found it so fresh! I'm in NJ, so probably 5 or 6 hours time difference, but maybe we can help each other! I've lost (and gained back) 25 or 30lbs a couple of times over the last 10 years - once because I was on steroids for something and the last few years I had a series of surgeries that the downtime from really did me in - and now I'm 54 and its SO MUCH HARDER to drop the pounds!
  • Cydney0710
    Cydney0710 Posts: 23 Member
    I used to work in NJ! Yes.. it’s something about the 5 starting your age that does it, I’m sure..!

    Happy to help (and make you smile) x
  • heathermadgetoma
    heathermadgetoma Posts: 2 Member
    What a coincidence - where in NJ? I'm in Hunterdon County, or as I like to say to my friends back home in CA "just east of Pennsylvania" :) I'm a horse person and have a small farm here. I'm no marathoner, LOL, but a few years ago I wore a fitbit and I apparently walk 8 miles a day (not including riding, of course, or the golf cart....just all the back and forth). I also do pilates (on my own mostly). what do you do to train? do you have anyone you do it with? love the selfie, BTW, and the hat!