The Diamond Challenge (DITR) Round 5 Week 4



  • 9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any?

    Hmm, well I would love to have a low body fat percentage and be ripped.....(pause while the laughter dies down)....I'm being serious.

    I'm so far away from even a normal body fat percentage! It makes me so sad :(
  • Lol at the top of the page it has a picture of a diamond and says 'don't stare your diamonds might get jealous' lol made me chuckle (sorry OT I know)
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    ugh this week sucks, I'm not sure how much exercising I'm going to get in since I had a internal cyst removed Sunday and I'm still have problems just sitting for long periods of time
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I did have a short term goal at the beginning of the year. I did the c25k and was so proud of myself for completing it. I have never ever been a runner. I think I need to get some sort of goal going. I do much better staying motivated when I have something to shoot for.

    I had thought about training for a 10k, maybe I will do the c25k and try to beat my time.
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any?

    My short term goal at the moment is to be able to run 5k in under 30mins.

    Long term I'd like to be able to run 10k non-stop by the end of the year (is that long term enough?). I would love to have a gym with weights so I could have those kind of goals, like bench press 100lbs etc, but no spare money for a proper gym membership at the moment so I guess I should aim to be able to do 10 proper pushups by the end of the year. Current ability = 0, past ability =0 so this could be interesting!
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    I really don't have an athletic goal. I want to lose the weight to look & feel better, not to be more active. I am perfectly happy with my current activity level which is chasing the kids around the house. They make me tired enough without needing to add a 5K in there or anything.
  • christinad95
    christinad95 Posts: 201 Member
    9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any?

    My short term goal at the moment is to be able to run 5k in under 30mins.

    Long term I'd like to be able to run 10k non-stop by the end of the year (is that long term enough?). I would love to have a gym with weights so I could have those kind of goals, like bench press 100lbs etc, but no spare money for a proper gym membership at the moment so I guess I should aim to be able to do 10 proper pushups by the end of the year. Current ability = 0, past ability =0 so this could be interesting!

    I'm not sure what I would say is my short term athletic goal but my long term athletic goal is I'd love to be able to be part of our women's soccer team for next season.
  • QOTD2: When you start to feel like you are losing motivation, how do you get yourself back on track?

    I ask for help. I've begged a co-worker to send me an IM to see if I'm going to the gym. She went one step furter and didn't give me an option. She IM's that she's heading for the elevator and she'll expect me there. No excuses allowed. I've also changed my trainer at my gym. I realized he doesn't push. He'll just send a quick email to see how things are going, but doesn't follow through. I've gotten great reviews on another trainer and he's all in. :laugh:
  • 9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any?

    I don't, but I probably should. Probably to learn how to run outdoors and do a 5K.
  • I dont but that is something to think about.
  • romade188
    romade188 Posts: 88 Member
    9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any?

    I would have to say I'd like to actually play the sports I used to when I was in shape. I want to eventually buy a skull (one person rowing boat), and be able to run as fast and as much as I possibly can. Soccer was one of my favorite sports to play, and I can barely dribble a ball anymore. In a few years my son will be into sports as well, and if I could be an assistant coach, or just be a part of it in any way, those would be my long term athletic goals.
  • mrscampbe11
    mrscampbe11 Posts: 46 Member
    In honour of spirit week I have changed my profile pic to a bunch of pink roses - as my gift of a bunch of flowers to all my DITR rough girls who are working their butts off (literally!) :flowerforyou:

    Starleng, all our thoughts are with you...

    And a big shout out to dlaplume2 - my buddy for this challenge - it has been great having you on board and I'm enjoying our daily messages!

    Now, 2 more days to kick those other Diamond butts! WE CAN DO IT!
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    QOTD - Do you have any short term or long term athletic goals? what are they? do you plan on setting any?

    I would like to be able to do a 5 mile run with some co-workers from school. I'm not really sure if this is going to be short or long term, because I'm really a runner. But, my co-worker did set up a schedule for me so I'm going to try it. We'll see.....
  • foxieboxy
    foxieboxy Posts: 52 Member
    I changed my picture to this yellow brick sculpture for my team, because to me it represents letting out the "old" us and opening ourselves to the "new" us!

    Have a great day gals!

  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    What is your favorite thing to do to workout?
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    What is your favorite thing to do to workout?

    I love workout classes. I don't push myself on machines. I cannot cheat in a class:blushing:
  • I changed my picture to this yellow brick sculpture for my team, because to me it represents letting out the "old" us and opening ourselves to the "new" us!

    Have a great day gals!


    That's awesome. I need to remember that and make it my motto. :happy:
  • kris24824
    kris24824 Posts: 22 Member
    What is your favorite thing to do to workout?

    I LOVE CYCLING!!! I've really gotten into it and do endurance/long distance cycling. Its so great to get out into nature and to burn calories! I've ridden up to 72 miles! I hope to do a century (100 miles) one day, but prefer the 40 mile range.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    9/13 QOTD: Does anyone have short term or long term athletic goals? If so, what are they? If no, do you plan on setting any?

    My long term athletic goal for right now is being able to complete c25k and run the full 5k without walking.
  • lustris
    lustris Posts: 152
    What is your favorite thing to do to workout?

    I have a few things that I enjoy; dancing, The Biggest Loser workout videos (awesome!), and plain old walking (especially when its nice out in the evening and my fam comes with!)