Calorie Goal

Hi everybody,

This question has probably been asked a million times!! but.. Do i eat my calorie goal or leave some over and also do i eat back exercise calories?

I have lost 4lbs over 4 days at the weekend when I ate back my exercise calories and calorie goal with leaving about 50-100 calories. I have been trying to do the same thing this week and I havent been losing weight and i have actually put a pound back on.

Any advice in what I should do?

I felt great when I reached 21lbs lost and now i feel disheartened by putting 1lb on!

My MFP calorie goal is 1460. Height 5ft 5 and weight 208lbs :( Starting weight 228lbs

Help Needed!



  • atag2011
    atag2011 Posts: 45 Member
    Hey there,

    You need to eat all of the calories recommended, even the 'extra' ones burned by exercise. It is your net calories that is important to follow, so eat what it says. Often when you don't eat enough you will gain wait. Sounds a little backwards, but its the truth! Good luck to you, and don't let one pound discourage you. :smile:
  • Thanks for the reply. I know its only a pound but you never want to see that weight again. I will continue to eat my calories and eat back exercise and see how i get on. Only a little blip will be back on track soon hopefully
  • See I have this prob;em, Im now at 239 lbs, and my calorie goal is 1390, I only eat 1000, Ive been loosing weight, however I have a underactive thyroid and MFP doesnt take this into account, so I thought I would eat a little less untill my medication got sorted! Im so confused about the whole thing, however doing it healthily I would say stick to your calorie goals! :) xoxo
  • I totally understand what you mean. I also have an underactive thyroid and really struggle to lose weight. I am surprised that i have lost 21lbs because of it x