Skinny Mini Challenge-Week THREE! (Closed Group)



  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Congratulations to everyone for completing yesterdays challenge and to everyone who has completed today;s challenge. It was a good one :) Good job on creating the challenges Kristi they have been awesome.

    So yesterday I was under my calories and drank all my water go me lol.

    Today was a bad day mentally for me, just wasn't fully with it but i did complete my challenges, did 45 minutes of a circuit training, 15 minutes on the stair climber. 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes on the bike and 20 minutes of the 30 day shred

    GO YOU!!!! That's right!!! Meg, you are AWESOME!!!! I'm sorry you had a bad day yesterday!!!! I'm sooo glad to hear you completed the challenges though!!! I'm hoping the rest of this week is in your favor!!!! Thanks for being so great!
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Ladiiiiies-I don't see the link for Fly Ups on the list. PLEASE tell me that you set out on your own search to find it on the website! ;)

    Here it is for those of who haven't done the workout yet:
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    What is a fly up? didn't see it on the links.... is it just the reverse fly with a pulse at the top?
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Ladiiiiies-I don't see the link for Fly Ups on the list. PLEASE tell me that you set out on your own search to find it on the website! ;)

    Here it is for those of who haven't done the workout yet:
    NEVERMIND... you read my mind :)
  • lloydmel
    lloydmel Posts: 259 Member
    Just completed all of the challenges for today....
    Did the extra 2 miles walking...
    Under in calories
    Over in water...
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Ok workout for today! 3 miles, ALL challenges plus 125 extra crunches, and 4 arm (100 each) workouts (target zone right now is arms, inner thighs, and stomach). I drank LOTS of water today and was under on my calories, so I'm pretty sure it's safe to say I kicked day two where it hurt. :) Proud of you girls! Keep it up!

  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Does anyone else see a cupcake staring at you as you post on the board over here
    > in this advertisement? hahaha.
  • mazzy72
    mazzy72 Posts: 27 Member
    Today was a good day. I ate well and drank lots of water, more than usual. I made a small workout, because the karate class yesterday reminded me that some part of my body has unusual muscle.

    The week began well!!
  • Andreeann
    I am sorry I didn't post yesterday... :S I will post two times today !

    Yesterday I was working from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm, I came back home at 4:00pm and then I did the 2 miles running on a treadmill and all the challenge. I am a coach of synchronised swimming and I was coaching from 5:00pm to 8:00pm and during the class I made some abs exercices with my team. When I came back home I was so tired and I went to bed very early. That is why I didn't post here yesterday.

    I wish you all a good day today ! I plan to do my usual workout and the challenge today !
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    My thought for today: Some days are more challenging than others and we need to just keep trucking along and do what we can do. Its okay to ask for help! Make today a great one!
  • miami_mimi
    miami_mimi Posts: 358 Member
    Last night was tough :( didnt get to do the challenges except for the water drinking and calorie intake. but t today is a new day and I will conquer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already started by walking one mile this morning :) and after work I plan to do some more workouts :D
    ps. it's that TOM :( and it takes a lot more to motivate me to do what I gotta do, but nothing can stop me!!!
    LETS GET IT ladies!
  • MittenKitten1219
    MittenKitten1219 Posts: 82 Member
    Today (Wednesday, remember I'm on Korea time!) I completed my daily challenges, drank all my water, stayed under my calories and walked 6 miles. I know I won't be able to get in my 4 extra for tomorrow with my late night at work so I did my two normal +4 for the day 4 challenge. I am feeling very motivated!

    I finally took before pictures... I had some from 10 lb ago but quickly erased them from my camera before downloading them because a co-worker wanted to look through some pics and I was way too embarrassed for him to come across them. I hope I have some wicked after pictures come Christmas time. I also changed my background picture to one of me at a size 8 when I was as fit as I have ever been as a daily motivator. That's where I want to end up, if not a size 6. I know I can get there again!

    Also had a NSV: I had to buy all new size 14 work pants for my trip to Korea at the beginning of August. I knew I was going to try and lose weight so I brought smaller pants with me. I tried on my size 12 work pants that I couldn't button when I got here and was able to button them. Still a bit snug but noticeably better! I hope I have to buy new work clothes when I come home to visit in November :)
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    My thought for today: Some days are more challenging than others and we need to just keep trucking along and do what we can do. Its okay to ask for help! Make today a great one!

    Love it!!! Thanks girl!
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Last night was tough :( didnt get to do the challenges except for the water drinking and calorie intake. but t today is a new day and I will conquer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I already started by walking one mile this morning :) and after work I plan to do some more workouts :D
    ps. it's that TOM :( and it takes a lot more to motivate me to do what I gotta do, but nothing can stop me!!!
    LETS GET IT ladies!

    ugh I hear ya girl!!! hate that time! Good luck! Keep pushing!
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Today (Wednesday, remember I'm on Korea time!) I completed my daily challenges, drank all my water, stayed under my calories and walked 6 miles. I know I won't be able to get in my 4 extra for tomorrow with my late night at work so I did my two normal +4 for the day 4 challenge. I am feeling very motivated!

    I finally took before pictures... I had some from 10 lb ago but quickly erased them from my camera before downloading them because a co-worker wanted to look through some pics and I was way too embarrassed for him to come across them. I hope I have some wicked after pictures come Christmas time. I also changed my background picture to one of me at a size 8 when I was as fit as I have ever been as a daily motivator. That's where I want to end up, if not a size 6. I know I can get there again!

    Also had a NSV: I had to buy all new size 14 work pants for my trip to Korea at the beginning of August. I knew I was going to try and lose weight so I brought smaller pants with me. I tried on my size 12 work pants that I couldn't button when I got here and was able to button them. Still a bit snug but noticeably better! I hope I have to buy new work clothes when I come home to visit in November :)

    WONDERFUL!!!!! Love the NSV!!!
  • Spiceanne
    Spiceanne Posts: 88 Member
    Good job to all the ladies who have posted on the forum, We are doing AWESOME :), keep up the good hard work, it is so worth it in the end :)

    So far today I have completed all my challenges and have drank 6 glasses of water (it's only 12:32pm here and i will be up till 10pm) so i got lots of time lol

    Not looking forward to the extra 4 miles of cardio tomorrow but none the less i will find a way to make it enjoyable and do it.

    Can't wait to see how everyone else has done, til tomorrow keep rocking it ladies :)
  • kristimaggard
    kristimaggard Posts: 112 Member
    Hey Ladies!!! The single-leg circle wasn't on today's workout! Here's the link:
  • Tess12513
    Unless you faint... puke... or DIE... KEEP GOING! ~Jillian Michaels

    I just thought this would be fitting for all of us today :) I have an old injury that seems to have flared up again...but I kept going through all of the challenges and then did my regular feels great! But now I need to find some lower impact exercises as well... how do you all feel about yoga? I'm thinking of going to a class at my gym tomorrow with a friend. For some reason, being a super ultra beginner in a yoga class kind of scares me haha!
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    Hey All, just wanted you to know that I zig zag my calories, so if I am not under calories on a couple days a week, those are my higher calorie days. It evens out with the days I am lower on calories. For me, its not good to go under my caloric goal by a whole lot each day. I've done that before and that's where I plateaued. I recently started losing weight again in the last couple months or so, so it seems to be working. Hopefully I can keep that losing streak going! I keep trying different things to see what works for me. I really want to lose these last 17lbs!
  • sunshinestorm
    sunshinestorm Posts: 81 Member
    But now I need to find some lower impact exercises as well... how do you all feel about yoga? I'm thinking of going to a class at my gym tomorrow with a friend. For some reason, being a super ultra beginner in a yoga class kind of scares me haha!

    I do yoga about once a week. I love it, but I love other exercises more, so that's why I only get around to doing it once a week. Low impact days are essential in order for your muscles to grow. I will be doing a low impact WEEK when we are done with this challenge to give my body a rest. I have been told that by several personal trainers that you can go hard for several weeks, but its good to have a week of taking it easy. Meaning, still work out, just not as strenuious. Don't be scared of yoga. It feels so good to stretch your body out, and don't worry if others are more flexible and know more. I've found that people in group ex classes in general are nice and helpful.