Exercise and calories

MFP always adds the calories burned due to exercise to the calorie "goal" but I always ignore it and stick to the same 1800 per day. One of the reasons I do this is because I have no idea if those calorie burned are accurate for me - one person's vigorous is another person's moderate I figure.

Does anyone else do this?


  • Ann262
    Ann262 Posts: 265 Member
    Eating back exercise calories. Some days you just have to. MFP is a great tool especialy for a free tool but accuracy is not great. Better than nothing. For example, I just put in a search for bagel. The top 4 results range from 180 to 380 calories. Which do you pick when you track? You guess which yours might be. Exercise? I run and my pace is around 13 minute miles. MFP doesn't go over 12. I AM running, I am not walking fast. I use 12mm and assume the calorie burn it gives me is over estimated. I am finding that if I am eating a healthy diet (bagels are not part of a healthy breakfast for me) then I have to listen to my body's hunger signals and know the difference between real hunger and just wanting to eat because I am bored. If you are hungry, truly hungry, not craving, then EAT!! If you have calories left at the end of the day but you aren't hungry, you don't have to eat! Our bodies will tell us what we need if we just listen to it. Humans aren't supposed to live life white knuckling through hunger pangs because we are trying to lose weight. That might work, but it isn't sustainable.

    Also there will be days when you are extra hungry and go over your "calorie alottment" and other days when you aren't so hungry and are below your "calorie alottment". That's okay.
  • ValkyrieHan
    ValkyrieHan Posts: 6 Member
    My calories are 1200 per day. I usually go over and have to burn a balance of 300-400 some weeks at the gym.
    And over the holidays I remember I spent hours in the gym bc I had to burn off 700cals by the end of the week.

    I don't like dislike the gym, it's my me time, but if you're prone to obsessive behavior- becareful. It can definitely be a little overwhelming. Everyone in the thread has given really good feedback!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    MFP always adds the calories burned due to exercise to the calorie "goal" but I always ignore it and stick to the same 1800 per day. One of the reasons I do this is because I have no idea if those calorie burned are accurate for me - one person's vigorous is another person's moderate I figure.

    Does anyone else do this?

    Really depends on what you're doing for exercise. Ignoring those calories for something like going for a walk or other light activity probably isn't that big of a deal given the expenditure isn't going to be all that large and lite activity doesn't really require a whole lot in terms of recovery.

    Ignoring those calories from more vigorous and/or longer duration training can be detrimental in that it can create a deficit that is overly large which can lead to all kinds of unpleasant things down the road. It can also be detrimental to fitness gains as well as recovery. 100% of exercise calories may or may not be accurate...but 0% is definitely not accurate. I'll burn in the neighborhood of 1,000 calories on a 30 mile bike ride...ignoring those would be foolish.

    I never personally used the database entries for exercise. I always used my HRM for the calories I was burning running or cycling or other aerobic activity and then knocked off my estimated BMR calories from that to get me something close to a net calorie burn. It wasn't exact, but it was close enough and I lost weight on an average of 1 Lb per week as I had planned eating back most of my exercise calories. I use the TDEE method now, but also have a power meter for my bike which is very accurate in determining calories burned cycling.
  • westrich20940
    westrich20940 Posts: 878 Member
    edited August 2021
    I did not do that when I was actively losing weight. MFP's recommendation for your calorie goal is already based on a deficit (if you used MFP to set it up, and if you chose that you wanted to lose weight --- if you used some other method and manually put in your calorie goal - then it will depend on how you decided your goal).

    So if you then burn additional calories through intentional exercise --- you are then increasing your deficit, possibly by a LOT depending on how many calories you are actually burning. So you could be creating a situation where you are undereating by a lot.

    I do agree that the calorie burn estimates in MFP can be wildly inaccurate ---so it's better to find a way that is as accurate as possible to estimate the calories burned (but remember it's still just an estimate) -- and manually put in cals burned to your workout and then eat back at least some of those cals. I personally ate back 50-100% of those calories depending on how hungry I was. I personally used a combination of an online calculator, my RunKeeper app, and my Polar HRM to estimate how many cals I burned while working out --- they all were different, sometimes by like 100 cals but I just did the best I could.

    If your calorie goal has been calculated NOT based on a deficit --- then this may not be what you should do. I'm no expert, lol.

    Also...the comment about the reason for all exercise....lol - wow. Exercise is good for weight loss if that's what you want but it's also great for
    staying healthy and mental well-being.
  • hjahangiri
    hjahangiri Posts: 56 Member
    Words do have specific meaning. :wink: "Vigorous" in the context of physical exercise is, according to the Mayo Clinic 70% to about 85% of your max heart rate (estimate by subtracting your age from 220). See https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/exercise-intensity/art-20046887 I have seen guidance that says "up to 93%" of your max heart rate. I was supposedly AT or OVER mine for an hour, today, yet I could still have carried on a conversation. I don't know if this is good or bad - I feel fine, supposedly burned 600 calories and covered 3.5 miles.

    If you have any sort of heart disease, or take medication that may raise or lower your heart rate, check with your doctor before using any of these numbers as a guideline, because that is ALL they are - a guideline.

    What I have found is that Fitbit and Garmin, combined with strict and honest logging of food intake tend to be quite accurate over time. (Remember what the song says, when you're tempted to sweep that "one little bite" under the rug and not count it: "hips don't lie".) I also know my RMR - the calories I burn while conscious and breathing, as opposed to BMR which is what's needed just to sustain life - and it is appallingly low at 1384. I had it tested at a health clinic, so it's not a guesstimate. That is lower than any online calculator is going to "estimate." But Garmin seems to know - it's definitely not using 2K/day as a baseline!) I have a spreadsheet, and if you ignore the day to day fluctuations, it's a spot-on match between my goal weight loss, my exercise/daily activity, and my food intake.

    I try hard not to use the additional calories burned as permission to "cheat" - unless I am very hungry. Meaning I drank a glass of water, first, to check - and nope, I still really need to eat something. And then I still try to keep it to only half of the extra burned, or I'll just maintain my current weight. I look for nutrient-dense foods that are low in calories. (That's okay, too, sometimes - just holding steady at the current weight! It's not healthy, nutritionally, to lose more than 2 lbs. a week, unless under a doctor's close supervision.) Patience is a virtue.