Outwit the Chubby~ ☆SKINNYS☆~Sept Tribal Challenge (clos



  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Confession time: I fell off the wagon last week! I am so sorry team! I only got 4 of my challenges days made up. Tried to do them all on Fri and Sat but they were LONG challenges. And those darn bearwalks killed me. I had to post a gain last Friday of 5lbs bur was back down to 3lbs by Sun morning. I am so frustrated by my body's inability to let this weight go. I upped my calories a few weeks ago to see if giving myself more to eat would help. And it did that first week, but has not since then. But, I guess I have to take a good amount of the blame because I have been felling sorry for myself this past weekend and saying I just don't care. Did not log calories at all. I know I was over, but probably maintenance calories.

    I did get in three 5ks last week. I usually walk/jog 2 miles 4 mornings a week. But I pushed that to 3.25 miles just for the challenge. I was actually supposed to run a 5k race Saturday but backed out because of the craziness of the past two weeks and the absolute NEED to sleep in, and not be there at 6:30AM. Plus work on more challenges. It was a good call because I was actually running a low grade fever Saturday afternoon and evening.

    I am feeling a bit more rested after this weekend. I am not feeling quite as burned out as I was last week. I plan to jump right back in and not let my teammates down this week. I want those 3 lbs back off and then a few of their friends too. Do I think that is realistic? Not with my body, but I am sure going to TRY.

    Karin, I feel so bad for you right now. Your schedule is just vicious, and I'm wondering if there's anything at all you can do to scale it back a little bit? To be honest, I have a very strong suspicion that this inability to lose is due in large part to the fact that you don't get anything like enough sleep, and you don't get much time at all to wind down. I used to burn the candle like that for most of my life, and it aged me! I looked 10 years older than I was, had perpetual dark bags under my eyes, my skin was grayish, and no matter how much I exercised, it was HARD to lose even a pound. When I started saying no to things (something I probably need to start doing again pretty soon here, actually) and getting my butt into bed at a reasonable hour, it stopped being so hard to function during the day and the weight started coming off a bit quicker.

    I know it probably will take a lot to change your schedule around all at once, but one other suggestion that you could start with right now is just to do the Pygmy challenges. I injured my shoulder because I was having to do too many reps all at once, (doing several days at once trying to make up for missed days), so I decided to go Pygmy for a while. Those bushmen challenges are LONG, and when you have to do several days' worth, it just sucks. I think it would really help you just to do the Pygmy ones. Those are more like what we did in August, and they're a lot more manageable on a full schedule. If possible, I hope you still stay in the challenge... not because we'd be mad at you if you left, but because we want to support you and encourage you as much as possible. I'm sure everybody here has had a hard time getting stubborn pounds off at one point or another, and I'm sure everybody has had a hard time managing an ugly schedule, so we are all behind you! I'll be praying for you that you can get some rest, my friend.

    All us Skinnies love you, mommaski!! :flowerforyou:
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member

    Karin, I feel so bad for you right now. Your schedule is just vicious, and I'm wondering if there's anything at all you can do to scale it back a little bit? To be honest, I have a very strong suspicion that this inability to lose is due in large part to the fact that you don't get anything like enough sleep, and you don't get much time at all to wind down. I used to burn the candle like that for most of my life, and it aged me! I looked 10 years older than I was, had perpetual dark bags under my eyes, my skin was grayish, and no matter how much I exercised, it was HARD to lose even a pound. When I started saying no to things (something I probably need to start doing again pretty soon here, actually) and getting my butt into bed at a reasonable hour, it stopped being so hard to function during the day and the weight started coming off a bit quicker.

    I know it probably will take a lot to change your schedule around all at once, but one other suggestion that you could start with right now is just to do the Pygmy challenges. I injured my shoulder because I was having to do too many reps all at once, (doing several days at once trying to make up for missed days), so I decided to go Pygmy for a while. Those bushmen challenges are LONG, and when you have to do several days' worth, it just sucks. I think it would really help you just to do the Pygmy ones. Those are more like what we did in August, and they're a lot more manageable on a full schedule. If possible, I hope you still stay in the challenge... not because we'd be mad at you if you left, but because we want to support you and encourage you as much as possible. I'm sure everybody here has had a hard time getting stubborn pounds off at one point or another, and I'm sure everybody has had a hard time managing an ugly schedule, so we are all behind you! I'll be praying for you that you can get some rest, my friend.

    All us Skinnies love you, mommaski!! :flowerforyou:

    Thanks Kellie! The encouragement means a lot! You are likely right. I never seem to get enough sleep. There is always too much to do (and then I get sidetracked on MFP and FB- lol) . I am hoping that things are going to start to fall into place a little bit better. Soon my husband's schedule will start backing off for the season. Then he picks up a lot of the slack.

    This week should be a bit better. My assistant leader is completely planning and running tonight's Brownie meeting. I am basically just showing up and offering HER support. That is so great! I am going to have to try to plan more meeting like this, letting somebody else run with one fully here and there. I got one on the mothers to chair our fall product sales too, so that is another thing off of my back. Yay!

    Work should be a bit easier as the boss is out of town half the week so I WILL get out on time. I think I am just taking a deep breath and calming down this week! {deep breath} I will work on getting more sleep but some nights, I just can't seem to sleep at all.

    You know, it never occurred to me to drop back to the Pygmy challenge. I am capable of Bushman and that is all I was accepting of myself. But you are right... Pygmy challenge is still a additional exercise challenge! It counts just the same. I will drop down to that if I need to this week.

    I am really looking forward to getting back on track. I think that once I got behind last week, it was just one more source of stress for me. Not his week! Not going to let it! I will do Pygmy if I need to and NOT feel guilty about it!

    Thanks for the pep talk! I really needed it! :happy:
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Karin~ I think Kellie had some VERY good advise!

    ok, sorry i'm trying my best guys. My life is also upside down at the moment...

    Welcome to Week 3 you are at the 1/2 way mark! RAISE YOUR SPEARS! Make sure you begin each exercise challenge with a 4 minute tabata workout.

    THIS IS ANOTHER SPARTAN 300 Cardio Workout Series.
    Attempt to do all of these series at one time. If possible do not break these up along the day.

    Day 1 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 2 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 3 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 4 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of 15 Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 5 - 50 Toe Touches, 50 Crunches, 50 Windshield Wipers, 50 Kick Squats (don’t pop those knee joints), 50 Globe jumps (each jump up counts as one), 50 Lunges (25 each leg)

    Day 6 - 3 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 3 sets of 21’s, 3 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 3 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 3 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 3 sets of Woodchops, 30 Pushups (modified if needed)

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVE IT! Week 3 we’re are stepping it up to another level! BE PSYCHED!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Three Weekly Team Challenge
    Same water and calories challenge plus walk, run, jog 5 miles this week all at once. No break , No stopping!

    Welcome to Week 3 you are the PYGYMY TRIBE it’s time to see what you are really made of! You wanna be a BUSHMEN one day right?
    Make modifications as necessary and use water bottles, soup cans or my favorite Tomato Juice cans as weights! They really do work!

    Day 1 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 2 – 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 3 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 4 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 5 - 10 Globe Jumps, 10 Burpees, 25 Toe Touches, 25 Squat Kicks, 2 mile walk, jog, run

    Day 6 - 2 sets of 15 swimmer presses, 2 sets of 15 wood chops, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 lawnmowers

    Day 7 – REST YOU DESERVED IT! BTW If you did all the walking congratulations you completed 6 miles. A 5k is only 3.1 You've now walked 2 5K's this week! See I knew you could do it!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise!*********

    Week Two Weekly Team Challenge

    Same water and calories challenge plus 500 crunches/sit ups for the entire week! No groaning you can do this!
    Make sure you perform abdominal stretches after the crunches. They are key to a quick painless recovery. You can do the crunches anyway you want 100 a day, 50 in the a.m. 50 at night or all 500 in one day. Its up to you!

    *Modification for Burpees - get down on the floor on your hands and knees (four on the floor) and then quickly go to standing position and raise your hands above your head and then immediately return to the 4 on the floor position and repeat.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Ok... Monday challenges done. I know I'm doing the Pygmy ones for now, so I should feel all embarassed about it, but I was able to do 10 real burpees for the first time, instead of having to modify them, so I'm just going to feel proud of that anyway. :tongue:
  • lmmiller1
    Ok... Monday challenges done. I know I'm doing the Pygmy ones for now, so I should feel all embarassed about it, but I was able to do 10 real burpees for the first time, instead of having to modify them, so I'm just going to feel proud of that anyway. :tongue:

    You should feel very proud of yourself...I know your team mates do!! Grat job!!

    Well, I did my 5 miles lastnight...let me tell you I am paying for it this morning, But nothing a few Stretches fix.
    Hope y'all have a GREAT DAY:smooched:
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Kellie - No shame in the pygmy challenges! Great work on the burpees! I HATE, HATE, HATE them. Did I mention I hate burpees?

    Lisa - Way to go on the 5 miles!

    Tracy - No worries at all. You are doing great. Keep it up!

    I did my 5 miles this morning. I was not sure exactly what 5 miles was. I did my usual route where I know what a 5k is. I went farther, then came back and went the other way. I would have gone a bit farther but there were too many pigeons on the sidewalk. I have a fear of birds and they did not seem to want to fly away. So I turned around. When I put it into MapMyRun, it turns out that it was exactly 5 miles. I do not think I could do that (guess then miles and get it right) again of I tried.
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    I did my 5 miles this morning. I was not sure exactly what 5 miles was. I did my usual route where I know what a 5k is. I went farther, then came back and went the other way. I would have gone a bit farther but there were too many pigeons on the sidewalk. I have a fear of birds and they did not seem to want to fly away. So I turned around. When I put it into MapMyRun, it turns out that it was exactly 5 miles. I do not think I could do that (guess then miles and get it right) again of I tried.

    The pigeons were there to guide you. :wink:
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    Checking in! Doing alright with the challenges so far. I'll get that 5 miles done probably Saturday or Sunday. And 500 crunches will be no problem.

    Although my weight loss has been beyond amazing I still feel bleh. I exercise 6 days a week burning at least 500 calories. I don't eat back exercise calories because when I do over the weekend it seems to have a bad effect. And the ONLY way I seem to manage to eat more than 1000 calories a day is by snacking all day long which makes me feel like crap. And if I eat more than 1000-1200 calories I don't lose weight. I guess I'm just feeling a little bleh lately. And I know there's no reason too!

    You all are doing so great :)
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Checking in! Doing alright with the challenges so far. I'll get that 5 miles done probably Saturday or Sunday. And 500 crunches will be no problem.

    Although my weight loss has been beyond amazing I still feel bleh. I exercise 6 days a week burning at least 500 calories. I don't eat back exercise calories because when I do over the weekend it seems to have a bad effect. And the ONLY way I seem to manage to eat more than 1000 calories a day is by snacking all day long which makes me feel like crap. And if I eat more than 1000-1200 calories I don't lose weight. I guess I'm just feeling a little bleh lately. And I know there's no reason too!

    You all are doing so great :)

    Jessica~ I feel your pain. I seem to only loose if I do exactly what you're doing. VERY strict eating, lots of working out etc. I swear I eat one thing with too much sodium over the weekend, I don't loose any weight that week. The small piece of birthday cake I just ate at lunch is HAUNTING Me right now. 55 min Turbo Fire tonight is in my future!!!!!

    Kellie~ DO NOT feel embarassed for doing the pygmy! we still get the same points! excercise is what we need to focus on...not beating ourselves up for not doing enough!!

    Lisa~ GREAT JOB on the 5k!!

    Karin~ PROUD OF YOU for getting the 5k in!!! I HATE BURPEE'S TOO!

    Soooooooo, i've got some big changes happening in my life. Hubby's new job is off hours from mine, so feeling like a single mom will be in my future. I'm now getting home for 4:45, so he can be to work for 5pm..AUUUUUG. On the plus side, instead of watching TV with him at night, i will probably be working out & completing projects! I have 2 desks to re-finish, roman shades to sew, the list goes on!

    I totally caved at lunch and had a small piece of cake. Only to log it and see it was probably 400 calories:grumble: , so it looks like i'm having egg whites for dinner! I have to do something, I feel like I can't break this weight. I've been holding steady at 159/160 for the past week, up a lb, down a lb. this NEEDS to break. I want to get to at least 155 so BAD, but 150 would be awesome. I'm not asking for my body to go to 130, but it HAS to start working with me!!
  • szczepj
    szczepj Posts: 422
    We just can't win! Hope something breaks for you Tracy! You are def working hard!
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Ok, this is in no way meant to dampen anyone's determination or enthusiasm or anything, but I'm just asking the question, in case this is the right question for anyone here. I haven't seen you guys in real life, I don't know much about your health or weight histories, and I don't know how you feel at the weights you are now.

    If you're really struggling to get past a certain weight and it's close to your healthy BMI, is it possible that maybe that is the weight your body is naturally most efficient at? Sometimes I know we can get hung up on a number, and maybe that number isn't really something that nature requires of us. Have you spoken to a doctor ever to see what the official recommendation might be?

    I went to a nutritionist and he said that I would probably be at my goal weight at 170, even though that's at the very tip-top end of the BMI scale for my height. Now that's not going to stop me from busting my butt to get to 160 or even 155, but those are just numbers I picked because they sound better to me than 170. If I get down to that vicinity on the scale and find that I just can't seem to break 170 without starving myself and exercising 2 hours a day, then maybe I'll just have to accept that as my goal weight and just focus on toning after that. I haven't been at my healthy weight since 8th grade, so I have no idea what my body will be like at that weight now!

    Like I said... I could totally be full of crap about this, so if that is not your situation, just disregard. I just noticed that there seem to be a lot of people on MFP lately who are really close to their goal and they can't seem to get any lower without eating less than 1,000 calories and sweating like a fiend, and that just doesn't seem healthy to me. Thoughts, anyone?
  • kcgslp
    kcgslp Posts: 212
    Ok, this is in no way meant to dampen anyone's determination or enthusiasm or anything, but I'm just asking the question, in case this is the right question for anyone here. I haven't seen you guys in real life, I don't know much about your health or weight histories, and I don't know how you feel at the weights you are now.

    If you're really struggling to get past a certain weight and it's close to your healthy BMI, is it possible that maybe that is the weight your body is naturally most efficient at? Sometimes I know we can get hung up on a number, and maybe that number isn't really something that nature requires of us. Have you spoken to a doctor ever to see what the official recommendation might be?

    I went to a nutritionist and he said that I would probably be at my goal weight at 170, even though that's at the very tip-top end of the BMI scale for my height. Now that's not going to stop me from busting my butt to get to 160 or even 155, but those are just numbers I picked because they sound better to me than 170. If I get down to that vicinity on the scale and find that I just can't seem to break 170 without starving myself and exercising 2 hours a day, then maybe I'll just have to accept that as my goal weight and just focus on toning after that. I haven't been at my healthy weight since 8th grade, so I have no idea what my body will be like at that weight now!

    Like I said... I could totally be full of crap about this, so if that is not your situation, just disregard. I just noticed that there seem to be a lot of people on MFP lately who are really close to their goal and they can't seem to get any lower without eating less than 1,000 calories and sweating like a fiend, and that just doesn't seem healthy to me. Thoughts, anyone?

    Such a wise woman Kellie!!!!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Day 1 and Day 2 challenges are DONE!!! Also completed it the 5 miler. I stopped counting my water at 16 cups. I have been under my calories yesterday and today. I have been really good about increasing my protein too. My muscles are quivering today but I am ON this week. :drinker:
  • lmmiller1
    Ok, this is in no way meant to dampen anyone's determination or enthusiasm or anything, but I'm just asking the question, in case this is the right question for anyone here. I haven't seen you guys in real life, I don't know much about your health or weight histories, and I don't know how you feel at the weights you are now.

    If you're really struggling to get past a certain weight and it's close to your healthy BMI, is it possible that maybe that is the weight your body is naturally most efficient at? Sometimes I know we can get hung up on a number, and maybe that number isn't really something that nature requires of us. Have you spoken to a doctor ever to see what the official recommendation might be?

    I went to a nutritionist and he said that I would probably be at my goal weight at 170, even though that's at the very tip-top end of the BMI scale for my height. Now that's not going to stop me from busting my butt to get to 160 or even 155, but those are just numbers I picked because they sound better to me than 170. If I get down to that vicinity on the scale and find that I just can't seem to break 170 without starving myself and exercising 2 hours a day, then maybe I'll just have to accept that as my goal weight and just focus on toning after that. I haven't been at my healthy weight since 8th grade, so I have no idea what my body will be like at that weight now!

    Like I said... I could totally be full of crap about this, so if that is not your situation, just disregard. I just noticed that there seem to be a lot of people on MFP lately who are really close to their goal and they can't seem to get any lower without eating less than 1,000 calories and sweating like a fiend, and that just doesn't seem healthy to me. Thoughts, anyone?

    Such a wise woman Kellie!!!!


    That sounds like genius logic too me!!!
  • tagrady
    tagrady Posts: 172 Member
    Kellie~ That is definately a very good possibility! I've been trying to debate that logic in my head, if this is the weight i'd be happy sticking to. I guess I've determined that i'm going to give it another few months of trying to meet my goal weight in the middle. I'm not going to push for the 150 anymore, i'm just going to shoot for another 5 lbs over the next 2 months. Hopefully my body will get over this plateau. If it doesn't budge in the next few weeks, well i'm going to have to re-concider this my goal weight!! Still at the EXACT same weight today as friday (my weigh in day.) so that is making me believe your thought process might be right!


    (sorry it's wednesday before I'm getting this to you:frown: )

    OUR BIGGEST LOOSER IS................DRUMMROLL PLEASE..................:bigsmile:

    szczepj with 4.5 lbs so far 2.5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Heofon with 3.7lbs and 1.9%!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    U2fergus with 3.6 lbs and 1.5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kcgslp with 2.8lbs and 2.2%!!!!!! and she thought she was at goal already!
    lmmiller1 with 202lbs for 1.2%!!!

    :love: GREAT:love: JOB:love: GUYS:love:

    ~your fearless leader
  • kiltbunny
    kiltbunny Posts: 159 Member
    Holy smokes you girls just burned it last week! I'm hoping I'm on pace to get near the top this week. :)

    Kellie - for your question, I am a true believer that everyone's body is different and that weight is relative. My goal is 130. People look at me now and do not think I should weigh that – even my doctor said he thinks 145 is my goal weight by just using the weight/height formula and eyeballing my frame. The difference is I was 130 until around 2006 (24 yrs old) and I was healthy as an ox and really could have stood to lose another 5 lbs or so! I think you should ignore the BMI and work until you feel that you are at your peak no matter what the number tells you that you "should" be. Your body will let you know when you're "there".

    So, if anyone is really concerned about this, you need to have the real pinch test (calliper) to determine your real body fat percentage and help you determine your proper range. Women over 18 should have a body fat % of 21-24% to be "fit"... 14-20% to be athletes.

    For the record, my BMI actually moved into the "Over" range today!!! 30%! It means little, but it's still good to see. :)
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Holy smokes you girls just burned it last week! I'm hoping I'm on pace to get near the top this week. :)

    Kellie - for your question, I am a true believer that everyone's body is different and that weight is relative. My goal is 130. People look at me now and do not think I should weigh that – even my doctor said he thinks 145 is my goal weight by just using the weight/height formula and eyeballing my frame. The difference is I was 130 until around 2006 (24 yrs old) and I was healthy as an ox and really could have stood to lose another 5 lbs or so! I think you should ignore the BMI and work until you feel that you are at your peak no matter what the number tells you that you "should" be. Your body will let you know when you're "there".

    So, if anyone is really concerned about this, you need to have the real pinch test (calliper) to determine your real body fat percentage and help you determine your proper range. Women over 18 should have a body fat % of 21-24% to be "fit"... 14-20% to be athletes.

    For the record, my BMI actually moved into the "Over" range today!!! 30%! It means little, but it's still good to see. :)

    Agree about the pinch test, for sure. Body fat is definitely the culprit here, not just pounds.

    Congratulations on moving in the Over range! I'll be SO excited when I get there!! :-D
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    OUR BIGGEST LOOSER IS................DRUMMROLL PLEASE..................:bigsmile:

    szczepj with 4.5 lbs so far 2.5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Heofon with 3.7lbs and 1.9%!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    U2fergus with 3.6 lbs and 1.5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kcgslp with 2.8lbs and 2.2%!!!!!! and she thought she was at goal already!
    lmmiller1 with 202lbs for 1.2%!!!

    :love: GREAT:love: JOB:love: GUYS:love:

    ~your fearless leader

    Jessica... all I can say is you are freaking amazing. WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!! :glasses:

    Everyone else... woo-hoo! We're kicking butt! :) Go Skinny!!!!!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    OUR BIGGEST LOOSER IS................DRUMMROLL PLEASE..................:bigsmile:

    szczepj with 4.5 lbs so far 2.5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Heofon with 3.7lbs and 1.9%!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    U2fergus with 3.6 lbs and 1.5%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Kcgslp with 2.8lbs and 2.2%!!!!!! and she thought she was at goal already!
    lmmiller1 with 202lbs for 1.2%!!!

    :love: GREAT:love: JOB:love: GUYS:love:

    ~your fearless leader

    Jessica... all I can say is you are freaking amazing. WELL DONE!!!!!!!!!!! :glasses:

    Everyone else... woo-hoo! We're kicking butt! :) Go Skinny!!!!!

    Well done is right!!!! Jessica! Wow! You go girl!

    Congratulations to all of you that had a great week! But watch out! I am coming for a top finish this week! :wink:
  • u2fergus
    u2fergus Posts: 422 Member
    Ok... I have a new mini-mini-mini goal I want to set for myself, and I could use some Skinny encouragement to get me there.

    I work from home now since I got married and moved to Indiana a few years ago, but I used to work in the office when I lived in Michigan. I still work for the same company, and I have to go in to the office there for a day every few months. A few years ago, they had a Biggest Loser competition at work and it was extremely discouraging for me... I got up the nerve to enter the competition and put my weight up on the board, and then some of the office ladies downstairs were total cows about it and extremely not nice. (I'm not sure why they felt so superior... they're nothing but a bunch of chubby little dumplings who couldn't do a burpee or a windshield wiper if their life depended on it, but whatever.) Anyway, it was so mortifying having to deal with them that I ended up dropping out of the contest after just a few weeks. Needless to say, I am ALWAYS extremely self-conscious about going in to the office now and having to walk by the office ladies--if I've gained a pound, they look me up and down and their faces let me know they notice it.

    I know that it's pointless to try and do anything to impress them, first, because I don't value their good opinion and, second, they wouldn't give it anyway, no matter what I did. BUT... I want to be able to walk in there knowing that I have worked my butt off and suceeded at losing this weight FOR MYSELF. I would really, really, really like to get to 225 lbs, if possible, by Monday 9/26. That is lower than anything I've ever weighed since I started working there, and it is an important number for me. (I know, I know... I've just yammered on in this forum about how we shouldn't put too much emphasis on arbitrary numbers, but I'm going to do it anyway... believe me, it's nowhere NEAR my healthy BMI and I'll have to get past it eventually anyway.) I don't want to do this by eating under my 1200 NET calories... that wouldn't be a permanent loss, and I mean to keep this off. I'd like to just get in some extra intense cardio each day, as that seems to be the most effective way for me to lose.

    So... can I get some accountability for this goal from my Skinnys? I promise I won't get mad if you check up on me. :flowerforyou: