Weight Loss Tips & Tricks Please!

Hi all! This is my third time in the app. I've tried it before, but I have a hard time managing my food intake and finding motivation to track my food sometimes. What gets you through the times where motivation is low?


  • Bronty3
    Bronty3 Posts: 104 Member
    Short term goals and non scale goals helped me. By non scale I mean there was a dress I loved that I no longer fit into and getting to the point that I could wear it again was a victory. Then I chose a new goal and went for that. Also, I decided to stop beating myself up for one day or two days or even a week of not tracking and worrying about it. I saw them as breaks where I still tried to incorporate what I had learned but didn't want to weigh out the food I just wanted to grab it and eat. Lastly, make sure your loss isn't too ambitious. I finally stopped shooting for the 2 lbs. a week at 1200 calories. It made a huge difference. I was like 1 pound or less is better than starving and giving up. Good luck!
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    There are no shortcuts. Focus on executing the basics as consistently as possible. It's become cliche to discuss embarking on a lifestyle change but for those who successfully lose and maintain long term, that's truly what they do. When you do have motivation use it to work on your baseline dietary habits so you don't have always have to rely on motivation to work towards your goals.